The greatest prison is that which people don't know they are imprisoned in... therefore they will remain in it by choice instead of fighting to get out...
I'm not a Conspiracy nut or anything. Also not anti-govt. I just love to learn about stuff that isn't mainstream. All these things are either proven already or shown to be very close to the truth. When you aren't partying or working, take a few minutes to research this. IT ALL AFFECTS YOU.Many things are not in the mainstream because people are stubborn and closed-minded, and do not wish to believe that the world is any different than they have always known it to be. By not seeking the truth, things only get worse. Everything here is simply summaries and links of things already found elsewhere online only to encourage learning not violence.
If you were ever interested in prophecies, paranormal or if you consider yourself Spiritual but not religious, this is the place where you'll find links to the most widely accepted beliefs... which have been told and proven by so many people from different backgrounds, they should be called FACTS.Best way to control someone is through FEAR. This stuff may depress and scare you at first, but it will then make you stronger. Knowledge IS power
Best sites: - when I 1st saw this site it looked kind of unprofessional and like some conspiracy nut made it.
After all this research I realized the guy who made it fully devotes his time to researching everything. His approach to exposing the truth is more "in
your face" than others and he's a little weird but it's still the same credible info. He backs up everything he says with absolute evidence.
Bad approach, great info. That's all. You can trust him.
- exposes the people who really control everything - admittance by former agents & pilots that anti-gravity technology & man-made UFOs exist - ask me for video
Propaganda Matrix - great streaming media - great streaming media
Coast to Coast AM radio show - Great source - The ONLY talk radio that won't bore you to death.
Go here to listen through internet
CrystalLinks - like my page but MUCH more info
- Stop Nazi Arnold from becoming President (stop Hillary too: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 )
Police & Military Against the New World Order
Red Elk
Red Elk interview downloads
- Native American in important division of famous Hopi tribe
Noam Chomsky - here's a real intellectual for you
Jeff Rense
David Icke
You might hear something you dont believe from a few people and make nothing of it, but when countless people start saying the same things and had very similar experiences, that's when you start opening your eyes to the possibility that things are much different than you ever knew. Listen to the people in the links and then go download some videos and interviews and do your own research. You'll start to connect the dots and find the truth on your own.
Michael Moore doesnt cover 2% of what happened!!! Forget him
01 - Politics, Govt & their technology
02 - A Dose of Reality
03 - How They Fuck You Up
04 - Prophecy
05 - Spirituality vs Religion
06 - Ancient Civilizations & Origin of Mankind & Planet-X
07 - Lies of September 11 & Jewish Connection
08 - New World Order
09 - The Reality of UFOs & Reverse-Engineered Tech proof
10 - Giants & weird skeletons found
11 - VIDEO Section - also some in Journal
Bush & Kerry are SAME
Not political career-wise (only one got chance to be tyrant) but their intentions for us & the world. Actually, both are just puppets for the people who really run things
They're related: Look at Family tree
That's what pro geneologists say:
LINK 1 -- LINK 2 -- LINK 3 -- LINK 4- CBS
Fact is, all presidents and royalty in every country are related to past kings. The blue bloodline. They marry for political/bloodline reasons, not for love.
Links: 1
They belong to same secret society:
It's not just a damn fraternity. Do some real research. They put people in high political and media positions for a purpose, just like Masons.
Skull and Bones members swear a life oath to help one another out no matter what.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4_(video where they're asked about it)
It amazes me that anyone besides corporations would vote for Bush after all the bullshit he did. Does any of them check the facts or just believe TV opinions?
What the fuck is wrong with you?? Maybe nothing... maybe you're just misinformed. A lot of people are. But dont be ignorant and just accept what youre being told. Question everything. Don't let your patriotism blind you. Don't be stupid. RESEARCH.
