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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

You scored as Jean-Paul Sartre. You are Jean-Paul Sartre. You could also be called a humanist, because you believe that humanity has the power to change their condition at any time; no one is born a coward, they only choose to be one. You also like open relationships that are far from monogamous, and you possibily have a lazy eye.

Jean-Paul Sartre


Friedrich Nietzsche


Martin Heidegger


Albert Camus


Soren Kierkegaard


Not An Existentialist

Which Existentialist Philosopher Are You?
created with

My Interests

magick, reading, writing, music, girls, sleeping, painting, getting pleasant, meditating

I'd like to meet:

Jeff Lint


girl groups, Spector, Prokofiev, Bach, Donovan, Dylan, Syd Barrett, Talking Heads, Buzzcocks, GBV, Bowie, Joanna Newsome


Peter Watkins, Orson Welles, Jean Cocteau, David Lynch, Woody Allen, mst 3000, Harvey, Donnie Darko, Drop Dead Fred, Fight Club, Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Maybe Logic, Jerry Lewis and Woody Allen movies




Abbott, Jack Henry-- Acosta, Oscar Zeta-- Aylett, Steve-- Barker, Richard-- Bellow, Saul--Blake, William-- Bloom, Howard-- Bradbury, Ray--Brautigan, Richard--Bukowski, Charles--Bunyan, John--Burroughs, William S.-- Carroll, Peter J.-- Castaneda, Carlos-- Celine, Louis-Ferdinand-- Cendrars, Blaise-- Crowley, Aleister-- Cummings, E.E.--Dante-- De Quincey, Thomas-- Dick, Philip K.--Douglas, John--Doestoevsky, Fyodr-- Dylan, Bob-- Eco, Umberto-- Eggars, Dave--Eisner, Bruce-- Eliot, George-- Eliot, T.S.--Ellis, Bret Easton--Fante, John-- Faulkner, William-- Feynman, Richard P. Fitzgerald, F. Scott--Fleming, Alice-- Frazer, James George-- Freud, Sigmund-- Ginsberg, Allen--Goodwin, Donald W.-- Graves, Robert-- Hamsun, Knut--Handey, Jack-- Hawthorne, Nathaniel-- Heinlein, Robert-- Hemingway, Ernest-- Heller, Joseph-- Hine, Phil-- Hitler, Adolf-- Hofman, Albert-- Hoffman, Abbie--Homer--Huxley, Aldous--Hyatt, Christopher S.-- Hyde, Chris-- Icke, David-- Jung, C.G.--Kerouac, Jack--Kerouac, Jan--Kesey, Ken-- Kopp, Sheldon B-- Korine, Harmony-- Krishnamurti, Jiddu-- Leary, Timothy Lewis, C.S.-- Lily, John C.-- Lint, Jeff-- Lowry, Malcolm-- McGuane, Thomas--Maugham, Somerset--McKenna, Terence-- Metzger, Richard-- Miller, Henry--Mills, Jeanie--Morrison, Grant--Nash, Ogden--Nietzsche--O'neill, Eugene--Orwell, George--Palahniuk, Chuck-- Pickover, Charles-- Pinchbeck, Daniel-- Pirsig, Robert-- Plato-- Pollock, Neal-- Proust, Marcel-- Pynchon, Thomas--Redfield, James- Reich, Wilhelm-- Rimbaud, Arthur-- Robbins, Tom-- Rushdie, Salman-- Salinger, J.D.-- Sanders, Ed-- Schultes, Richard Evans-- Shulgin, Alexander-- Sophocles-- Steadman, Ralph-Stout, Martha--Strassman, Richard--Suskind, Patrick-- Sutin, Lawrence-- Temple, Robert K.G.-- Thompson, Hunter S.--Thoreau, Henry David-- The Tibetan Book Of The Dead--Vonnegut, Kurt--Wilson, Robert Anton--White, Michael Weinbaum, Stanley G.-- Winsor, Kathleen-- Wolf, Fred Alan-- Wolfe, Thomas


Tom Robbins, Philip K. Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, Harvey, Giordano Bruno, Michael Andrews (Gnomes of Uncertainty), Crowley, Regardie, Metzger, Leary, Peter J. Carroll, Thomas Pynchon, James Joyce, Guy Fawkes, Jeff Lint

My Blog

where i get my news
Posted by broKEN on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 02:10:00 PST

profound or cliche?

here's some crap i wrote in my journal on August 17th. i can't tell if it's meaningful or bullshit. how many perspectives must i accumulate before i shatter and become unrecognizable to myself? "Ever...
Posted by broKEN on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 02:59:00 PST

Gee, Dubya

Global Warming (GW) Is the result of a world with not enough bushes George W. Bush (GWB) Is the result of a world with two too many Bushes But nevermind the ABC's Let's rid ourselves of Bushes And p...
Posted by broKEN on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:30:00 PST

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 =

12,345,678,987,654,321.Dr. Seuss pronounced 'Seuss' such that it rhymed with 'rejoice.'More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.Armored knights raised their visors to identif...
Posted by broKEN on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:20:00 PST

dream girl

yesterday i took a nap and dreamt of meeting a girl in a class at school, flirting and instantly hitting it off. she was beautiful. she was so attractive and nice that while sitting in the passenger s...
Posted by broKEN on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:16:00 PST

why am i so mean?

i dunno. i thought i was being funny and charming. this is meant for one specific person, but since i'm sure it applies to others, both in my past and future, i figured i should post it as a blog.
Posted by broKEN on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 08:34:00 PST

Bob Dylan's Dream

currently may consist of America using biological weapons to kill thousands of muslims in Mecca and draping a giant cloth of American Stars n' Bars over the Kaba, as Bush delivers a speech of one sent...
Posted by broKEN on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 10:43:00 PST

a friend of mine lost the left side of his body in an auto accident

he's alright now.
Posted by broKEN on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:30:00 PST

idea for a protest

get a large group of people (preferably atheists/humanists) together. have half convert to Christianity, half to Islam, then have every one kill each other. maybe than all the Christians and Musl...
Posted by broKEN on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:54:00 PST

Syd synchronicity

since people keep bringing it up and i don't want to repeat myself a million time, i figuired i'd post a blog about yesterday. i was speaking with a girl in my speech class and we ended up talking abo...
Posted by broKEN on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:09:00 PST