Art,Horror movies, all kinds of movies really. Archery, SCA, Muppets, Teaching the art of comics, Traveling, I do alot of it.Comicbooks, thats my job, archery, moutain biking, I have a knife throwing range in my yard. Way to much stuff to list. I love my dogs there names are Oscar the dog Castillo and Oliver the tank Castillo. They are dockeys and work as hit men on the side, you know for beer money and all.
Picasso! I would love to meet Picasso! Um wait, thats not what this is for is it. What kind of girl do i want? I'm not sure, someone that gets me. Someone that I get. I think we are all a bit crazy you just need to meet the crazy that matches up to you. Or in this case that matches up to me. Dam maybe i should have just listed bra sizes.
I love music, all kinds. I will go from rap to country. All that matters to me is that the music moves me. I love anything with a story. Sad songs are my down fall. In truth I am a big kid when it comes to music I sing all the time and have a habit of making up songs to everything. silly but true.
All epic tales and all small small stories. I love films, before I got into comicbooks I wanted to make films. Somthing seedy, in a back room, with rope, maybe some type of yellow light and a chair. Somthing with glue, and muppets. Just kidding no muppets. grrr
I bought a 48 inch flat screen and named it Betty. I love Betty. Betty good so so Good!And it plays movies to! And some times I watch stuff that is not movies. I am addicted to the Discovery channel. And all those weird show about other stuff. Tv make brain slower. Need bigger Betty. yummy
My favorite book is Swan Song, I love plays. I read all the time but spell like an idiot. I will list my favorite books later. but here are some, Grimms faire Tales, Alice in wonderland, Draculs, all the monster classics. oh and I love the giving tree. More later!
Fire men, Police , doctors. Those are Heroes. And Batman, drew him for four years he will get pissed if I don't metion him. I will be trying out for Hero statis next week.