We have New Zealand's largest range of band t-shirts. Most of which are imported from Oz, where the images are printed by licensed manufacturers on premium quality t-shirts.As well as providing the coolest tees, we aim to deliver exceptional customer service and fast shipping. To ensure you're fully confident with purchasing from us, we provide a secure payment page or alternatively you can give us a call to place your order over the phone. We accept all major credit cards, bank deposit and cheque.So we hope you enjoy your time here at bandmerch.co.nz. Feel free to browse our selection of items, and make sure you check back often because we will continue to add new products all the time. If you have any feedback, comments, or death threats, send us an email or give us a call.Rock on,BandMerch.co.nz team
For all enquiries, submissions, hate & any other question about how to live your life:Email:[email protected]/Retail storebandmerch.co.nz/Brushed by Black
49 Devon st eastNew PlymouthNew ZealandPhone Toll Free: Coming soonTel: (06) 7597060
Fax: (06) 7597059CLICK HERE TO SHOP AT bandmerch.co.nz .. ONLINE STORE