You need to realize that electing either Bush or Kerry would have same results. There's no difference between Democrat & Republican parties, only between the regular people who choose to be categorized as a Dem or Rep based on empty promises. This is done to give you the illusion that you have a choice when in reality either candidate will only do what those at the top tell him. Even Nader's lawyer Donald Etra, is Skull & Bones 1968, and a good friend of George W. Bush. Expose the vote fraud but dont cheer for Kerry to take over.
The good soldiers are being used to help out these rich motherfuckers when they think they're risking their lives to help this great country and its citizens. Military training breaks people down and rebuilds them in certain image which follows orders w/o thinking much about them. Before WW1 or 2 most soldiers didnt want to kill people. Then training changed from bullseye targets to moving human dummy target and they started killing more. Shoot 1st, think later. For that reason I see how many would be blindly following president's orders even when immorally wrong. At least Iraq war made some change their mind.
We are now in a POLICE STATE . Regular good cops are getting military training and supplies, slowly merging with the military. The masked, nameless cops in black uniforms. The Federal Police.
Police State links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
I'm sure you heard of the PATRIOT ACT , which is being used against US citizens, not terrorists!
They can now raid your house, take what they want w/o warrant, imprison you, and secretly execute you! And if your neighbor tells anyone, they would get arrested too!
Now, PATRIOT ACT II gave us a National ID card based on license.
In 1933, the Reichstag, Germany's parliament building, was burned to the ground. Nobody knows for sure who set the fire. The Nazis blamed communists. This incident prompted Hitler (then Germany's chancellor) to convince German President Paul von Hindenburg to issue a Decree for the Protection of People and State that granted Nazis sweeping power to deal with the so-called emergency. The ''attack'' brought Hitler to power.
The Reichstag fire parallels the Sept. 11 attacks here, and Hindenburg's decree parallels our USA Patriot Act.
And remember those Anthrax attacks? That was weapon-grade Anthrax that came from a US military base in Maryland. That was actually on news. It was sent to the Senators that opposed the Patriot Act first time it was rejected a few months earlier.
"Bush family fortune" - BBC video and others
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 (many videos)
Spread the truth like these people: link 1
Bush or Kerry, we're fucked either way. When people say they will vote for the lesser of two evils, you have no idea how true that is. Fake democracy. Fake elections. Fake Christians. Fake intentions.
It's too late now, but if the public knew who Dennis Kucinich (progressive democrat) and Badnarik ( Libertarian ) were, I guarantee you they would vote for them. The media chose not to give them coverage because they are a threat to Big Brother and corporations. Badnarik was on ballots of 49 states. More than Nader. They arrested him when he wanted to participate in debates. His site has videos of 3rd party debates you can d/l. These guys stand for true freedom and could've made the US better. Unlike Bush & Kerry, they're not in it for the money, power, control, and hidden agendas.
Obviously the election was stolen again. In 2000 thousands of people who had no criminal record were put on a felon list so their vote isnt counted. Here is one video . The woman that told FL to stop vote recount and that Bush won, was also on Bush's campaign team. 3 other Reps got exactly 18,181 votes each in 2000 . If a=1 and h=8, the hacker or insider clearly said "ahaha ahaha ahaha".
2004 Vote fraud links: 1 - 2 - 3 - video/audio - vote fraud in 90 seconds
Sean David Morton - Works as a Remote Viewer for govt and he says the draft WILL happen in June or July of 2005. He says riots will happen because of this. In future he sees Martial Law and gov't putting tracking RFID microchips
into us, and this computer software is called B.E.A.S.T.!!! Remember Bible saying refuse the Mark of the Beast
on right hand or forehead ?
Don't believe it? The corrupt FDA just approved it - LINK
Implantable RFID Chips: 1
- 2 - 3
- 4
- 5
Multiple Automated Readout Chip (MARC)
They started with Animals (dont lose dog), then Kids (if they get kidnapped), then in our clothes , and in products we buy, then soldiers , then us ,
and our money
This shit would sound like sci-fi few years ago
Listen up people. You all know a lot of bad shit will happen soon. I can't stop anyone from having a revolution or whatever will happen.
