"Fantasy’esque & innerStellar" -summed up an attender after one of first gigs.
Tatu Metso & Atrain Kataja painted melodies by acoustic guitars aside their metal bands; "these are to stay in their original form".
First live performance at the mental hospital. Such of Kaivanto at Kangasala in the forming year 2003.Single acoustic guitar supported singing. Nowadays, additional members join the live performance; guitarists, drum percussionists, keyboardist.. According to the event and requirements.Jump into Vvarieté -community through here!
"Kaihomieli Valpas" -CD can be ordered through webstore:
"Into an unplugged style with physical instruments that create a majestic atmosphere and put you right into the right emotions. Don’t lose this trip to Mother Nature and true spirit of man..." -Metal Invader
"Valkyrend Varieté kulkee vahvasti musikaalisesti omia polkujaan." (Valkyrend Varieté strongly moves on their own paths musically.) -Imperiumi.net
**** "Kaihomieli Valpas on kaikkiaan mielenkiintoinen esitys Valkyrend Varieteen omaleimaisesta osaamisesta." (Kaihomieli Valpas is an interesting performance of Valkyrend Varieté’s own-labeled competence.) -Noise.fi
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