To quote RZA from Tony Touch's first album, "...don't worry about the weed or ___, I read books." After knowledge, music comes a close second (that would be Jazz, House, Hip-Hop, Reggae....). Food and Artwork are tied for third. *Insert:"My Melody"-Rakim
Moby Dick with Captain Ahab tied to his side...
...The dude on the grassy knoll...
...One of the S.O.B's who shot Malcolm...
...One of those other S.O.B.'s who were in a dark room in the Katanga Province...
...One of those chad counters in FL...
On another note,
....My greatgrandfather...
...the one named Omawale...
...that brother who they took to the Katanga Province seven days before...
...anyone who was in the Paradise Garage in '77...
...Dilla (R.I.P.)... at age 7...
a woman that would make me think of the words of this song,
*Insert:"Lovely Day"-Bill WithersChanges may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile
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...uh, I think it is all over this profile....
I own 150 plus movies. I think that tells you that I like movies. But to help out a conversation again.... Movies which spend the most time in my DVD player 1.The Sopranos 2.Godfather, Part 2 3.Seven 4.Unforgiven 5.Raging Bull 6.The Machinst 7.Lummuba 8. Layer Cake 9. Sexy Beast 10. Fresh *Insert:"Over The Rainbow"-The Muppets
I once said "Lost" but after watching/witnessing all of the second season of "THE WIRE," I believe that is probably the best written/performed show that has ever been broadcasted on TV, period.
I own over 200 books...but again for conversation purposes...The last great books I read "Will to Knowledge"-By Michael Foucault "One Dimensional Man" By Herbert Marcuse "The Healers" By Ayi Kwei Armah "Medical Apartheid" *Insert: "Black Steel in Hour of Chaos"-PE
So many for an equally so many reasons...Malcolm...Fela...Harriet...Marcus....Lummuba....J Dilla. But I have to acknowledge myself for sometimes I am in awe that I have endured so much. My resistance to pain or injury (physically, mentally and spiritually). *Insert: "Iron Man"-Black Sabbath