Just remember - every time people have revolted, they spread their anger too much and started destroying everything in their path, looting, setting fires, robbing, and hurting innocent people.
Even if you're fighting for peace and freedom, don't be an asshole. Don't lose control. Protect the innocent.
And yes, even conservatives are innocent. Not all obviously. They just dont know any better. Some are misinformed and closed minded while others are just ignorant fucks who can't spell and blindly follow people that are destroying our freedom & environment. The Sheeple.
Your entire life you have been dumbed down and told that you are nothing more than a simple human being. Nothing can be further from the thruth.
Every thing in existence is made from the same exact energy but vibrates at a very slightly different frequency causing it to look or feel different. Physical reality is one range of frequencies while death is another.
When you realize this connection you see new possibilities. By changing the amount of vibration of something, you can manipulate it or turn it into anything you want.
We are multi-dimensional beings. We cant see the energy we are made of ( Aura ) because it vibrates at a freq our eyes cant see. We are all very powerful but led to believe we arent by the elite who hold this knowledge.
HEALING can be done without drugs by people who learn to control this energy such as those who practice Reiki and Qi Gong . The new one is Reconnection Healing . It's still all the same energy, just different methods of using it.
You can Astral Project your awareness out of your body and go anywhere you want by learning how to vibrate at a higher frequency, although it's not easy. Depends on person.
If people got together with same goal in mind, and keep meditating & focusing on it, they actually have the power to change reality. And I mean amazing stuff like controlling a hurricane, healing "uncurable" disease, and whatever else you put your mind to if you believe in it. Intent itself is a form of energy.
We need an organized event of mass thought. I guarantee you if we had enough people involved we could do something major. Together we can make other people "wake up"... or even cause planet X to be pushed out of our orbit. Such an event might need thousands of people simultaneously concentrating on the same thing. The Kryon group had over 100,000 people doing it in 1987 & 2003. Studies proved this lowered crime rate in tested cities.
God gave us more power than you realize. This power probably became weak in us because we never use it so we need to learn how to tap into it. In the spiritual world, your thoughts become instantaneous actions because you don't have the physical brain telling you it's not possible.
WEATHER CONTROL can be done simply by emitting high freq radio waves into the atmosphere like the govt is already doing in Alaska . Is this why we suddenly have 4 hurricanes in a row? GOOGLE LINKS
The difference here is that we have the power to do these things with our mind, although hard unless trained, while govt does it using technology. LINK
WEATHER as a WEAPON - 1 - 2 - 3
EARTHQUAKES could also be caused on purpose like Nikola Tesla discovered. He was a genius inventor - link 1 - By now this tech would be very advanced. Used to make Tsunami.
David Icke's video Freedom Road 3 shows you how vibration can create galaxies. Sand actually started spinning and forming little "planets".
CYMATICS - study of how sounds make visible geometric patterns like in above video.
String Theory - everything in existence is made from energy strings that vibrate at different frequencies. Also: multiple universes/dimensions.
Food additives are a big way. There's all these poisons and chemicals that are well known and proven to make you sick but they still let companies use them.Why? Because they feel if suppressed technology cures all disease, the world will overpopulate. That's also why they start wars where millions die.
ASPERTAME - One of worst poisons: Guess who fought to have it used in US... Donald Rumsfeld ! He was CEO in the pharmaceutical company that made it. It's used in diet soda & as fake sugar.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
NEOTAME - The new aspertame
MSG - monosodium glutamate
Tricks your brain into thinking the food you are eating tastes good. Fucks with your brain. MSG is also added in more disguised forms, such as "hydrolysed vegetable protein," "natural flavour," "spices," "yeast extract," "caseinate digest," etc. These additives may contain 20-60% MSG. May lead to attention deficit disorder, autism, cerebral palsy or schizophrenia. Kids are especially vulnerable to GLU/ASP toxicity
1 - 2
Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH or rBST)
Found in milk & dairy products. Makes cows produce more milk... also makes them sick. Puss can ooze from udders into milk. Possibly cancer in humans. Banned in Canada and Europe. FDA corrupt.
rBGH links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
It's made by Monsanto , a genetic engineering company which has also developed Agent Orange , a herbicide tested in Vietnam war that destroyed plants,crops, and mutated & burned Vietnamese people. Also makes seeds that would grow crops for one year only then die, so farmers would need new seeds every year.
