Rag-And-Bone profile picture



About Me

After fronting a number of different bands as a singer, he started playing acoustic guitar properly and started writing songs for a future album. At that moment Rag-and-Bone was born.
Rag-And-Bone men gathered stuff that other people had thrown away as junk and fixed it back up again. And that’s sort of my concept with Rag-and-Bone, I take music that has been thrown away and mold it into something new. Hopefully with a new energy to it, says Mats. The throw-away music in this case being old delta blues, country, gospel, bluegrass and different kinds of folk music that he was influenced by and added his own arrangements and drive to. If the music can be described as old roots music, replanted, the same can be said about the debut album.
Recorded by Pontus Snibb at Admiral Street Recordings in Malmö on his portable studio, basically consisting of a laptop computer and a pair of mikes. And of course the fellow musicians whose services Mats has enlisted.
Quite a number of friends dropped by the mobile recording studio along the way. Live, even more so, whoever’s been available for the day have dropped by on stage. When Rag-and-Bone played the Malmö festival he was joined by percussionist Peter Martin on Djembe-drum while regular drummer Marcel Strub filled in on an empty beer keg and washboards.

- Sometimes I don’t know who I am playing with until I’m on stage. The only thing that is for sure is that nothing is for sure, says Mats Nilsson.
Marcel Strub (drums) have more or less been a permanent member in Rag-And-Bone since March 2007 but different musicians will join in from time to time.The album was released in 2007 by Musicspot.
Rag-and-Bone represented Sweden at the European final on Emerganza Acoustic Show Case at the Ampere Club in Munich, Germany 2007.

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"I think it's one of the best albums I've heard in a long while...'kiss the sad boy' is brilliant..that tune is stuck in my head.'Rag and bone rag' sounds like Ronnie Lane with Zep!.."
Guy Griffin - Quireboys

