www.promediosmexico.org [english/french translation on website]... El interes por parte de las comunidades en el manejo de cámaras de video, asà como la sencibilidad de personas que simpatizan con el movimiento rebelde, posibilita gestar en 1995, la idea de impulsar esfuerzos conjuntos con el objetivo de que las comunidades tengan la oportunidad de apropiarse de conocimiento en comunicación que posibilite ser un medio para construir desarrollo y autonomÃa.
Con este objetivo se da paso a la constitución de una organización binacional y multicultural que hoy se conoce como Promedios de Comunicación Comunitaria, que desde 1998 se dedica a facilitar capacitación, tecnologÃa e información del uso de los medios de comunicación, poniendo enfasis en el área de producción de videos.
"The Chiapas Media Project is remarkable! This project is a rare and powerful example of how indigenous people are using the weapons of technology and trans-nationalism to make their voices heard and advance their struggles. Not only are their videos wonderful teaching resources, but their presentations inspire students and faculty alike to rethink old ideas about indigenous cultures, and forge new ties of solidarity."
Maria Elena Garcia, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College
"CMP videos inform and inspire--the videos are gems. CMP presentations are lively and instructive, going beyond the background we need to understand the videos to provide hard-to-get updates on contemporary rural Mexico. We hear the wonderful stories behind the videos and learn about the process whereby video makers and communities interact to shape video story and imagery."
William H. Fisher, Associate Professor of Anthropology, William and Mary College
"The CMP presentation led our students to a place where idealism and courage confront injustice. It is evident that the CMP videos and the discussions that followed have had a long-term impact; students refer to the Zapatistas repeatedly. In times when young people can be overwhelmed with feelings of insignificance, we are grateful for the opportunity to challenge the cynical world fostered by commercial media."
Janice Windborne, Ph.D. Dept. Media, Journalism & Film, Southwest Missouri State University
"The films have a powerful human component that you just ca not get from secondary sources about the injustices occurring in Chiapas and Guerrero. Bringing the event to the Fresno State campus provided a setting for exposure and learning that otherwise would not be present. It’s artistic and informative."
Maria Sofia Corona-Solyluna, Fresno State M.E.Ch.A/USAS
"CMP documentaries are an essential point of entry into the world of indigenous resistance. CMP videos accomplish their goal of telling the story from the perspective of the indigenous by implementing the concept of autonomy in their approach to video production. These documentaries are an irreplaceable guide for understanding the autonomous movement and why it is a workable alternative to corporate controlled globalization."
Glen David Kuecker, Assistant Professor of Latin American History, DePauw University