Nately are a two-piece from London. They are currently 'in between' drummers and are thus honing their acoustic craftat venues like the 12 Bar Club and the Betsey Trotwood in London although they've also been known to stray as far asthe Night & Day Cafe in Manchester and Bestival on the Isle of Wight.
Frontman Niall Barker has been writing songs for nearly 20 years and is pretty bloody good at it. In addition tosinging, he plays a mean acoustic guitar and has recently taken up the trumpet to prove that you can't be good ateverything.
Sideman Alex S-B plays acoustic bass and tenor sax, occasionally at the same time using a high-risk looping pedal, aswell as providing begrudging but necessary backing vocals.
Their influences range from David Bowie, Pixies and the Smiths to John Coltrane, Nina Simone and Taj Mahal. The bandare in their very, very late twenties.
There are plenty of free downloads on their website or you can buytheir 2005 EP 'Somebody Like You' at Rough Trade in London or on iTunes (see below). There's also a tasty MJCole remix of Mr Pope right here . Email [email protected] if you want to buy a 12".
Have a listen to the tunes above and visit for competitions,downloads, games and photos.
Most of the recordings on this page feature ex-nately members Steve on drums and Will on lead guitar, and are all the betterfor it.
The band's current output, while somewhat lacking in drums and lead guitar, can be found on their website .
Here's Nately in their first televisual appearance of the year, on London Tonight.
The nately boys star in their first ever proper music video, with a plot and everything! Is it an indictment ofsociety's neglect of the elderly, or just another excuse for Niall to wear a Victorian swimming costume (and make Alwear one too)? Have a look and decide for yourself...