Name: - Farisha Mae -
Hobbies: - surf the net, eating, strolling, sleeping, watching movies-
Zodiac sign: - Gemini -
email add: -
[email protected] -
Marital status: - single -
When's ur bedtime: - usuallY 12M.N.-1a.m -
D.O.B: - May 21, 1989 -
age: - 18 years old-
Location: - davao city -
favorite Colors: - green, yellow, purple, hot pink, black -
Country: - PhiLiPPiNes -
favorite Numbers: - 4, 18, 21 -
favorite Songs: -r n b, alternative rock, pop, mellow, ballad -
What You Hate Most?: - waiting!! -
What You Love Most?: - family and friends-
What would you do when you are bored?: - watch movies or hang out w/ mah Fwends -
admire a person before?: - Yeah -
Who is the last person you chat with?: - Hemmm...dOn'T remember... -
Not more than one sentence to describe urself?: - CraZy -
believe in horoscope?: - sometimes -
Scared of heights?: - yes(scary!!)... -
Hot or Cold: - Cold -
black or White: - both-
Noon or Midnight: - midnight -
Morning or Afternoon: - mornIng -
Do u believe in Love?: - very much do-
Do u believe in Urself: - of couse-
Do u believe in Ghosts: - hmmm-
Do u believe in angels: - yupz -
Pick Either one or Both
Pink or black: - both -
Kiss or hug: - both-
Summer or winter: -winter-
Sunny or rainy: - sunny -
chocolate or vanilla: - vanilla -
Hanging out or chilling: - hanging out -
Music or tv: - both -
Night or day: - night -
Love or lust: - LOVE -
Silver or gold: - silver -
Sunset or sunrise: - sunset -
On phone or in person: - in person -
Diamonds or pearls – DiaMoNds are fOreVer!! -
Stupid Question From My Frend
Do u flirt?? – I don’t think so