Writing/Playing music.Seeing films,Art museums,dancing,chorography of swordfights. Long distance precision shooting { target only,nothin' against hunting, I just can't bring myself to shoot Bambi }
Someone who knows how to sew up Sword/Bullit holes.
Mine,The Rolling Stones,Steve Earle,Buck Owens,George Jones,Hank Sr.,The Werewolves,Classical,Flaminco,Bluegrass and anything "Roots Rock"
Peter Jacksons "King Kong",Patton,Saving Private Ryann,Slingblade,Any John Wayne film,any movie with a Pirate in it.
History channel,A&E,Discovery Channel,Lost,24,Heroes,Cops
The Bible, anything written by Larry Mcmurtry and Louis L'amour
God,Jesus,Quanna Parker,Blackbeard,General George S.Patton and anyone who ever has,is and ever will have the balls to pick up a weapon and defend the United States Of America.