About Me
We Love the NationsThis is the deal, our Goal and Purpose. In simple language this is our dream.“We love the Nations†exists to help educate and equip the people around the world to find and use their passions, skills, arts, trades, education and knowledge in a way where they can help, serve and love others in every nation who are poor, dieing, forgotten, discontent, hurting, depressed, confused, miss-educated and in need.We are changing the world, bringing justice, education, peace, joy, hope, motivation, opportunity and love to those who have non.We are equipping those who want to change the world through an idea they might or might not yet have, helping them find and perfect it until it is a reality.We do this because our hearts have been filled with a love that only comes from God, through Jesus Christ and can find no other thing that can satisfy our souls thirst than God’s love.We do this because we cannot find any greater purpose on this earth than being the body and soul that are used to make God’s love visible to others through our passions and ideas.We do this because every human in every nation needs to be loved in a pure, unconditional and sincere way...Mission and PurposeOur mission is to first know and love the one true living GodOur Second goal is to love all peoples without conditions or condemnation, through word and action for the Glory of GodOur third goal is to equip and educate others to know and love the one true living God, love all peoples without condition or condemnation, through word and action and how they can use their unique and powerful talents, skills, passions and dreams to change the world and lives of others.Finally to send out, set in place and act upon this preparation and education, helping position people to serve and fulfill their dreams and destiny, making them a reality..,How we fulfill the missionWe teach apologetics to show how historically, scientifically and archeologically the Scriptures in the Bible have evidence to be reality and true.We teach the Bible to people for the purpose of drawing them closer to God, educating them about Jesus Christ and motivating them to become active, productive, loving, positive people in our country and this world. We equip them to go and serve all peoples in whatever way is needed.We seek, worship and praise God through the Holy Spirit to have an intimate and personal relationship with God, knowing God’s voice to receive wisdom, direction, faith, hope, peace and love as we walk the path God has planned for us.We organize relief efforts and community development in areas of the world (International and internal) where natural disaster, war or disease has caused a need to help people for their survival and well being. Examples of areas where we have helped and plan to keep helping: tornados, hurricanes, tsunami, floods, AIDS, refugee camps, orphanages, hospitals, schools, etc…We organize free activities for youth here in the United States of America, such as concerts, seminars, classes, volunteer opportunities, etc…We feed, clothe, educate, house and help the homeless and poor here in the United States of America, equipping and motivating them to be productive, peaceful, happy and self sufficient people.We help organize events to make people aware of the need across the world and show them how they can help and get involved...A Nation1. A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country or kingdom.2. A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality, sometimes without a physical border, state or land to call home.Who “We†are and what “We†believe
We are followers of Jesus Christ that desire to serve and follow the teachings of scripture and of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught that all the desires, laws and hopes of God could be summed up in two commands for humanity.
That we Love:
To love the one and only true living God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength
To love our neighbor as we love ourselves.- We are a Christian Grassroots (nonprofit) Organization, focused on teaching the Scriptures in the Bible, seeking/knowing the living God intimately, praising/Worshiping the living God with all of our mind/heart/soul/strength, organizing/acting upon relief efforts and community development to all peoples and nations around the world.- We believe the Scriptures of the Bible include the inspired Word of God..- We believe Jesus Christ:o Is the one and only Son of God.o Is the Promised Messiah of God, the fulfillment of Prophecy written about the “Law and the Prophetsâ€/ Old Testamento Is eternal, having no beginning and will have no end.o Is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirito Came down from heaven to earth, was/is without sin, innocent, suffered and Died to pay for the sins of humanity, giving humanity Grace.o Was raised to life that all humanity may have eternal life through the forgiveness of sins.o is the only way that all of humanity may have an intimate relationship with God, thus entering into the eternal Kingdom of God/Heaven..o The person and his teachings are God’s promise, message, voice and gift to the world that:? through God’s Grace towards humanity in Christ and our faith in Christ we are saved from separation from God? we are to love and know the one true God? We are to no longer live and strive for ourselves and a kingdom here on earth but to serve and love everyone, regardless of anything (race, religion, lifestyle, culture, education, wrong doings, etc ) as we love ourselves, living for the purposes of God and for His kingdom that does not and will not end..- We are equipping hundreds of people across the world to go Love, Serve and share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all peoples and nations living in this World.- We are equipping people to organize and take action on their ideas, visions, services, ministries and projects to serve and Love the nations. So far we have had 1-28 people work long or short term in about 43 countries, having plugged hundreds into other like minded organizations. Our desire and purpose is to serve and love the nations, the people of this world, regardless of their age, race, religion, practices, traditions, etc... no conditions or strings attached only Love and Service.- We do desire to teach the scriptures of the Bible and share the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, but our love and service is not dependant or based on anyone’s reaction to the message.- We are not out try to get more people in our religion. We believe many aspects, ideas and traditions within religion(s) are man made and not of God.- We are here to change the world, serve those who have nothing, give to those who are in need and share that the living and only true God desires to know and commune with them intimately and personally if they desire.- We are here to be Christ's vessels, hands, arms, instruments and tools to be used in service to those who have been forgotten in this world. We put efforts into starting schools, medical centers, places of refuge, orphanages, agriculture education, schools for special education, art schools, feeding the hungry, adopting the orphans, etc, etc, etc....- We Love the Nations because Christ is alive inside of us and we are willing to give our lives to and for the nations that they might know God's love through us and find Him. This organization has open arms to stand and work beside any person, church or organization that shares our heart and purpose. May Christ alone be exalted...Christian vs. non Christian Organization?We Love the Nations is a Christian Organization and we believe the teachings of Christ are true. This does not mean we are exclusive of working with non Christians. Many non Christians come on our trips. They do not have to participate in any Bible Study, Prayer or religious aspect of our purpose. Any person working with us will find that we are not going out in the world to give people false words and then leave. We are aware of the stereo type that Christian organizations and missionaries have out in the world.Not all aspects of our organization are religious. Most of what we do would not be considered religious. We are going out to help people with basic needs and education. Our goal is to bring hope, joy, peace, a future and love to the lost, hurting, depressed and forgotten regardless of religion, race, sex, etc…. We hope that because our hearts are motivated by Jesus Christ that volunteers do not push us away as another religious organization they do not want to be part of.
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