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“Like new alchemists we lit the fire and trusted the heat to refine out recipe for victory”

About Me

Self... One of those glorious intangibles that if you get it, there needs no explination and if you don't none can be given, i.e. Bob Dylan, either you hear it or don't. I'm an idealist, perpetually caught between reality and the effort to conform it to a dream. I'm a girl growing into more then I bothered to imagine. I'm disabled. I'm free. In short, I'm a twenty-four year old walking study in contradictions, ever changing, ever static.

My Interests

Life, revelling in the glory there of. Books, and a not so fortunate compulsion to purchase them. Music, art, the basics.

I'd like to meet:

To quote Ms. Ani Difranco, 'someone who isn't afraid of me. In other words, someone who isn't afraid of themselves.' Anyone who has more to say then what they were told. Someone who doesn't assume I'm an illiterate dolt simply because I'm a cute blond. People that read, and if its sold at a grocery store, it doesn't count.
Your arch-nemesis is: Oscar Wilde

Why? Because they tried to steal your identity
The winner will be... They are going to kill you
Take this quiz at


Man, I was raised by an avant-garde jazz musician in Wichita, KS. I could go off for days, but I'll leave it at anything that neither offends the auditory palate nor leaves one less intelligent.


Once again, gotta start with that whole not feeling dumber for having submitted myself to the stimulus. Besides that I'm a firm believer that Kurosawa just might have been the second coming and that The Princess Bride is by far the best chick flick ever made.


Cartoons (especially if said cartoon happens to be FullMetal Alchemist,) Law & Order SVU (because you've got to love Ice-T as a cop,) sometimes the history channel and that's about all I can condone.


Uh-Oh... Cringe... Revert back to ealier references. Yeah, so if you got pissed that a teacher made you read it, I probably adore it. Ayn Rand is the devil. Tom Robbins might be the definition of douchebag. Kerouac is a pussy. Dickens is brillant. F. Scott (and if you really don't know the name, go find a library... right now) is definately a deity. Thompson, well, like him or not, he is one of the few truly great writers that didn't die before I was born. Henry Rollins (yes, he is an author) is the man. If you haven't read House of Leaves, I stongly suggest you stop screwing around on the web and do so immediately; you'll thank me later. I absolutely LOVE, ADORE and occasionally, in private, worship Mr. J.D. Salinger. Did I mention that I'm a bit of a book worm. Oh, and if you've never read The Never Ending Story, and you're old enough to read this, there is no excuse, remedy that situation also.


Any of the immortals, those whose lives produced something beautiful enough to far outlast them.

My Blog

Tomorrow... This is it....

Posted by Zadi on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:23:00 PST

Saturday, May 17th and the circle that is life....

I find myself exhausted and really wishing that my neighbor hadn't fried that harddrive, or at least that he'd bothered to retrieve the info off it, or that I had the time/energy to go through th...
Posted by Zadi on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:20:00 PST

Tonight, Mtrch 14th 7 - 10 p.m.

This is all I’ve done for the last month, prep for this show SO everyone should come check it out... ...
Posted by Zadi on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:15:00 PST

You Should Be Doing This Friday, February 15th

Posted by Zadi on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:22:00 PST

The work is finally done for Final Friday!

Photos shot on location at Eternal Hotrod! Its our first Final Fridays and we've busted ass to get everything together for it, so come check it out!...
Posted by Zadi on Wed, 23 May 2007 03:12:00 PST

Nine Days Late, and Twenty-Seven Dollars Short

I actually wrote this a week or so ago, but didnt get around to posting it until now. The actual event happen circa 7:20 a.m. on May 20th. I am fully aware, that I could edit my little blurb to proper...
Posted by Zadi on Mon, 29 May 2006 02:55:00 PST

P.S. What the fuck?

     I know that I am currently residing in the good 'ole heart land that is Middle America. You can tell this by the burning sensation of reddish tent that hi-jack my cheeks whene...
Posted by Zadi on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:04:00 PST


In the midst of another tumultuous torrent, I find myself surrounded by a softly lit room, in search of that moment of clarity when the silent-screaming-whisper of self begins to reverberate, the soun...
Posted by Zadi on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:51:00 PST

Flip a coin

Life always changes on the drop of a dime. It is the hairpin turns, the break in life's curves that leave us forever changed and never prepared. A pessimist would say that death is an end. An optimis...
Posted by Zadi on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:43:00 PST

I'm Sorry

      I'm sorry! I don't have any contagious smiles for you, and my well of fairy dust is running a bit dry today. Can't you tell that something is off? The sparkle that magne...
Posted by Zadi on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 03:45:00 PST