I'm the drummer for the french metal band Taste of Hell. I live in Metz, in the north-east of France, pretty close to the border with Germany. This is also where I'm studying English, but music remains my main activity. Metal, music in general and my instrument represent the central point of my life. I play drums, I think drums, I eat drums (makes me fart but that's it), I just come with it. I've played in quite a lot of bands in many styles, including metal, rock, pop, funk, as well as cover bands.
I'm currently searching for a second band, which would have to be more Death and Thrash oriented.
So this is it!
If you need a drummer and you think I can make it, feel free to contact me, I'll give you an answer as soon as possible.
Ok, enough for the music side. I like to hang out with my friends, going to pubs or gigs, having a couple of beers, meeting cool people. My first quality is that I speak my mind; it will suit some people and put off others, but I don't care; to be honest with people is the most important. I may appear to be rude at first, but I don't think I am. As long as you don't try to fool me, I'll be the sweetest person to you.
I love nature and I truly care about the future of our planet. I could kill someone manhandling an animal with my bare hands. If I get you, you're done. If you do have the same concerns, at least on this last point, then you're my friend.
PS: I'm a musician as well as a person, and I try to mix both sides on one page. That is why you'll find stuffs concerning music, nature and its protection, metal, beer, friends, girls, family, drums, porn, or whatever; I am truly interested in all those things. If it is beyond you, try to kiss your butt and get out of here. If it is not, welcome again! Thank you.
Salut à toutes et à tous, c'est Tom, bienvenu sur ma page!
Je suis le batteur de Taste of Hell, groupe de métal basé à Metz, en Lorraine. J'étudie également l'anglais dans cette ville, mais la musique reste mon activité principale. Le Métal, la musique en général et mon instrument sont au centre de ma vie de tous les jours. J'ai joué dans pas mal de groupes et autant de styles, dont métal, rock, funk ainsi qu'une plétoire de groupes de reprises.
Je cherche actuellement à former ou intègrer un second groupe plus orienté Death et Thrash.
Voilà voilà !
Si vous cherchez un batteur, et que vous estimez que je peux faire l'affaire, n'hésitez pas à me contacter, je vous répondrai dès que possible. Même chose pour ceux qui ne sont pas musicien: vous voulez me parler? Ne soyez pas timide et envoyez moi un email.
A plus!
If a strange or out of place message is sent to your page from mine, then it has been hacked and it is not me!
Si un message étrange ou déplacé est posté sur votre page à partir de la mienne, c'est qu'elle a été piratée et ça n'est pas moi!