free•dom [free-duh m]. –noun. Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
External control. Interference. Regulation. The definition of eating disorders and what they stand for. The feelings can be so overwhelming, and often too much to face alone. Sure there are doctors, dieticians, and therapist who stay by your side to drive you away from your disorder, but often what those who suffer need is a community of encouragement and love to offer them hope for the future. A future free from the need to be flawless in every way. Freedom From The Fear [of imperfection] wants to be that community, and silence the screams of eating disorders crying out in the minds of so many. We want to starve this need for perfection, rather than watch as so many starve their bodies and souls to reach that unattainable goal. This site is entirely dedicated to offering up a place where we can offer hope to one another, and grow together as a safe community all reaching towards a common goal; not towards perfection as the world expects, but toward completely destroying the unrealistic expectations we hold for ourselves. To accept and respect ourselves for who we are.
Eating disorders are something that most people take at face value, they don’t see how truly dangerous or how life consuming they really are. We do. Eating disorders not only tear down your body, but they also lock you in a cage in your mind. You aren’t free, and you aren’t in control, even though you believe you are. Once you’re wrapped up in them, they’ll take control of your life. Its something that we have experienced. But when you can no longer focus no the task at hand because you’re too busy thinking about your next purge session, or how to not make it suspisicous that you haven’t eaten that day, how much control or freedom do you really have? FFTF is something that means a lot to us, because we want to reach out to those who have been through the same thing as us, and just say that you are not alone. We’ve been there, let us help you. We are by no means licensed therapists, but we are two girls who want to be there for you, Pray for you, and we want you to know that we care about you.
We believe that Jesus has the power to heal all of our wounds if we let him. Being a part of a community where everyone is there to help you and love on you is the start to possibly one day loving yourself. That is our hope here at FFTF, for everyone who is looking at this page to one day be able to say the words 'I love myself' and truly mean it. Recovery isn't easy, it’s hard, and it’s a life-long battle, but we want to be there to help you through it. This is by no-means a pro-ana or a pro-mia organization, this is a community of hurt people banding together to try and promote healing, recovery. Whether you’re a Christian, an non-Christian, a boy, a girl, or just someone who’s lost in this world.. we want to hear from you.. and we want you to know that you are loved, even if you aren’t able to fully love yourself yet.
This project is by no means fully developed and we have a lot of growth to go through. We call out to all of you to take this journey with us. To strengthen our hearts and our mission, and to reach out to those who need us the most.