Far in the future, a deep space salvage team finds a lone craft floating aimlessly through the stars. On board, there's just one human inhabitant in suspended animation — iRATE, the sole survivor of the Triple 5 Hole; a mining ship that disappeared some 57 years earlier. A major war has been brewing for some time between rival radio-deejay gangs: the Ears and the Heads. In the middle of it all is the Network Executive T-800 and his team of Channel Zero officers, cracking down on the guilty parties and picking up the pieces. Staying only one step ahead of the dogged T-1000, iRATE leads his son and the T-800 to the headquarters of HURRadio Systems- the company that will invent a robotic intelligence that will eventually take over the world. There, they attempt to convince inventor Handsome B to help them stop the future from ever occurring by destroying his work.