Monsanto links: 1 - 2 - 3
FOX News in Florida threatened 2 of its reporters not to tell people about Monsanto & health risks. FOX won the case! This is either in documentary The Corporation or Outfoxed .
Food coloring like Red 40 can kill people allergic to it.
VACCINATIONS - protect from one kind of organism but fuck you up in other ways. Vaccines have Mercury and other viruses in them. When a biological attack comes, do not take the so-called vaccine. It will fuck you up more.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
AIDS & Cancer (viral not chem related) - AIDS was started with Smallpox vaccine in Africa & Hepatitis B vaccine in US: 1 - 2
Genetically engineered crops - have ''Classified'' genes which will make you sick and/or have mind suppressant chemicals
Flouride (aluminum waste) - 1 - 2
CHEM TRAILS - toxic chemicals sprayed by military airplanes over cities around world. Contains anything from chemicals to deadly bacteria to blood plasma.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
TrueOrFalse - compares predictions and which are true or false
"The great Star will burn for seven days and a cloud will make the sun appear double. A great misery for mankind, and an even greater one approaches when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed"
Mother Shipton
The sun's magnetic shift will make one of [Mars' moons?] change orbit and bounce off our atmosphere and chunks will crash into Earth. There will be "rivers of blood" (red dust from asteroid chunk?). Many disasters will happen, but not everyone will die.
Hopi Native Americans
Prophecy tells of blue star Kachina which appears out of nowhere & wreaks havoc on Earth.
Red Elk - Hopi medicine man
There will be 3 events within 10 month period that will cause the Earth to flip over after a collision. Only 10 million will survive. [science has proven our magnetic field reversed north/south maybe 4 times already]
Remember in 1990's they discovered a 10th planet in our solar system? It's Planet X - AKA Nibiru - with a 3600 yr cycle through our system (not around), and it might be involved.
Revelation - from Bible
"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood ." Revelation 8:10-11
Govt started Project Wormwood because they know it's coming.
No time for links and proof now but here's few quick predictions people had:
West Coast - many earthquakes, Mt Sai erupting, maybe Mt St Helens also, tidal waves wiping out coastline cities.
Florida sunk and turning into chain of Islands ... same goes for any place at or below sea level
Hawaii rising above current sea level
USA being attacked by 4/5 armies from w.coast and through mexico. God will then smack ground 3 times and they will flee. Nukes?
US economy goes to shit. Marshal Law. People dying of starvation. US and Canada faking a water shortage.
Before the earth flood/asteroid/planet/whatever there will be mass wars, destruction, starvation
Mt. Saint Helens has already started erupting
Through my research I came to conclusion that the Bible is like a history book instead of just stories of how to behave morally like I previously thought. There's evidence Jesus really did exist but the big question is - who or what was he?
I believe the Vatican is not telling us the whole story and that their interpretation of the Bible is wrong. Maybe the true Christianity was lost when Roman Empire took it over. It's very likely they are withholding artifacts and texts, which could easily disprove their version of our origins. Why would they lie? They could lose power, followers, and who knows what else. Remember when long ago priests were corrupt and did some bad shit? It's in history books. Kind of like the movie Stigmata where they find Jesus' writings saying we dont need Church b/c it's inside us, and Vatican kills those who tried to expose it.
