MUNSTER TiMES profile picture


First Issue out Soon

About Me

it's a real inditment on our education system when someone who can't even spell, or work a microwave is able to make his own zine. so here is a tray rag in which we feature some fine talant. i pretty much speak with bands i like, so im being a prick with the bands i choose and speak to bands i want to speak to, i couldn't give a fuck what other people want to readif anyone wants a copy it should be avaliable in a few stores soon, but if i can mail it to you just leave a measage or whateverAnyone who wants to make a contrabution, idea or hate mail, concact [email protected]

My Interests

whatever Jeremy Clarkson says i agree with

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who reads this tray rag, so i can thank them and question them why


First issue- Features Mikey Young from Eddy Currant Seppression Ring on the bands new disc and other stuff, Andrew Taylor from Life to Order on how the band is and on their new singer, Natalie van den Dugen on the up coming Tote doco, Ally Spazzy on what the new album will sound like and some fun on the road, and Pinky Beecroft on his band the White Russians and how he loves and hates Melbourne. All this and more in the first issue out soon.Second issue- The first one isn't out yet, but the second one is well under way. It features Ray Ahn on his latest project WOG, Michelle Clark from Fist Fights VS Fences, and Wally Meanie on what has been happening with the Meanies


The Tote Doco


Rage, Top Gear


the stuff done by F Scott Fitzgerald (it amazes me what a talanted guy he was, and how such a talanted guy could also be such a knob)


Henry Rollins, Paul Weller, Leon Davis

My Blog

Thanks Burnsy

Fuck, where going to have three captains in three years down at Collingwood. It was always going to be hard replacing Bucks, but Scott Burns did a great job. Apart from Leon, Burnsy was my favorite pl...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:55:00 PST

2008 Season review

Well, the 2008 footy season has come to an end, well there is still another two weeks to go, but since I'm a one eyed Collingwood fan, the season is over in my book. 2008, was a great year for the bla...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:15:00 PST

Trial Kennedy interview

heres an interview with Aaron from TK. Enjoy   Trial Kennedy -Matt Ryan Trial Kennedy is a band that are certain to make a splash on the Oz music scene. The band has released two great EPs and ha...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 06:02:00 PST

Lyrics Born interview

here is an interview i did with Lyrics Born back on the 29th of June. Mr Born wasn't the most plesent muso ive talked to, but if you had to stay up after a show to do an interview with a dropkick...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:45:00 PST

Ode to Anton Newcombe

ever since i saw DiG, ive always had a bizzare interest in Anton Newcobe and his band The Brian Jonestown Massacre. when i statred this fanzine, i knew i wanted to conduct an interview with him. his b...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 04:53:00 PST

Witch Hats interview

here was an interview done with Krist from the Witch Hats done in March. Enjoy     Q: Now you guys all lived in Tassie before you made the move to Victoria. What's it been like and do you ...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:25:00 PST

Anti Flag interview

in april i got the chance to interview Pat from Anti Flag for Buzz Magazine. Pat was some where in America, just finishing his sound check, while i had to get up at 9 to do the interview. it was the f...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 04:16:00 PST

modfather returnes...

...but will he be playing all the jam classics. Fuck yeah he will the greatest british geezer to pick up a gutiar, Paul Weller hits the forum in August. with a back caterloge that rangers to the ...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:19:00 PST

Leon vs Daicos

I have a question that needs answering, who is better, Leon Davis, or Peter Daicos? Ever since Brain Taylor claimed Leon could end his career better than Dacs, ive been wondering who is better. Stats...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Mon, 19 May 2008 04:13:00 PST

more music on telly

Watching some old tapes of Rage today, and saw some kick arse old shows. I saw TISM on Recovery, AC/DC on Rock Arena and some live footage of the Ramones and The Jam (Paul Weller is the best) and got ...
Posted by MUNSTER TiMES on Sun, 04 May 2008 03:34:00 PST