Member Since: 12/10/2006
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Band Members: HAARBN 012
Shattering arabian folk-black metal, based on national motives & sung in the Arabian language. Never heard anything similar before!
4/10 Metal Zone (Gr)
6/10 Metal District (Ger)
6.3/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
7/10 Metal Zone (It)
7.3/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
8/10 Darkside (Rus)
8/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
8/10 Payo UG (Cz)
8.4/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
8.5/10 Visions Underground (Ger)
8.5/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
9/10 Antichrist-zine (Ukr)
9/10 Rockunderground-mag (Br)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
Terrible, occult black-metal based on the Egyptian "Book of the dead". Who will not hear this album - "go upside down in the realm of the dead, eat faeces & drink urine".
0.7/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
4/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
5/10 Visions Underground (Ger)
5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
5/10 MetalFront (Blr)
5/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
5/10 Shapeless zine (It)
6/10 Darkside (Rus)
6.6/10 Metal Rage (Hol)
7/10 Rockunderground-mag (Br)
7/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
8.6/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
10/10 Antichrist-zine (Ukr)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
Melancholy & the calmness. Relax & take pleasure of this beautiful music.
3.7/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
4/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
6/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
7/10 Metal District (Ger)
7.5/10 MetalFront (Blr)
7.5/10 Shapeless zine (It)
8/10 Metal Rage (Hol)
8/10 Darkside (Rus)
8/10 Metal Zone (Gr)
8/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
9/10 Visions Underground (Ger)
9/10 Payo UG (Cz)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
Absolutely serious, "scale" prose from Belarusian musicians. Live silhouette taught in musical language, history, full of drama and spaced out.
8.5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
9/10 Darkside (Rus)
9/10 MetalFront (Blr)
++ MuzGazeta (Blr)
The second album of the very young Armenian band is wonderfully recorded and performed. Their music avant-garde metal with a touch of black metal, and being performed by Armenians, is difficult to categorize. Imagine an amazing mix of the best works from Emperor, Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir and even Opeth, mixed wonderfully in the style of Antimatter or Tenhi. An eight to nine minute tracks flies by in one second, leaving satisfying and full memories.
3/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
4/10 Metalglory (Ger)
4/10 Payo UG (Cz)
6/10 Dark city N41 (Rus)
6.5/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
6.5/10 Metal District (Ger)
7.3/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
7.5/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
7.5/10 BurnYourEars (Ger)
7.5/10 Metal Zone (It)
8/10 Musica Mustdie (Rus)
8/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
8/10 Ave Metal (Pol)
8/10 FYU-Zine (Bel)
8/10 Metal Message (Ger)
8/10 Metal Rage (Hol)
8.5/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
8.5/10 MetalFront (Blr)
9/10 Darkside (Rus)
9/10 UTM (Ukr)
9/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
++ (Ger)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
The band with no analogues! Your guide in the world of ghosts. Listen to their music but don't surrender to its influence!
"Fear is nothing but a function of our mind. The appeared bond cannot be broken - you only have to take it and step on the stones or crash down against the stones like porcelain".
6.8/10 Metal Art N4 (Blr)
8/10 Dark city N40 (Rus)
8/10 Darkside (Rus)
8.5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
++ MetalFront (Blr)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
Scandinavian sound influenced by atmospheric black metal with lyrical concepts of pre-pagan times, ancient tribes and stone-age shamanism.
4/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
4.6/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
5/10 Metalglory (Ger)
5.5/10 BurnYourEars (Ger)
6.5/10 Metal Zone (Gr)
7/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
7/10 Black minds (Rus)
7/10 Darkside (Rus)
7/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
7/10 Sacratum N6 (Ukr)
7.5/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
8.5/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
9/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
++ (Ger)
Solo-project of Massemord's vocalist from Norway. Black'n'roll in vein of Vreid and Khold plus a couple of epic compositions - that's the recipe of this album. Guest musicians - Herr Sykdom (Sykdom), Forrykt & Disease
(Svartskogg), Lord Hastur Warmachine (Massemord).