Update: It turns out that Vatican has been infiltrated by Masons. Christianity is a good religion but the ones who control it are not. More in NWO section.
It's only my open-mindedness that let me question all aspects of religion. I tweak my beliefs when I come across something new and so should you. Dont let traditional beliefs control you. Learn & tweak.
What is God? Possibly all the energy from which everything is made, including us, with an awareness and intelligence. Since we are all made from the same energy, is it possible that we are a part of God? What if we are the physical manifestation of his good and bad sides? If the bad people hold his bad energy, are they here for a chance to improve themselves and evolve into good, so that when the body dies, the energy which again becomes part of God, makes him better in a sense? By us growing spiritually, he/she/it evolves. Maybe that's how he became "pure love".
BIBLE CODES - A complicated pattern hidden in Bible that predicted many events.
Religion limits us by putting everyone in a specific category where as Spirituality means remaining openminded to countless possibilities while still trying to be closer to God and wanting peace. You learn and then you grow spiritually.
Believe it or not, the End Times are just around the corner and all evidence points to the fact that if the world doesnt get more spiritual and get closer to God, we're all fucked. It doesnt mean you say a few prayers and you'll live through it. Actually get better as a person.
It's clear most people dont want to change. That's their decision. We're all too much into materialistic bullshit.
There used to be an Assyrian city called Nineveh by the Tigris River in what is now Iraq. Supposedly it was full of crime and bad people. God told Jonas to let them know that if they dont change their ways, turn away from God and keep sinning, He would destroy the city in 3 days. Jonas wanted the bad guys dead but told them anyway. They repented sins, started to be closer to God, and he didn't destroy them.
We are pretty much the new Nineveh. There's so many fucked up people in the world (mainly b/c of bad leaders and those who follow them), that we are all fucked if things don't change. Some say that 2012 isnt necessarily end of life as we know it, but that it's very uncertain what choices we'll make by then. Let's make some good ones and finally change this corrupt world.
Nineveh : 1 - 2 - 3
I'm not here to preach the Bible. I'm spiritual, not religious... but if you dont know history, you're doomed to repeat it. The more reasearch I do, the more obvious things become.
- His right eye is darker (eye-patch?) Will mark people on right hand or forehead Will reveal himself the day after world economy collapses Miracles will happen all over world He will be put in power because people love him
Maitreya is possibly Anti-Christ (false prophet). He is a "great world teacher" and people from all religions love him. Right now he's mentally speaking through Benjamin Creme .
It's said the false prophet will have a mortal wound. It's possible that the person like Maitreya is really good but after being killed he is possesed by the anti-christ but people still follow him
There are also some groups who believe Jesus had descendants, and one of the descendants will come with proof he is related to him. Don't trust any such man, even if he is capable of miracles.
Jesus' Story (a very different one)
Joseph had previous marriage and was left with 4 kids, so Jesus had 2 step bros and 2 step-sisters. From Virgin Mary he also had a younger brother named Thomas and Joses (aka Barnabas). Jesus himself was married to Mary Magdaline and had daughter called Tamara (Sara Kali in Indian) This might be what Templars believe and if true, it's understandable why Vatican would dismiss it or forcefully hide it. It would mean Jesus's lineage continues to this day, and gives him more of a human than godly emphasis. Some think this lineage, or godlike energy within bloodline, is the Holy Grail. Some Illuminati families believe they are his descendants. Too bad they're evil bastards. Maybe this story was made up to give them power (divine right of kings).
Nag Hammadi is said to have 100 times more info than Bible
LINKS: 1 - 2 - 3
Sumerian Tablets - Ancient Civilization
PLANET-X (Nibiru)- Origin of Mankind
Sumerian tablets discovered in Iraq in 1850s tell of man-kind's true history. Iraq has many ancient artifacts crucial to finding our origins. Another reason for war? Most definitely. Besides oil and war profits, we're there for the artifacts which Saddam found.
