Member Since: 10/20/2005
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Band Members: well... there's me on the ol' runt bass (aka violin)-------------------------
and live...such delights such delights my people: the boys of the band------ and verily you will see them on the road --- and you will be overcome with glee... they are nimble of finger. and fly of face.... oh leader's squadron (in no particular order...)
squeezy ian 'shetlanding's a lost art' watson on accordion
daniel glendining geeetar, vox, shirtlessness
ali friend on showstopping bass (quite literally)
the sugarush kid all the way from oz on the ivories, yes and the glockenspiel - that's mr grant very clever windsor to you
and keeping it animal on the drums, mr stevie pilgrim
Influences: where do i start..?this week am loving kings of convenience song know-how that I discovered somewhere in the deepest regions of my i-pod...something about the bass on that.but otherwise... ooh mr nick cave and tom waits esq... soul coughing, esquivel, anything the kronos quartet get up to (especially if it involves clint PWEI mansell), richard hawley (the voice on that man), visotsky, theo bikel, shantel/bucovina club gypsy beats, hutz sergei (my doppel) & the bordellos,----------------dmitri shostakovitch, steve reich, martha wainwright, rufus too, antony, ha! and lamb of course. that track earl zinger did with koop modal mile... and mr devendra banhart - - how brilliant is he?then there's the worldy side of things - darko rundek, the klezmatics (still going strong and I love 'em so), vera bila, taraf, and oi va voi - for nostalgic reasons... AND my top tip...trumpeter avishai cohen (remember the name..)-----------------------------------------------------
-------------film-stylee: anything kusturica, mikhalkhov's burnt by the sun, gadjo dilo, anything the amazing alberto iglesias lends his soundtrack wizardry to....-------------------------------------------------when i'm not getting carpal tunnel on here, i like books, remember them?....bely, bulgakov, dostoevsky, murakami, gogol, and poems by blok, tyutchev, akhmatova, esenin and cohorts....----------------------------------------------
keith richards, yuri basmet, radu lupu & jaz coleman................
Sounds Like: violin, but not as you know it....nick cave stumbles across a drunken accordion player in a darkened underpass somewhere in the haze of a moscow dawn....chopin meets gotan on the steppes..all helped along by the delightful vocal talents of richard hawley, kt tunstall & ralph fiennes.
Record Label: Universal / Decca Records
Type of Label: Major