Driving rural acoustic blues from Sweden

Swedish performer Mats Nilsson (for Rag-And-Bone is he) continues the current fine vein of excellent country/Americana-styled music coming out of Scandinavia. On his album cover he looks every inch the 1920s bluesman, top half suited and tied, bottom half jeans and boots, acoustic guitar held across his body like a charm, and inside he does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.
His style is rural acoustic blues and opening track Mayfly Blues is a superb example of the genre. Fast acoustic hammering drives vocals as urgent as they can be, reflecting the songs life in a day premise and refrain ‘time’s so precious to me.’
Kiss The Sad Boy (with Maria Davidson on feisty backing vocals and some great organ playing) is another fine piece with a deft phrase or three (‘feed the fire/with goodbye letters’). Nilsson takes the odd diversion or two along the way. There’s the poppy You Are A Perfect Lie, which recalls a backwoods Dolly Varden, as his voice echoes the peerless Steve Dawson’s if he’d gargled with gravel for a few years, Big Skies, which with its lap steel and catchy chorus, is reminiscent of the better moments of the Poco school of country-rock and the jugband stomp of Rag and Bone Rag.
The heart of the album remains the blues though, and Nilsson brings it all back home on the final two tracks, the paean to the travelling man Rambler Stomp and the anguished wail of The Hammer And The White Heat, a ‘whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ piece with the best line on the album in ‘your shadow smells like bad luck.’
Overall a fine album that pays its respects to the tradition while moving it forward, which is what it’s all about.
JS - Maverick Magazine
(A A A A)
Here we go again. A young guy who's worn out countless rock and roll bands, and finally found his own beginnings; who has learned to appreciate roots music, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitars and banjos. I would like to introduce you to mister Nilsson. Yes, Nilsson is another one of those Swedes. A Swede from Malmö. He has chosen the Nom de Guerre Rag-and-Bone, because a rag-and-bone man, fixes things other people have thrown away as junk and sells it. Nilsson, on the other hand, fixes songs that have been thrown away as junk and sells them again on this, his debut album (MusicSpot/Musicplace Europe).
He is not all alone in this endeavour, he got a little help from his friends. Eleven of them, to be exact : on drums, double bass, accordion, banjo, mandolin, harmonica, trombone, electric guitar and vocal assistance in a nice duet. All recorded in the studio of Pontus Snibb. The result is sensational. Nilsson has a fantastic, somewhat hoarse voice, that really comes into its own in great folksy songs like According to Your Plans, Now Forever, Fame Is Just the Last Way Out and the phenomenal closing song The Hammer And The White Heat with its rolling piano and blazing theremin. This song, along with the infectious Kiss The Sad Boy is a song one would like to hear on the radio every day, competes for the title of high point of the album.
Rag-and-Bone is a new name that firmly establishes itself with this impressive and richly mood-laden debut.
Wiebren Rijkeboer - Altcountry.nl
Americana smorgasbord from talented Swede.
- 6/10 "The instrumentation on this album is classic Americana - all acoustic guitars, harmonicas, upright bass and lap steel -
but the vocal delivery and song-writing are not.
Nilsson's songs sound like they are written by a rocker moonlighting as a folkie and, at times, they are all the more interesting for it.
'A Lost Part of Me' is a case in point, with a chorus that is pure rock, just in a different format."
"Nilsson knows his way around a tune and the album is full of great moments ('You Are a Perfect Lie', 'Mayfly Blues' and 'Aiming for Love'). For those who have a snobbery when it comes to their Americana, Nilsson is not the man for them.
However, for those who are prepared to accept an element of genre experiment (Neil Young fans apply here!) then 'Rag-and-Bone' should have more than enough highlights to keep you interested."
Dan Wilkinson - Americana-uk.com
Rootsy Americana
"Charged with energy and drive."
"Mats is a skilled songwriter, his acoustic guitar playing is sometimes spectacular. Super guitarist Jorma Kaukkonen (Jefferson Airplane/Hot Tuna) comes to my mind as an reference."
Lars Lind - Lira Musikmagasin 5-2007
Swedish Americana
"Mats Nilsson, the brain behind Rag-And-Bone's got a cool retro sound in his music. The music sounds desolated like the Appalaches, sometimes Louisiana-swampy and at times the vocals sounds like a feverish Bob Dylan. The Duett "Aiming for love" with Maria Davidsson would have been perfect for Gram and Emmylou. The last track "The Hammer and the white heat" has got this years coolest Theremin part.
A really promising debut."
Erik Süss - Arbetarbladet
”The self-deprecating love song "According to Your Plans", is my favorite, but the whole thing is pleasing and, above all, genuine Americana all the way through. Well crafted songs, an elite group of backing musicians and vocals charged with presence and emotion.”
Lennart Persson - Rootsy.nu
”Interesting and very british-feeling rock and roll with an acoustic timbre and earthy colors, a hint of mysticism, well-played guitars in curious harmonies, and resonating warmth.”
Håkan Engström - Sydsvenska Dagbladet
"One of the best albums 2007 according to Rune Häger - Rootsy.nu"
“It’s been a long, long time since a debut album got me in such a good mood as this one… Mats Nilsson turns out to be a singer/songwriter with a lot of feeling for American roots music as well as british power pop!”
”… a sensationally strong debut. Mats Nilsson turns out to be an accomplished singer singer/songwriter with a trunk full of strong songs based on American roots like delta blues, country and folk music. … It rocks and gyrates, it bleeds and shimmers.”
Rune Häger - Rootsy.nu

- D D D D -
"One thing's clear, it's not junk but a incomparable fine debut album that he delivers."
The content are nothing but glimmering material.
Mats Nilsson with his rasping voice are both joyfull and serious in songs like "Kiss the sad boy",
the captivating "Aiming my love", a fine duett with Maria Davidsson
and the tranquil "According to your plans"."
Hans Bloom - Dalademokraten
- ! ! ! ! -
"Behind the pseudonym Rag-And-Bone hides Malmo based Mats Nilsson who
makes an astonishing mature debute with this album."
"the most impressing thing are exept for the expressive voice,
the way that he with such an ease moves between different expressions and styles.
One of this years best swedish americana albums."
Lars Davidsson - Småläningen
One of the best albums in 2007 according to Lars Marklund - Piteå Tidning! Rag-And-Bone
"An album with a lot of variations, and songs that really grooves."
Unbounded Root music
- P P P P -