Tablets mention gods coming down from the sky and creating hybrids with them and humans
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 (Great Link)
How is it possible that back then civilizations from completely different sides of world, such as Maya and Egyptians had same knowledge and beliefs? Both made pyramids, had amazingly accurate knowledge of astrology, and made reference to people from above. Their structures were made pointing to certain constellations, all at 10,500BC.
Pyramids of Giza are aligned to South - Orion Constellation
Angkor Wat Temple - North - Draco Constellation
Sphynx - East toward Leo Constellation as it was in 10,500BC
(maybe underwater Japan) - West
It's believed that people from Atlantis migrated to other parts of world and became the other cultures after it started sinking or whatever. Edgar Cayce said maybe they destroyed themselves by tinkering with an advanced bomb.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Wormwood (Bible name for Planet-X)
The govt knows it's coming but won't tell us. It started Project Wormwood to study it. This might be what destroys most of Earth and kills the population while they hide in underground bunkers and cities. Remaining survivors will then be easier to control.
Humans or humanoid people lived millions of years ago. Ancient Mysteries - great site.
Ancient Artifacts describing possible aliens or very advanced civilizations
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
September 11 just happens to be the birthday of this guy
There were 9 people dead out of 11 shot by the sniper in 2002
The first day of construction of Pentagon building was Sept 11, 1941
George H.W. Bush made NWO speech on Sept 11, 1991
Here is the unclassified document which the WTC attack was based on. It mentions remote-controled drones painted to look like original airplane containing passengers, shooting it down, and blaming on other country.
Marvin Bush was in charge of WTC security. There was a night when all security cameras were turned off & only certain people allowed in. This might be when explosives were put in.
WTC owned by Rockefeller, who is an Illuminati
Building 7 collapsed because Silverstein decided to ''pull it''. You can't set up a controlled demolition in few hours.
There was an object on the bottom of one of the planes, and just before it hit the tower, there was an explosion inside the building. The WTC planes were remotely controlled (cargo planes?), while the one that hit
the Pentagon is possibly a military jet called the Global Hawk. "Painful Deceptions - An Analysis" says few were made and some are currently missing.
WTC hit is pictured on our money when folded :
$1 (NWO) __$5 (wtc)__$10(1st hit) __ $20 (2nd hit)
$50 (crumbling) __ $100 (plume of smoke)
Some "hi-jackers" found ALIVE
Great website on OIL pipeline connection . The guy now in charge of Afghanistan used to work for company that's now building pipeline, which previous govt didnt want.
Firefighters heard and saw explosions which was somewhat demolition-style - floor by floor. Also in documentary.
Sibel Edmonds was a whistleblower that said agents were told to stop translating important documents, so there would be an "intelligence failure" and they could get more funding.
too many to list ... just watch:
9-11 The Great Illusion ( bittorent link ) ( preview video )
An Analysis of the 9-11 Attack
In Plane Site ~~~ LINK 2
9-11 and the Road to Tyranny (more extreme) ~ Link2 ~ Link3
PMatrix site
movie clips:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Firemen discuss 'detonation' (video)
9-11 was not an unexpected attack. It's been planned for a while. I really suggest you see the documentaries listed because Moore doesn't mention anything worthwhile. This is nothing new. Even History channel mentioned US had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor attack.
Why kill innocent people? Because these motherfuckers are really messed up. In return they profit from wars, get more funding, and more control over people by taking away their rights in return for false safety.
911 Truth Radio - streaming audio - repeats every few hours
GCN radio
Their goal: New World Order
These guys filmed FIRST plane hitting and cheered. Kind of seems like Muslims were patsies. Some of the "hijackers" were found alive in other countries. Ofcourse, this war created more real terrorists.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
The world will soon be a very fucked up place to live in. We're about to face death, famine, sickness, imprisonment, and destruction. Are you ready to live in such a world? It's your choice if you'd rather not know about it and have it suddenly hit you in the face when it happens. Life does go on, and you can reincarnate. This shit is about to happen real soon. It's all about incrementalism. Do it over long time with small steps and people will never notice what's happening. We are at the last few stages now. Dont want this to happen? Educate yourself and do something.
