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Through their many line-up changes and tough times, Spare Change has managed to remain for 19 years! Wow, we know . We love you guys and your support is what has kept us alive.
The story starts in 1979, When Bryan Robertson (Vocals/Guitar) met Erwin Narsolis (bass),& Tom Zawackie (guitar) in the 2nd grade. In 84' Erwin started listening to punk (hard core) and a year later Bryan and Tom started listening to punk and metal . In 86' the three of us tried to start a punk band called the dopes , and failed for lack of a drummer. In 87' we tried again as unredeemable..and could not be saved. Then we hooked up with Phil Anderson(drums) Unfortunately, Tom dropped out and we took a shot at it as war- front,and flopped .
Finally in 89' we hooked up with Trinidad Salinas (drums), Bryan had a guitar, went and got a bass, a cheap amp, crappy drum set and Spare Change (Misanthropic) was formed. In 90' Erwin left the band til 94". Had alot of line up changes because we couldn't get booked. The new pop punk promoters were aftaid of our crowd (which we still have and continues to grow).
In 95' Bryan decided to just sing, Erwin switched to guitar and Ruben Amador got on the bass, followed in 97' by Mikey Chamberlin--which sang back-up's in 89'. Then Erwin left again, followed by Mikey. James Flea Slattery (guitar), and Juan Hernandez (bass) joined in 98'. Then the line up changed again--With Erwin and Trinidad returning and leaving, which are both on the next album.
Bryan Robertson 89-07(Vocals)
Erwin Narsolis 89-06 (bass,guitar,vocals)
Trinidad Salinas 89-07 (drums ,vocals)
Pable S. 89 (guitar)
Jon O'Dowd 89 (drums)
Jim Sahackie 90-94 (bass)(NOW IN ''PIGFACE'')
Jack Bucher 90-94 (guitar)
Derrek Cruz 90 (bass)
Steve Lopez 91-98 (guitar)(NOW IN ''ENDOWED'')
Armond Kent 91-01 (guitar)(NOW IN ''ENDOWED'')
Kevin Jodi Morgan 91 (bass)
Rich Swift 91 (bass))(NOW IN ''VOCALS=ENDOWED'')
Willard Bill Sullivan 91-92 (bass)
Kevin Peterson 92(bass)
Matt Ford 92-94 (bass)
Beef Dan 92 (guitar)
Warren "fish" Fisher 92-93 (formerly screeching weasel & Ozzfish exp.)
Scarry Larry 93 (guitar)
Mike F. 94 (guitar)
Ruben Amador 95-97 (bass)
Dolph Gary 96-97 (guitar)
J.P. Herrington 97-98 (guitar)(NOW IN ''MYRON'' & ''DUNAHILL'')
Mikey Chamberlin 97-98 (bass)
Myron Junior 98 (bass,formerly myron & relative ash)(NOW IN ''MYRON'')
Flea James Slattery 98-06 (guitar)
Juan Hernandez 98-05 (bass,formerly circus peanuts)
Da-Moe David Tittsworth 99 (guitar)
John 99 (drums) (NOW IN''CANCER MERCHENTS)Pat Sure 99 (bass)
Al Salad 00 (bass,formerly in flea bag & uncle brown eye)(NOW IN ''RAT BASTARDS'' & ''DISROBE'')
Jim Sludge 01-07 (drums,guitar:formerly in corprole punishment, pain, injured)
Skippy Jimmy Handley 01 (bass)
Spyro Mike Radick 01-07 (drums,guitar,bass)
Lurky Larry 01-02 (bass)
Gerard ''G-Tard'' 06-07 (bass,guitar)
Mike ''MURF'' Murphy (R.I.P. 1976-2008) 06 (guitar''session'')
John Monahan 06 (guitar ''session'' formerly in s.d.p. ,the press,bad manners,pk dores)
Brett 07(bass, formerly in billigerant outburst)