"… really good roots album with surprising musical depth.“
"Nilsson and his eminent musicians are stretching all boundaries and are allowing them selfs to drift into longer instrumental passes and sometimes even to approach the genre world music."
Dan Marklund - Piteå Tidning
”…full of inspired folk rock with a blues and country feeling, where Mats’ soulful vocals and acoustic guitar are front and center… Here is all the energy that’s more often than not missing in this new singer/songwriter trend, a kind of freshness that goes a long way. But he also brings genuine song writing, which although it stays within traditional boundaries, still has a personal touch to it.”
Magnus Sundell - Trots allt
”…touches deeply. With a melancholy voice and nimble guitar picking he conjures feelings that linger on.”
Magnus Ransheim - Helsingborgs Dagblad
Reviews in swedish
Review of the gig at Kulturbolaget, Malmö 070712 in Sydsvenskan (in swedish).

Read it here!

Bäst just nu enligt Lennart Persson - Rootsy
According To Your Plans
(från albumet "Rag-And-Bone", www.rag-n-bone.com)
"Mats Nilsson tröttnade på att vänta utanför replokaler på musiker som aldrig kom, skaffade sig en akustisk gitarr och drog i gång enmansprojektet Rag-And-Bone.
Och debutalbumet, som han spelade in med Pontus Snibb, visar att hans val var riktigt. Den självutplånande kärleksförklaringen "According To Your Plans" är min favorit, men det här är rakt igenom snygg, men framförallt innerlig americana.
Med välskrivna låtar, följsamt elitkomp från Mats kompisar och sång laddad med närvaro och nerv."

Wiebren Rijkeboer - Altcountry.nl
RAG-AND-BONE (A A A A)Där har du en igen. En så'n där ung kille som har slitit ut diverse rockband, och sedan hittat sina egna rötter; som har lärt sig att uppskatta rotmusik, akustiska gitarrer, banjo och lapsteel.
Jag vill presentera er för Nilsson. Ja och Nilsson är ännu en Svensk.
En Svensk från Malmö.
Nilsson har valt pseudonymen Rag-And-Bone, eftersom en lumphandlare, fixar bortslängda grejer och säljer dem. Nilsson i sin tur, fixar bortslängda låtar och säljer dem igen via sin starka debutskiva (MusicSpot/Musicplace Europe).
Det gör han inte ensam, Nilsson har fått hjälp av sina vänner. Inte mindre än 11 stycken - trummor, kontrabas, piano, dragspel, banjo, mandolin, munspel, trombon, el-gitar och assistans i en snygg duett.
Allt inspelat i Pontus Snibbs flyttbara studio. Resultatet är sensationellt. Nilsson har en fantastisk lite förkyld röst som verkligen kommer till sin rätt i de snygga folk inspirerade rotlåtarna According To Your Plans, Now Forever, Fame Is Just The Last Way Out och det fenomenala avslutnings låten "The Hammer And The White Heat", med ett rullande piano och en svepande theremin i huvudrollerna.
Den här snygga låten måste, om man talar om höjdpunkten på skivan, konkurrera med det väldigt smittsamma Kiss The Sad Boy, ett nummer som man helst vill höra på radion varje dag.
Rag-And-Bone är ett nytt namn som med denna väldigt stämningsfulla debut verkligen övertygar.
Bäst 2007 enligt Rune Häger. Rootsy.nu Mats Nilsson: Rag-And-Bone.