NWO is a one world govt with one religion, under the power of a few. Some disaster will be used as an excuse to start Martial Law and the population will be forced into FEMA camps . They have power to suspend constitution in any national emergency!
A big disaster or common enemy will be used to ''unite'' us under this dictatorship.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
They want to get rid of most of world's population, or not help them out during upcoming disasters, so ones left will be easier to control. US will collapse in order for this to happen. Theyre playing God. World divided into sections, not countries.
They will create a one-world religion by 1st disproving or destroying religions from inside. The Vatican is full of Masons not Christians. They infiltrated it. A pope was killed after 30 days in office so Pope John Paul II could take over and lift ban on Masonry. Those child-abusing priests were probably Masons. Done so people lose faith in church. Christianity good, Vatican bad. The Pope has Nazi ties!
LINKS: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
'Experts' Call for NWO
Pope calls for NWO
You gotta realize how advanced their weapons are getting:
Super soldier suit
Anti-Personnel / protester weapons
1 (burns you) - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
How they monitor all world's electronic communications:
VIDEO by govt on cspan on how since early 1900s everything has been leading toward NWO. Well... their view. Start at 15:00 min.~~ 24:30 war&profit ~~ 49+ Soldiers never coming home
I don't know much about them but I do know they are the ones pulling the strings in the world. We have been controlled by them for 1000's of years.
Same ones that branched out into different groups and subdivisions. Even some societies are being used and lied to by the ones with more power. I only know the basics but here's some societies, organizations they use, and symbolism.
Just like with everything else here, even though most info is true, don't take it as 100% truth. They spread many lies and false conspiracy theories to throw us off the track. Some create false branches of the society to confuse people about their true purpose.
Even though most people in our govt are in these societies, the people at the bottom of the pyramid don't know anything. Each level you rise in rank, you're told what you previously learned was a lie. I know the Bush family is high up though... more Herb (Illuminati) than W.
summary from someone's web site:
every president except maybe 5 were masons, and many of the world's leaders are Masons as well as in other secret societies.
LINKS: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
SYMBOLISM: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Are you sure that's really a Statue of Liberty? Read this
What's this on our money? 1 - 2
What the symbolism means 1 - 2 - 3
Ever visited this airport? Look what's there 1 - 2 - 3
The following is hard to believe for anyone, including me, and requires the most open-minded minds out there. I'm putting it on here not because I believe it's true but because it's a good possibility, although obviously hard to prove. Like I said before... I'll provide the links and you make your own decisions.
Consider the following 1st:
- DisclosureProject video shows former pilots and agents admiting to the fact that they participated in projects where they reverse-engineered anti-gravity crafts from the ones they shot down. One woman states that they also have hollographic technology that could fake a craft in sky, and well, fake an invasion. Very credible people.
Audio clip guy says various organizations have been "infiltrated" by the "extra-dimensional beings". Meaning they can change form.
Ancient civilizations had an amazing sense of astrology and knowledge that would have been impossible in those days.
There has many witnesses seeing these craft over many years. Some saw real craft, some saw man-made craft, some maybe saw a plane and thought it was craft, and others made hoax. Still, some were real.
Ancient civilizations such as Sumerians (now Iraq) talk of people coming from above in flying ships.
We proved that giants were once on this planet in the link I provided, that shows skeleton body parts found.
Babylon means "Gate of the gods" ... Sumer means "land of the guardians"
Bible says "sons of God married the daughters of men"
(it should be gods - small g - as in aliens. If you came to them in those ancient times on even a helicopter they would think youre a god. These "gods" are still not God.)
All cultures and religions have the serpent as an important symbol. Ancient cultures also had them as gods like the Aztec Quetzalcoatl.
