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Cello, percussions, Folk, Nature, Finnish culture and language (Lapland!), Sauna, Fire, spirituality, filosofy, herbs,herbs and herbs, love, create, kung-fu, water, yoga, biological/organic products, metal, Dragon and existing-animals, O'Ceallaigh's, Vera, beeing alone in wide-open spaces gives me a huge kick. At the same time old architecture makes me feel alive as well. Somehow i live in a wrong century but luckely i'm able to enjoy these times very fine.
Hmmm..i'm sure i'm about to meet a lot of people i don't know yet. But i know many people who i love to meet again.
Basicly; every music that comes into my mind will be directly transformed into cello. i listen and play mostly folk and avant-garde. Classical and metal are one and the same for me and i love soundtracks as well (the sissy ones). What i actually love the most are those dark hypnotic rythms and melodies whom i find so much in paganfolk. Somehow this kind of music is exactly the right thing for me.:-) My favorite song from the moment is the Suvetar-song from Gjallerhorn. Apocalyptica i prefere live;best show to see!! wonder if i can do that one day...Philip Glass,james newton howard, piazzolla, Kimmo Pohjonen, Hedningarna, Tenhi,Tsuumi, Gjallerhorn,Faun i discovered live as one of my favorits recently, all favorite (black & death) metal-bands (since 16 years now..and once you have that disease you can't get rid of it.:-) so many more bands, artists who are very inspiring to me... my own music-project is just starting.
I'm sure you and i have seen some of the same movies. Fun hm? ;-)... NNI.
if i ever watch; National Geographic or Discovery.euw yes,excelent; Carnivale and six feet under. But those i knew from they don't count.haha.
From spirituality to science, from filosofical to the newspaper,history, fantasy/fiction sometimes. Mira, thanks for making me Quest-addict!!
all visionairs.