Bäst just nu enligt Rune Häger - Rootsy"Det var längesen en debutplatta gjorde mig på så gott humör. Malmömusikern Mats Nilsson visar sig vara en singer/songwriter med mycket känsla för amerikansk rotmusik och engelsk powerpop!"
"Det är en sensationellt stark debutskiva. Mats Nilsson visar sig vara en fullfjädrad singer/songwriter med starka låtar i bagaget, baserade på amerikansk rotmusik som deltablues, country och traditionell folkmusik. Och han gör det han gör på ett lysande sätt. Det gungar och svänger, det blöder och det glittrar. Det är musik som är svår att motstå, man kan inte annat än ta emot den med öppna armar. Mats Nilsson sjunger fräckt och initierat, han hanterar gitarrer, munspel och till och med det mystiska instrumentet theremin."
"Här finns inte en svag låt och en höjdpunkt som är svår att slå: den ystra duetten med Maria Davidsson, »Aiming For Love«. Den skulle jag vilja se som video i teve på bästa sändningstid. Det var längesen jag hörde en debutplatta som fick mig att må så bra som den här. Malmö visar än en gång sin klass. Men när ska resten av Sverige upptäcka det?"
Håkan Engström - Sydsvenska Dagbladet."Intressant och väldigt engelsk rock med akustiska klanger och jordiga färger, den lätta mystiken, det snygga gitarrspelet i udda harmonier, den varma klangen."
En av årets bästa plattor enligt Dan Marklund Piteå-tidningen. Rag-And-Bone
"Ännu en skånepåg som visat framfötterna i år. Bakom gruppnamnet döljer sig Mats Nilsson, vars debutplatta innehåller allt från country, blues och folkrock till influenser av världsmusik. En variationsrik skiva med mycket mylla och ett härligt sväng."
Dan Marklund - Piteå Tidning
Gränslös root-musik (PPPP) "En riktigt bra root-platta med överraskande musikalisk bredd. Här finns nämligen inte enbart de klassiska root-låtarna. Ni vet de där skönt svängande bitarna som är så svårdefinierade eftersom de innehåller country, rock, folk och blues i en härligt blandning och som man alltid tycker sig känna igen. Nej, Nilsson och hans eminenta medmusikanter tänjer gränserna och tillåter sig bland annat att sväva ut i längre instrumentala partier och närmar sig i vissa stunder genren världsmusik. Och banne mig om det inte finns influenser av ett akustiskt Led Zeppelin i den välsmakande rotröran. Låter det förvirrande? Absolut inte. Det här fungerar skitbra och den röda tråden är hela tiden djupt förankrad i den amerikanska myllan."
Magnus Sundell - TROTS ALLT"Debutskivan är full av inspirerad folkrock med blues- och countryrötter – där Mats nyansfulla sång och akustiska gitarr står i centrum i den snygga produktionen signerad Pontus Snibb. Här finns all den energi man kan sakna i den nya singer-songwriter-trenden, ett slags friskhet som räcker långt. Men han kombinerar det också med ett genuint låtskrivande, där han visserligen håller sig inom de traditonella ramarna, men gör det personligt och bra."
Lars Davidsson - Småläningen
Rag-And-Bone (! ! ! !) "Bakom psudonymen Rag-And-Bone döljer sig Malmökillen Mats Nilsson som med denna fullängdare gör en häpnadsväckande mogen debut."
"Det som ändå imponerar mest, förutom den uttrycksfulla rösten, är med vilken lätthet han rör sig mellan stilar och uttryck som låtskrivare.
En av året bästa svenska americana-plattor."
Hans Bloom - Dalademokraten
Rag-And-Bone (DDDD)"Helt klart är att han har massor av influenser och att han inte levererar nån lump på ett makalöst fint debutalbum. Innehållet är idel glimrande stoff. Mats Nilsson är med sin lite raspiga röst både glädjefull och allvarsam i låtar som "Kiss the sad boy" och medryckande "Aiming my love", en snygg duett med Maria Davidsson, och finstämda "According to your plans". Han rotar bland musik med djupa amerikanska rötter, blues, country, gospel och skapar minsann även nya ljudbilder med hjälp av det gamla elektroniska instrumentet theremin och sina många musikervänner i Malmö."
Helsingborgs Dagblad - Magnus Ransheim"Han lyckas beröra på djupet. Med ledsen stämma och flinkt gitarrspel förmedlar han känslor som dröjer sig kvar."
Arbetarbladet - Erik Süss Svensk Americana. "Mats Nilsson, hjärnan bakom Rag-and-Bone, har ett otroligt skönt retrosound i musiken. Ibland är det Appalacherna-ödsligt, ibland Louisiana-träskigt och sången låter ibland som en febrig ung Dylan. Duetten ”Aiming For Love” med Maria Davidsson skulle gjort sig bra med Gram och Emmylou. I sista spåret ”The Hammer and the White Heat” har årets snyggaste Thereminparti."
En riktigt lovande debut.
Lira Musikmagasin - Lars Lind Rootsig Americana "Musiken är ofta laddad med energi och driv, uppbackad av ett gäng musikervänner.
Mats är en skicklig låtskrivare, hans akustiska gitarrspel stundtals glimrande,
supergitarristen Jorma kaukkonen (Jefferson Airplane/Hot Tuna) dyker upp som referens i mitt huvud."

Interview with Mats Nilsson made by Helsingborgs Dagblad (in swedish).

Read it here!

BIG SKIES live at Brekille 2007. (Featuring F. S. LEO + Johan Malmberg)
"In my time of dying" live 2006 (Turn it up!!!)
"Mayfly Blues" live 2006 (Turn it up!!!)
How I made my profile:
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 11/2/2005
Band Website: rag-n-bone.com
Band Members: Mats Nilsson - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Theremin.

The line up will change from time to time...
Are you on?
Influences: Bob Martin, Roy Harper, Neil Young, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, The Band, Cast King, Jeff Buckley, John prine, Gram Parsons, Golden Gate Quartet, Townes Van Zandt, John Renbourn, Leo Kottke, Sonny Terry, Bert Jansch, Sonny Boy Williamson II, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Richard Thompson, Bukka White, Leadbelly, Elvis, Skip James, Richie Havens, Ryan Adams, Sleepy John Estes, Willie Nelson, Little Richard, Neal Casal, Big Bill Broonzy, Hank Williams Sr, Staple Singers, Ralph Stanley, Johnny Cash, Robert Johnson, Mississippi John Hurt.
Sounds Like: RAG-AND-BONE
Record Label: www.musicspot.se
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

And now... The future!!!

Great reviews keep coming and it has convised me to make another album. I haven't really been in the right mood for songwriting for a long time now, but it's time to come up with some songs. Ther...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:03:00 PST

ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS (Live video from TV) up now!

Check out my new video recorded live from TV. With me is Pelle Jernryd playing Lap Steel.   2007 were good, 2008 will be better! /Mats  
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 08:40:00 PST

Great reviews!

Check out the great reviews that my album got! Just scroll down the mainpage. I must say that I'm really pleased with how everything turned out. Now I just need some airplay and that's the hardest pa...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:48:00 PST

New videos!

To see the new videos from Rag-And-Bone just scroll down on the main page. The "Mayfly Blues" video are made by my father Tommy Nilsson and the "Kiss the sad boy" video by my father and me. Don...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:30:00 PST

Release Party!

Rag-And-Bone will release the debut album at  www.musicspot.se  on the 19 of September! Release party at Bodoni in Malmo!!! Bergsgatan 20. Starting at 20.00. Loads of people will ...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 03:38:00 PST

None of the colours of the rainbow...

I can't remember a more rainy day ever.  From now on my time will be counted and my biggest effort will be to  take my sorry body (and mind) to a place where disillusioned people with ...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:51:00 PST

Shitty holiday...

No cell phone, no credit card, no drivers licens, no camera... NO FUN!!! What did I do to deserve this? Yes, I know it's just luxory problems but anyway... The camera is broken and can be fixed but ...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:20:00 PST

Woke up this morning...

...and I hated the world. I could'nt belive my eyes. The first thing I saw looking out my kitchen window this grey and rainy morning was people cutting down all the beautiful old Beech...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 05:30:00 PST

I am the champ! (chimp?)

Yes I am... And this is where I'll play on Saturday... http://www.ampere-muffatwerk.de/Fotogalerie_Ampere2005/index .htm Funny things happens when you don't really bother...   Taken from the Spots...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 04:57:00 PST

The Transparent Album!

Hell yeah! The recording of my first album is now finaly finished and it's ready to be sold to the highest bid. Now I have to push my artistic pride and joy in to the fire of  the comme...
Posted by Rag-And-Bone on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:46:00 PST