1 - 2 - 3
There's your facts.
Now let's move on to the weird and "crazy" stuff.
It's been proven we were already "visited". The Bible really is like a history book but wrongly interpreted by religion. I've never really read it but maybe I should. This could get reeeally long so I'll be blunt, even though it'll sound crazy. It's not my interpretation. People already did this, i'm just reposting their beliefs even if i'm skeptical.
A loooong time ago they came and bred with us, infiltrating our society although here for who knows what. There's at least 4 different kinds of them. Sumerians call the 1st aliens to come, Annunaki. Adam and Eve were supposedly the 1st hybrids created with genetic engineering. Yup... sounds crazy. But hey, even with todays technology we could do that, so why couldn't beings more advanced than us?
One of worst kinds here are the Reptilians . They can choose to appear human. They're crazy about power, control, and fear. They can't get enough of it. They try to keep their bloodline pure. Most presidents and kings over the many years are all related to each other. Royalty marries royalty.
Princess Di called the royal family "lizards". Who the hell knows what's true but thats what she said. The Bush family is in this bloodline too.
Arizona Wilder says they love fear and smell of woman's blood in their "no-go" time of month. eww. So if you want to see them in real form.. as sick as it sounds, get some period blood and put it near them or splash it on them (males), and some might get so psyched by smell of blood they might lose control and morph back.
David Icke archives of people's experiences and his Biggest Secret book interview summary.
There have been way too many witnesses of these things, and perhaps that's where the legend of vampires came from (lizards have sharp front teeth, and these apparently like blood), but here is a skeptic who doesn't trust Wilder, just so we have 2 sides of the argument.
People who study this say that all of us have some "foreign" dna... some more than others. Royalty has more original hybrid DNA because they made sure their descendants married other royalty with same blood.
There you go, the origin of man-kind. Born on Earth but eventually merged into human/alien hybrids using genetic engineering. We have technology now to do it, so why wouldn't other beings.
There's 2. The one where we have a real sun and/or planet/space inside middle of our Earth is complete bullshit & illogical. The 2nd makes more sense. We already know the military is guarding very deep holes around earth like Mel's Hole , and that they have underground cities (D.U.M.B.s). There are caves underneath that are miles high/long. For either military, elite, or aliens like cold-blooded reptilians (who stand in sun to warm blood), or other aliens, they have a small artificial sun which gives them light and warmth.
Yea it sounds waaay out there and crazy. But anything's possible. Who knows. Go google this on your own.
link 1
Don't trust anything 100%. They spread lies on purpose to confuse us. Still, read/watch and keep an open mind because all of this is definitely possible.
Yes, we've been visited since dinosaur times, and they are still here, but beyond that I'm really not sure what's true. I know we reverse engineered their technology, and the Disclosure video states the govt might fake an invasion with current technology.
Here are video clips from NASA's recordings showing alien life or phenomena, which a man in Canada recorded over the years using local cable access satellite feeds. These are energy aliens, not physical, but you can clearly see them. Seen by many astronauts, NASA denies it as being anything more than space dust and ice crystals.The full movie is called The Secret NASA Transmissions "the smoking gun"
Can NASA be trusted? They photoshop all photos before giving to public
LINKS: 1 - 2 - 3
They even suggested moving Earth out of orbit using asteroids
Disclosure Project
Fake invasions, staged abductions, reverse-engineered technology... aliens are real but an "invasion" might be completely staged to justify further from the man who's organizing retired military people's confessions of secret projects.
Steven Greer interview transcripts . If you want their video of confessions, let me know your messenger screen name and i'll send it.
Audio clip from Disclosure Project Press conference
Some abductions might have been real, but how come the implants are the size of current RFID chips? You'd expect an advanced species to come up with implants made with nanotechnology that can only be seen by microscope. Maybe "abductees" were test-subjects? Multiple people can be made to hallucinate and hear same experiences also.