1/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
5.5/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
6/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
6/10 Arcana noctis (Ro)
6/10 Dark city N41 (Rus)
6.5/10 BurnYourEars (Ger)
6.9/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
7/10 Darkside (Rus)
7/10 Metal Zone (It)
7.5/10 MetalFront (Blr)
7.5/10 Metal Waves (Tun)
8/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
8/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
8/10 Metalglory (Ger)
8.5/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
8.6/10 FYU-Zine (Bel)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
Can anyone play pagan-black in Georgia? Yes!!! Moreover they play in this style at its best not forgetting about their roots.
5/10 Metal Norge (Nor)
6.5/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
6.8/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
6.9/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
7/10 Darkside (Rus)
7/10 UTM (Ukr)
7/10 MetalFront (Blr)
7/10 Metal Library (Rus)
7/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
7/10 Shapeless zine (It)
7.5/10 Metal District (Ger)
7.5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
7.7/10 Maelstrom Zine (USA)
7.9/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
8/10 Dark city N36 (Rus)
8/10 RockCor N4.07 (Rus)
8/10 Metal Zone (Gr)
8/10 Rockunderground-mag (Br)
8.3/10 FYU-Zine (Bel)
8.5/10 The Metal Observer (Alex)
8.5/10 The Metal Observer (Mac)
9/10 Metalglory (Ger)
9/10 Visions Underground (Ger)
9.5/10 Metal Zone (It)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
++ (Ger)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
Mood Diary is the dark side of human soul and brain.
The musical palette of the album varies from ambient to darkfolk and is similar to bands like Of The Wand And The Moon, Tenhi, Harmaa, Antimatter and a touch from recent Anathema albums.
3/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
5/10 Metalglory (Ger)
5.6/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
6/10 BurnYourEars (Ger)
6.5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
7/10 Shapeless zine (It)
7.5/10 Rockunderground-mag (Br)
7.5/10 Zware Metalen (Hol)
7.5/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
8/10 Darkside (Rus)
8/10 MetalFront (Blr)
8/10 Metal Library (Rus)
8/10 RockCor N4.07 (Rus)
8.9/10 FYU-Zine (Bel)
9/10 Visions Underground (Ger)
10/10 Dark city N36 (Rus)
++ (Ger)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
One-man-band project from Georgia, created by the guitarist-vocalist of the leading Georgian black-metal formation - Ruins Of Faith. Warm, enveloping ambient at all does not tire at listening, allowing will relax and easier to take pleasure in beautiful music. And occasionally appearing grandiose notes, force to regain consciousness from dreams and to recollect about Summoning a little. The maintenance of an album is based on the Georgian mythology.
5.5/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
7/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
7/10 MetalFront (Blr)
8/10 Dark city N36 (Rus)
8/10 Darkside (Rus)
8/10 Metal Art N4 (Blr)
8.5/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
10/10 UTM (Ukr)
++ (Ger)
++ Heathen Harvest (USA)
Post Black Metal with progressive influences.
Some will call it modern black metal, but there are a lot of traditional black metal elements present. Find out yourself...
Sounds like Ulver, Arcturus, Ensoph, Solefald, Fleurety,
Thorns, Opeth, Lunaris, Disiplin, Farmakon...
6/10 Darkside (Rus)
6/10 Pavillon 666 (Fra)
6.9/10 Schwermetall (Ch)
7/10 Friedhof-Magazine (Esp)
7/10 The Metal Observer (Can)
7/10 Metalglory (Ger)
7.5/10 MetalFront (Blr)
7.5/10 Lords of Metal (Hol)
7.9/10 FYU-Zine (Bel)
8.5/10 Metal Crypt (Can)
8.5/10 Metal Zone (It)
++ Vampire Magazine (Hol)
++ Zware Metalen (Hol)
Sounds Like: Black, Ambient, non-format music
Record Label: Haarbn Prod.
Type of Label: Indie