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Rock N Roll is my Religion

About Me

UPDATE 06/18/08 I HAVE JUST ADDED MY 666TH BAND POSON OATH THEIR EVIL BLACK METAL AND WELL DESERVE THE HONOR, SORRY FOR ANYONE WHO HAD TO WAIT TO GET ADDED BUT I'M ADDING PROFILES NOW. POSON OATH WILL BE UP ON MY MUSIC PLAYER INTILL0 6/22/08 and then it's back to Soilent Green (My Top Frend) or more Down I will be playing Down the weekend of 06/22/08 is look for that, I want to start playing some punk rockabilly metal shit kicker blues soon! UPDATE 06/04/08 jUST THE WAY IT IS iT'S SO NICE TO TALK TO SO MANY OF MY BEST MYSPACE FRENDS OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS WELCOME TO MY TOP PROFILE IS WHAT I'VE SAID TO A FEW GOOD BANDS AND ARTIST, CHECH EM OUT- THIS SHIT ROCKS ANY BAND THAT WANTS PUT ON MY FRENDS LIST LEAVE MESSAGE ANT BAND THAT WANTS TO CUT A MASTER COPY OR DUE A DEMO CHEAP LEAVE A MESSAGE ON TRAV'S PROFILEPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Artists, Musicians, Drunks, Hillbillies, HellBillys, HellRaizers, Writers, Anarchists, Heretics, Witches, Bitches, Strippers and Naked People, Yuppies, Political Types, Outcasts, Bikers, Gun Toting Radicals, Peaceniks, Hippies, PotHeadz, Preachers, Professional Thieves, Street People on Public Computers, Street Fighters, Solders, Drag Racers, Mechanics, Craftsmen and People who take Pride in their work, Farmers, Flower Children, Educators, Teachers and Professors, Fishermen, Sports Fans, Computer Nerds, Religious Fanatics, Atheist, Rockers, Ravers, Sinners, Opinionated Assholes on a Rant, Lunatics, Astrologers, Astronomers, Backpackers, Doctors, Lawyers, Shaman and people into Holistic Medicine, Arsonists, Protestors, College Students, Bouncers, Bartenders, Barflies, Florists, Mountaineers, Pornographers, Moonshiners, CEOs, Bankers, Boaters, Movie Stars, Local Heroes, People who can’t remember their names, Recording Engineers, Rebels, Goat ropers, Loners, Losers, and regular people like me, LEAVE MESSAGE...... The main propose of this profile is to share my love of art and music with likeminded people, I’m mainly into Heavy music but I also love blues, jazz, classic and 60’s rock Visual art is also very important to me and I have a small gallery in my pix section, I mostly post art work I have saw in galleries and museums, but I now have been sent some pretty cool stuff by other people here on myspace and am now putting that up as well. If you paint, draw or take photographic pictures that are of an artistic nature please post them on my comments I like most styles of art, surrealist, impressionist, and modern are my favorites, and I am interested in what you are doing. Thanks to all of the bands that have submitted friends requests, I haven’t had the time to check all of you out yet, but I will. Because of myspace I am now able to hear a lot more music than I ever have had the chance to before and that’s extremely cool. Keep the requests coming I look forward to hearing as much new music as possible. Everyone with non-myspace music profiles, it has been great to meet all of you, myspace offers a unique opportunity for people all over the world to meet and exchange ideas, and I feel blessed to be able to be apart of it. A friend of mine said life should be a pleasant adventure, I agree and hope yours is, until next time, Vatos Amigos……k....... PEACE

My Interests


UPDATE 06/02/08 Well my Top Friends list has changed due to my giving some bands a chance, They all kick ass and are well worth a lessen. Trav’s page is down due to the fact that he can’t access it but I have his new spot there so if you want to know about Bakery Studio then you can leave a message at his little fuced up site I’m still into the DOWN thing (Over the Under) and if anybody saw those shows and you want to relate; send message I HAVE NEW PIX UP IN MY ART GALLERY I HAVE NEW POETRY IN MY BLOG ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 10/05/07 I HAVE SOME NEW THINGS GOING ON HERE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT. THERE ARE SOME NEW PIX UP THAT I HOPE YOU CHECK OUT, MY TOP PROFILE THIS WEEK IS TRAV, HE OWNS THE BAKERY RECORDING STUDIO IN ST PETERSBURG FL AND IS READY TO HELP ANY BAND READY TO PUT OUT A ALBUM GET IT TOGETHER AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. IF YOU HAVE SPENT YOUR TIME WRITING SONGS AND WANT TO MAKE A DEMO OR IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE OR MORE CD’S OUT BUT ARE TIRED OF PRODUCERS TELLING YOU HOW YOU SHOULD SOUND AND THEN NOT CAPTURING YOUR LIVE SOUND WHILE CHARGING YOU A ARM AND A LEG TO DO IT, THEN GO TO HIS PROFILE LEAVE A MESSAGE. TAKE THE FIRST STEP TOWARD GETTING THE MUSIC OUT OF YOU HEAD AND ONTO A QUALITY PRODUCED COMPACT DISC. LAST BUT NOT LEST I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, LIKE I’VE SAID BEFORE WHATEVERS ON YOUR MIND; LEAVE A MESSAGE. THANKS……ka href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"



MDFodHRwOi8vczEyOS5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3AyMzcva3Jw b3dlcnMvP2FjdGlvbj12aWV3JmN1cnJlbnQ9RFNDXzAwMTAtNjAwLmpwZw== " target="_blank"The Evil and Enchanting Lilith Ave Satanas

My Blog


THE ART WORK OF STANLEY MOUSE IN PIX SECTION NOW Davidson Fine Art's latest exhibit, Flesh & Bones, is a retrospective look at the work of Stanley Mouse, an American artist whose creative hand he...
Posted by k on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:14:00 PST


http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p237/krpowers/l_38c0cec89 d35d08a5775d2e3914344d5.jpg http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p237/krpowers/322036318_l .jpg CLICK ON ABOVE LINKS TO SEE SOILENT GREEN A...
Posted by k on Thu, 15 May 2008 08:08:00 PST


                        DOPE AND THE LAW (I just can’t win in my quest to sin)   ...
Posted by k on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:29:00 PST

Roger Waters in Tampa

..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..>..> ..TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes"> Roger Waters in Tampa (Concert Review online 06/17/07) Roger Waters, bass player, song writer for Pink Floyd, ...
Posted by k on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST

The Art of Salvador Dali

                              The Bloody Beans of War  &n...
Posted by k on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:06:00 PST