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om de plume

as we attempt to emanate the divine, so the divine attempts to emanate us.

About Me

"Love dances in our hearts, like light on water."

"Love is the only frame that fits the light."

"For it (love) spread over the face of the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it." ~Ode of Solomon 6:10
I am still seeking the way 'home.' I have yet to find the perfect harmonic combination that resonates with me. Much of the time I have felt like a musical note that has the right intention yet still warps. As the ocean, I haved ebbedand flowed, raged in wild waves, and I have been still, appearing to vanish. And I return to Source and rest; contemplating and recreating the frequency for the next hour of my journey.
Ultimately, hoping to become truly one with
The Divine Source so that as my waves flow out, they
may draw more into the One Stream of Consciousness
& Love that is God .
I live to spin my thread
And weave it into the sacred fabric of love
Leaping off into the glittering expanse of sky
Floating translucent dreams making the eternal-go-round
Experiential, elemental, ethereal substance of this faith
Begets the source of flight
Freefalling grace, space wind on my cheek
Sky-high, diving, spiral infinite ascention
Spark of dust caught on fire trailing silver
Strands of laughter throughout and around again.
I was beginning to think magical, heavenly places were but a figment of my imagination; forgetting the way... the bread trail dissolved into the earth. I forgot to look up to see the rainbow on the horizon; the entry into the parallel reality that is if you want it. Now, as I get closer the picture becomes real again. It is as real as the dream."
Much Love & Gratitude to RaK for the following ~

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"Love is not blind. It increases vision." ~Aristotle

"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." ~Bono

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." -Richard Bach


All that is interesting & beautiful

"Music can change the world because it can change people." ~Bono


"Example is better than precept" ~Aesop
"When you know that you are eternal you can play your true role in time. When you know you are divine you can become completely human. When you know you are one with God you are free to become absolutely yourself."
~Mother Meera~
The stars are now aligning ~ creating a passage way...
“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
“Open the gates of wisdom, tear the veil of ignorance, enter the abode of Divine Bliss. Rest in peace forever.”
-Sai Baba
Blessed Are The Meek
"When power is gentle, it has a beauty; then it is nothing but the power of love. In other words it is no more power, it is simply gentleness. It is in this context that Christs' statement can be rightly understood: Blessed are the meek for theirs is the kingdom of God."
"Going All the Way"



Spiritual Philosophy, Cultural Histories


Love and all it contains.


Immerse your hands in the colors of the light. Make a difference in our world. It is with our hands that we affect change.

"Hillary Clinton told me that if all women between 18 & 24 voted, they could determine our leaders everytime."

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My Blog

True Love

Christ's Love was God'sGod said: Christ was harmonious, and yet he was firm in what he knew. He was not swayed. He ventured forth in a straight line. His God-given mission was to bring others closer t...
Posted by om de plume on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:44:00 PST

in mourning

in mourning please forgive my not responding to your messages & comments. thank you for your friendship. see ya sooner miss u christi
Posted by om de plume on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:48:00 PST

Ode to Simplicity

    The art of simplicity is as subtle and difficult as the use of intelligence. Both need dedication, commitment, patience, in-depth analysis and insatiable curiosity  as well as a constan...
Posted by om de plume on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

3 Om's for SCF

  I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.  ~Michel de Montaigne~Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character.  Blessed is he who acts th...
Posted by om de plume on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:39:00 PST


Fable of the Forgiving Father  -Author Unknown     (A humorus rendition of the parable of the prodigal son.)   Feeling foot-loose and frisky, a feather-brained fellow   for...
Posted by om de plume on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:33:00 PST

Cool Clear Water

    Joni Mitchell & Friends ~ Lets Get Together         Joni Mitchell ~ Woodstock           woodstock ~ final...
Posted by om de plume on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:56:00 PST

A Kick In The Astral

thanks to~RosalieuniversaL*Visions now THIS is raptured thought. it is breaking tradition and stepping outside archaic boundaries. Christ offered this ~ others spoke of the same ideals ~ there is no n...
Posted by om de plume on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 08:43:00 PST

Wisdom through Darkness

..> ..> Thanks to rIa ~? tHe "I" oF rIa This is a vital truth of true balance... for without this understanding ~ how can one see what is? Wisdom through Darkness When consulting to organizat...
Posted by om de plume on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:02:00 PST

Sense of Wonder

Thank You~?tHe "I" oF rIaThis perspective is brilliant ~ thanks for sharing... i like that, the 'facilitative leader' experiences wonder but must make conscious choice to allow it (wonder) to expand i...
Posted by om de plume on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:08:00 PST

Be Aware

There are other 'awarenesses' on the agenda... kids, parents... take the time to think. Think about what the 'drugged' reality is and take it to the next level. Do something before it's too late. Ther...
Posted by om de plume on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:06:00 PST