Art, Music, Theater, Writing, Poetry, Prose, Anthropology, Archeology, Science, Politics, Law, Government, Peace, Justice, Environment and the Human condition.
Everyone with a healthy point of view that is willing to discuss rationally with an interest toward finding solutions.
Classics, Salsa, Folklore, Reggae, Country, drums, congas, guitar, piano, flute, trumpet, chop sticks or conch shells.
Ghandi, The Man Who Would be King, The Mission, The Outllander Series
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Ghandi, Benito Juarez, Alvaro Obregon, Augusto Cesar Sandino, Martin Luther King, Alvin York, Amelia Earhart, Vivian Thomas, Thurgood Marshall, Guy Gabaldon, Carlos Fonseca Amador, Cpl. Pat Tillman and all those that have fought for an ideal of freedom, justice and equality regardless of risk.