LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys profile picture

LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys

The Shows Will GO on...SO GO!!!

About Me

Welcome to my playground. This is Something Simple,LLC. I've got a million things going on, and here's an outlet for it. This page will change from time to time depending on my focus, so bear with me. One day its LivinLiveMusic and concert news updates, next its Parotees (Parody Shirts) or a Real Estate venture or whatever else the wind blows to me.I'm a Live Music Lover. I dedicate time to updating my calendar to inform YOU of what to go see. NO, I do not go to all these events. This past summer I did though. Eventually I'll have my site up and running again and you'll see what I'm working towards. Check out daily for updated shows on my calendar. I post whatever's worth going to in NJ-PHILLY-NYC-BALTIMORE, as long I hear about it. So when your looking for something to see tonight, or check on a tour to figure out what show to see...come here.I created will evolve into a site for all Parody Logo's for Shirts, Hats, Stickers, Panties, whatever gets you wet. WHEN you want to be a part of the this Fashion wave, hit me up at [email protected] and we'll discuss your role.*In the past I've made Steroids All Stars shirts to provoke conversation on the Steroids Era in baseball. Superstars such as Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco and Sammy Sosa have become immortalized, so please own a piece of the Steroids Era.**And the Benny's Shirt. I have nothing against these fine folk. I was going to moe.down last year and past a Denny's and put 2 and 2 together and made a shirt. So Far its a hit here at the Jersey Shore. Buy one.Benny's Shirts Now Available at Steroids Shirts avail in select sizes, so please email me at [email protected], or thru myspace. I thank you in advance!

My Interests

Grateful Dead in GIZA, Egypt 1978 "Fire on the Mountain" while the Merry Pranksters Wave that Flag ontop of the Great Pyramid ....UM @ JiTD 2 in Amsterdam,Look how "SORRY" Joel is on keys!! .... Being inspired. Hanging with good friends in the best setting ever-LIVE SHOWS!! VW's, Creating new ideas, the Oakland A's.

I'd like to meet:

People Coming to Phanphest 3.0 in August!!Coming soon from Splintered Sunlight....a DVD..heres a sneak peak. "The Music Never Stopped"


Umphreys McGee, Brothers Past, moe., OM Trio, Grateful Dead, Phish, Phil and Friends, Galactic, My Morning Jacket, Soulive, Tea Leaf Green, Gov't Mule, Allman Brothers, Robert Randolph, Keller Williams,Jack Johnson, the Doors, Pink Floyd, The Police, Beastie Boys, Last Perfect Thing, Federal City, Karmic Juggernaut, Turtle Soup, Jazz Pollution, One False Move, Paperback Radio, Robert Walter, Stevie Wonder, Panic, Ray Charles, Jonny Cash, Bruce, Dark Star Orch, Karl Denson, GreyBoy Allstars, and so on.


Field of Dreams, American Psycho, Blue Velvet, Jaws, Saws, the Wall, The Last Waltz, Boiler Room, Fight Club, Blow, Scarface, Strangers with Candy(Kids in the Hall) any Will Farrel skit.


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MAD MONEY w/Jim Cramer, The BIG Idea, Fast Money, Sportcenter, Cold Pizza, Mike and Mike in the Morning, Biography Shows, Modern Marvels, Myth Busters, Curb Appeal.


Skittish by M.Doughty. Moneyball The Last night of the Yankee dynasty, love this one! Living with the Dead


Dan Dunn, "PaintJam"

My Blog

Langerado March 6,7,8,9 Artists and news

America's finest Spring Festival has just gotten better. Rather then sleeping in a hotel during spring break in south can now camp at Langerado at Big Cypress Indian Reservation in Sout...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:54:00 PST

Ben C Leaves Tea Leaf Green

Message From Ben And Tea Leaf Green11/14/07 - After ten great years on the road as a touring musician, I have come to the realization that this life is not for me. As a result, I have decided to leave...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:48:00 PST

Personnal news update:

Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:58:00 PST

Blind Melon Tourdates

10.7.7-Decibel at Club Hell Providence, RI10.8.7-Higher Ground South Burlington, VT10.9.7-Canal Room, NYC10.11.7-The Grog Shop, Clev, Ohio10.13.7-The Basement Columbus, Ohio 10.14.7-Howard's Club H Bo...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:51:00 PST

UM News-NE Run, new Live Disc

 Umphrey's McGeeLive At The MuratMurat Egyptian Room / Indianapolis, IN / April 6 & 7, 2007IN STORES OCTOBER 16, 2007First-ever double-live release from Umphrey's McGee!Recorded over two nigh...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:47:00 PST

The Echo Project, Fest near ATL in Oct. UM, moe., P.Groove, TLG, Franti, Phil and Friends...

2007 is the first of many years of ECHO. This kick-off event will revolutionize how music and arts can positively affect our environment through the integration of a major river clean up and innovat...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

moe. at Radio City for New Years Again!!

moe. will once again tear up Radio City Music Hall to ring in the New Year.No word yet on a NYE run  but you know its coming. Last year they played to a small crowd at Irving Plaza on Dec. 30th.*...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:57:00 PST

Irving Plaza and TLA to be Fillmore's

[a href="u 104&S TORY=/www/story/03-29-2007/0004555777&EDATE="] They are being branded as Fillmores... [/a]They are being branded as Fillmor...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:20:00 PST

Epilepsi All Star Jam Review

I know I know It sounds fucked up...sorry, no better way to put it. Phanphest was proud to host this event this past weekend. Thanks to all who came out in support. And for those of you that did....Y...
Posted by LivinLiveMusic, Steroids All Stars, Bennys on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 06:08:00 PST