Electronic Music Calgary profile picture

Electronic Music Calgary

Electronic Music by The People for The People

About Me

Electronic Music Calgary brings together Electronic Musicians and fans of Electronic Music in the Calgary Area. Concerts are put on the first Thursday of the month at Cantos Music Museum 134 11th Ave. S.E. www.cantos.ca Admission is $5.00 .....EMC Club Nite with "Live" Artists and DJ's every 3rd Thursday of the month at Soda 211 12th Ave S.W. www.thesoda.ca/ http://www.myspace.com/sodanightgallery Doors @ 8:00 show usually at 9:30 $ 5.00 .....We also do some shows at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Center .....If you are an Electronic Musician in Calgary and would like to be added to the listing on this page let us know .....Come join the EMC Sync Discussion group .....http://groups.myspace.com/emcsync.....If you are Electronic and are playing in Calgary let us know or feel free to post a message up on the site .....Looking for musicians to play "Live" So if your interested contact us here or.... http://www.myspace.com/emcproduction   www.electronicmusiccalgary.com [email protected] .....I'm sorry but we just add Electro related music and people profiles Even though we have had some fine groups wanting an add We would like to keep this site Electro related thanx :0)

My Interests


Member Since: 11/8/2005
Band Website: electronicmusiccalgary.com
Band Members: EMC Artists in Calgary ..........Adrian-J's beats , Alan Reain , Amor Seco , Animattronic , Anthony Tan , ArghBlarg , A [SOH-Shuhl] Art , Association of Improvising Musicians Calgary , Atomic (DJ Sures) , Augean Stable , Axis of Conversation , Azeda Booth , Bank of Canada , Beach Police , beatbuddymusique , Beneath These Idle Tides , Birque , Bomber , Brandon Smith , brokenpaws , Bruce Haack (Alberta Electronic Pioneer) , Bulbous , burman , Caleco Calling , Cardboardbox Records , Chimpanzee Helmet , chinpira , Chrisb , Chris Tenz , criação , Daeus X McKenna , Data.Disk0 , Death Fetish , Decay of Innocence , Decay in Motion , Dewi Wood , DJ Apocalypse , DJcorry , DJ Nope , DJ Seraph of One , DJ Stilz , DJ Medic , DJ Saga , Dockta Valkus , dogpuppet , Dialectic , Dominic Fabriq , Don Simmions , Doomsday Asteroid , drubbin , Duck! , Dylan Kennedy , Edwin Isford , Electronoise , Elijahl , Escapist Opportunities , Factoryhead , FalconHawk , fist fight in a car , FooksFooks/Jane Vain , Furrowed Brow Ambient Music Festival , Ganglion , Geosphere , Ginsbergs' Inkling , Hydralic Empire , inevitable decline , Isolated Ground Reptacle , Jeff Willett , John Wilkinson , Jon Delerious , jtripper , Kara Keith , Kelly , Kid Kancut , Kimodus , Koke Bottle Glasses , Laura Kavanaugh Ian Birch , Lesssound , Lobotomy Records , Logic To Madness , longwalkshortdock , Love Singer , Lowebrau , Mannequin Depressives , Mantrakid , Mass Repeat , MC/LC , Mental Funk , Micah , Michael O'Hara , Mike Pathos , m!NDkONTROLuLTRA , Mista Kay Himself , Moksha Dragonwing , Nikmis , Norah Lorway , Nose Fucker II , Meretricus , Morgan Greenwood , Nebulous (Neb) , Neighbor , Nephew Redman , Nixego , No Trebles , nrXic , Octoclops , Open Fors , Orpheus Sound , PBF , Pedro Monkeyfinger , Peter Redecopp , poplar phasmatis , Phasmatis , PhonoTactic , Pi-'Da-? , Pixapart , Preytek , Pyklo , Receivingend , Resident Giant Killer , Resonanz Korper , releveleR , Revolution , SFDE Scott Freeman Davidson and The Evidence , Robot Dreams , Sean Perrin , Second Architect , Shamik , Smash box , Smoth , Sneakybeatz , Soft Circuit , Solo Minotauro , Spogfrawne , Spontany , Subsektor , Synthian , Tales from the Planet , Tetrix , the analog(ue) kid , the down payment , The Petrichor , The Spambots , This Final Death , Timothy Allan , Toxic Shock Syndrome , Tristea , TurboCat , Vi An , Voila , Voltage Control , Voltage Controlled Oscillator , Wal Martian , Weep, O' Mine Eyes , Weird Science , wings + heaven , Wvtrvlr , Xenoglosia
Influences: EMC Producer contact http://www.myspace.com/emcproduction  
Sounds Like: "EMC Sync " Message Board http://groups.myspace.com/emcsync
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Anomalous Disturbances Press release Cantos Oct 4 8pm !!!

Anomalous Disturbances Press release Cantos Oct 4 8pm !!! Electronic Music CalgaryCantos Music FoundationAnomalous Disturbances performs Thursday, October 4th, 2007 at 8pm at Cantos Music Foundation -...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:22:00 PST

Calgary Electro groups to play for an EMC shows ?

Calgary Electro groups to play for an EMC shows ? HiSince it's the start of a new season of shows after the summerWe were wondering who would be interested in playing live at one of our shows through ...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:31:00 PST

EMC Forum reminder for Calgary people

Hey allMKU made a good point that not many use the EMC ForumWe'd hope that the Calgary people here on our list would hopefully make use of this forum moreThere's been some cool and interesting stuff o...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:05:00 PST

Casio SK samplers amd related cool Kids keys for CircuitBending

Hey all yah SK Casio and Kids sampler fans check this site out !All the info for Kool Circuit Bending sampler lo fi 8 bit ...Kats and Kittens !http://www.casiosk1.com/This is the shit !!!!!EMC...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:55:00 PST

Mannequin Depressives Live at Soda video here !

Mannequin Depressives Live at Soda video here !at the EMC B Day partyIf yah missed it or were there yah can check it !These guys so Rawk!here....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XdWQxVoR2g http://www.y...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 08:57:00 PST

Retractable synthesizer yah gotta see this video !!!!!!!

Retractable synthesizerThis is Amazing yah have to see this video!Really watch this you will so like it!EMChttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm_FzLya8y4&mode=relate d&search=http://www.neatorama.com/2007/...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:47:00 PST

Bruce Haack Electro Pioneer from Alberta ELECTRIC LUCIFER CD Release

Hard to believe but the Electro Pioneer Bruce Haack came from AlbertaThis guy was amazing and lived a very interesting lifeTry and watch the documentarry movie about him The King of TechnoYou''l find ...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:15:00 PST

Furrowed Brow show pics and sound up

We have some pics and sound up from The Furrowed Brow Ambient Music FestThere's more pics up on Furrowed Brow's site tooThanks all for coming it was a nice niteThe artists were really good !Hope to do...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Tue, 22 May 2007 05:28:00 PST

Atomic + Fist fight.. Show pics here

For yah all Here are the Atomic + Fist fight show picsTaken by the very cool Mr Kan our most excellent EMC photo takerEnjoyhttp://www.nerdlab.net/EMC/main.php?g2_itemId=1244
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:14:00 PST

Data Disk0 live recording from Soda Show here...

You can hear a recording of the Data Disk0 show from Soda here...http://www.getonmycock.com/data.disk0.04.19.2007.wavW e also have pictures up from Data Disk0 + Moksha Dragonwing ShowIn our Gallery...
Posted by Electronic Music Calgary on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:46:00 PST