The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage profile picture

The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage

RESET: JUNE 21st 2008 @ Center Stage

About Me

The 5th L is a Baltimore-based but nationally traveled spoken-word poetry group which is made up of David Ross/Native Son and Femi Lawal/The Dri Fish. They are an action packed spoken word experience that delivers spoken word performances with the skilled theatrics of a Broadway show and the high energy a rap artist exerts on stage and yet are able to maintain the poetic integrity of Langston Hughes to entertain and enlighten audiences. As a duo, they have shared stages with international recording artists such as Musiq Soulchild, Saul Williams, Ursula Rucker, Raheem DeVaughn, Fertile Ground, Jaguar Wright, and KRS-One.The 5th L is not only skilled in performance poetry, but are known to host events as well as their own venues. They have committed their talents to avidly introducing creative writing & dramatic reading to elementary through high school students, afterschool programs, detention centers and facilitate a violence intervention program at The University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center (VIP).The 5th L has a passion for artistic expression and with their words they intend to inspire the planet in a positive way using their lyrical content to provoke thought.Albums Avialible on CDBABY.COM-------------------------------------------------- Circle-Circle Dot-Dot; An experimental fusion of Performance Poetry and Hip-Hop accompanied by original compositions of Rock, R & B soul alternative, and instrumentation; cleverly complete with all the respected elements of classic literary art and well-witted lyrics. To Purchase a copy click on this link, ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- The Water Margin; The artist life, the open mic poetry scene, the struggle to make a living selling books and Cd’s and the personal relationships that hangs in the balance. To Purchase a copy click on this link,
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/28/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Native Son aka David Ross is a resident of Baltimore City, a poet and the author of Speech Impediments. David has been humbly inspiring audiences through exquisite lyrics since 1997. This award-winning artist delivers a captivating performance - enlightening listeners on cultural, educational, family, political, self love, social, and spiritual issues. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------The Dri Fish aka Femi Lawal is also a resident of Baltimore City but was born in London, England and raised partially in Nigeria. The Dri Fish has been performing spoken word since 1995, at the same time altering the destructive thinking and decision making patterns of men, women and children alike with his candid social critique offered by his lyricism.
Get this video and more at
Sounds Like: the wind and the spirit doing a dance with two bats, wings impact, water splash and still doesn't wake up Nash Bridges taking a nap.
Record Label: Universal Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Whats Really Good?

1. presents&(brand new open mic venue in Baltimore County)SPEAK UR PEACE THURSDAY'S Each and every ThursdayStarting June 5th, 2008Open MicMusic all night (soul, classic Hip-Hop)F...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:04:00 PST

Who do U think U R????

Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:42:00 PST

I love this white guy, he need to joint Public Enemy or something

Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:26:00 PST

Whacha gonna do, when the end of the month runs wild on you???

As time fly's and we exit the month of April, don't sit home when youcould be out...Saturday Apr 26th, 2008, 8:00pm @ The Turn Table Club2139 Jefferson St, Baltimore, Maryland 21207 (THE 5th L, has GO...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:26:00 PST

This just ain’t right

I know people are killed everyday for so many reasons, in so many ways but this story broke my heart. Actually saw this on the news middle of last week, the footage and allFrom NBC News:The surveillan...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:39:00 PST

Is it that deep?

Does hair make you who you are or just add to it or is just there?For those who don't' know, Native Son cut his hair and it seemed to be big news in our cicle. But what I'm actually offended by, is th...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:11:00 PST

Things to do in BMORE...

"I'm life. I live... I, I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it... can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?" from the movie, Equilibrium.1. Rockmics Entertainment and Undersound M...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:55:00 PST

Why is it so hard for us to accept blame for our problems?

Sitting in a meeting today at North Ave. Central (Education Building). Listening to administration discussing the lack of attendance in Baltimore city school and what can be don to change it. And I&rs...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:16:00 PST

yeah, my dumb ass is up at 5am

5th L sighting for National Poetry Month, during the month of April. Where we’ll be doing performances and creative writing workshops and those who will be there will be performing for us in tur...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 02:14:00 PST

This is gonna sound judgmental but I cant support dumb shit done by smart ass fellas

I think folks should be able to plead insanity if they get locked up and do time more than once for some shit. You gotta be crazy to know that, that place sucks and still continuously make visits. Who...
Posted by The 5th L RESETS: JUNE 21th, 2008 @ CenterStage on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST