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About Me

I'll dream to fail%D%AI'll dream a thousand times%D%AI'll just wake up%D?nd I'll just forget.%D%AIt gets hard to breathe when I look into your eyes%D?oz I know that you're so far away(like I was)%D?reaming of touching the skies(to the skies!)%D?nd I won't wake up%D%ATo die is enough%D%AI'll pray for you to take my life%D?oz I realize your words are all lies (Your words%D?re all lies!)%D%A%D%ASoon I'll wake up from my dreaming%D?nd let myself fall all over again%D?orget what you've read%D%AI'll just wake up and I'll just forget%D%A%D?oz I don't deserve such things like you%D?nd I just deserve to be alone%D?nd dreaming awake is enough for me%D%ATo die holding nothing at all.%D%A%D?ould I just sleep once more%D%AJust to give you something to smile for%D?nd so as I pretend dreaming%D%AI'll give myself a chance to give my entire life%D?or you%D?ut still it's all just a dream%D? dream I won't try to wake up%D%ASo just forgive me I'm just pretending so%D%AThis dream could someday come true%D%A%D%AIt's funny how I dream of such things%D%AThat would make myself believe%D%AWithout asking myself why it's just a dream asking%D%Aof you%D%ASo just forget that i'm wrong to dream of you%D%AIt wouldn't take a time to think of what is true%D%A%D%AI'll dream again (still it would be the same!)%D%AI'll dream again, I'll dream, I'll dream a%D%Athousand times!%A ...... .. .. ....

My Interests

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from autumn to ashes ,O-zoNE, hEd kaNdi, CaFE deL MAR, paUL van dyK, aNaNdA proJeCT, moOnY, boNnie baiLeY, ChiCANE, AstriD suRyAnTo, eRiC pryDZ, LaMB oF GoD, buLLet for My vaLeNtiNE, aTreYU, TriviuM, PAuL WaLL, nELLy, 13 neEDLes, vaLLEy of chroME, uneArTH, SiLveRsteiN, as i LAY dyiNG, buRy youR DeAD, A peRfeCt murDeR, scArs of tomoRRoW, anadiviNE, armoR for sleEP, FuNeRAL for A FrieND, uNdEroAtH, MaTchbooK roManCE, DyiNG feTuS, ZAO, Watch TheM diE, WiTh broKen WiNGs, Dead to FaLL, HawthorNE heiGHtS, A DoZeN furieS, D4L, t.i., FiNcH, urbANduB...and many more


,300,epic Movie,XXX 2,fanTaStiC 4,FaSt And The furiouS 1 And 2,BlaDe TriNiTY,MEET The FoCKERS, WhitE cHiCKS, thE iNcrediBLES, HAROLD And kuMAR goeS To White caSTLE, dudE where's my CaR, euro triP, RoaD triP, FreDDy Vs jaSoN, AlieN vs. predaToR, WroNG TurN, Malibu's mosT waNteD, AloNg cAMe PoLLy, DodGebaLL, duPLEX, Not Another TeeN Movie,OLd SchooL..any kind of movie can do..


MTV, (((MYX))), uNtV, 5tH wheEL, eTC, LifestYLe neTwoRK, BliNd DATe, PiMp My riDe, PuNk'D, the faMiLy guy, jaCkTV, AriraNg tV..wahaha


im really not into boOks


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