1989 The crooked edge
1989-90 Flys on shit
1991 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
1992 Today Censorship, Tomorrow Dictatorship
1993 M.C Dope: The Grim Rapper solo project
1993 Menace : Mortality Found
1994 World Peace
1995 This Makes No Cents
1995 Spare Change
1996 Time for Change
1997 Falling Down E.P.
1998 Life
1998 A.O.K Sessions
1999 A Change For The Better
1999 10 Cents in Change (1989-1999)
2000 M.C. Dope:The Return (1999-2000)
2001 Always on my mind Promo-single
2002 E.P. 2002
2004 What it's Worth
2006 17 YEARS....(BEST OF PROMO)
Movies &
T.V Interviews
1999 Ratso at the Expo "Expo of the Extreme " with Jello Biafra, Misfits, Motorhead, The Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, Spare Change, Etc.
1992 Pantera video for "Walk" (Bryan)
1999 CBS "Different drummer"
2000 CBS "Different drummer"
2000 Channel 19 "Kit Kat Scrunch Club"
2002 CBS, ABC,NBC,FOX,WGN,"Starwars Premiere "(Bryan) .. CHICAGO PUNK,HARD-CORE,THRASH HISTORY (1976-1993): Chicago Punk Bands 1977-1983 Tutu & The Pirates 1977/ Silver Abuse 1977/ The Hounds 1977/ Pistol Whip 1977/ Crucified 1977/ The Cunts 1977/Skafish 1977/ The insects 1978/ Boulevard 1978/ P.S. 1978/ Razer 1978/ Immune System 1979/ Mentally Ill 1979/ Baluga and The Human Ashtrays 1979/ Luchs Brother 1979/ Buzzards 1979/ Epicycle 1979/ Special Affects 1979/ The Swingers 1979/ The Exit 1979/ Dadistics 1979/ The Toasters 1979/ Phil N' The Blanks 1979/ Drats 1980/ Front Line 1980/ Identity Crisis 1980/ JT4 1980/ Meaty Buys 1980/ Screamin Rachel & The Remotes 1980/ Static Cling 1980/Negative Element 1980/ Ventilators 1980/Naked Raygun 1980/ Bohemia 1981/ Men 1981/ Bone Men Of Barumba 1981/ Strike Under 1981/ Circe Seven 1981/ DA 1981/ D.V.8 1981/ Effigies 1981/ The Headaches 1981/ Ninnies 1981/ The Scraps 1981/ Subverts 1981/ Rocking Clones 1981/ Vertebrats 1981/ Nodes 1981/ Articles Of Faith 1981/End Result 1982/ Corrosives 1982/ Rights of the Accused 1982/ Protozoas 1982/ Tooth Paste 1982/ Urban DK 1982/ B-Lovers 1982/ Martyrs 1982/ Wines 1982/ Organ Donor 1982/ The End 1983/ Savage Beliefs 1983/ Big Black 1983/ Chicago Hardcore/Thrash Bands 1983-1993: Namsat Rebel 1983/ Zero Boys 1983/ Out Of Order 1983/ Zeno White 1983/ Six Feet Under 1983/ Life Sentence 1984/ Blood Sport 1984/ Master 1984/ Beat Farmer 1985/ Slaughter xtroyes 1985/ Dead Steel Mill 1985/ Intence Decapitation 1985/ The Defociants 1985/ Violent Tumor 1986/ Number Nine 1986/ Screeching Weasel 1986/ Slammin Watusis 1986/ Ozz Fish Experience 1986/ Bhopal Stiff 1986/ The Slugs 1986/ Group Of Individuals 1986/ Algebra Suicide 1986/ Jesus Lizard 1986/ Victim Of Society 1986/ No Trend 1986/ Impulse Manslaughter 1986/ Lost Cause 1986/ Zyclowe-B 1986/ ID Under 1986/ Certain Death 1986/ Boneless Ones 1986/ No Empathy 1986/ Generation Waste 1986/ Slow Children [At Play] 1986/ Macabre 1986/ Trouble 1986/ Sharon Tate's Baby 1986/ Fly Food 1986/ Snoopeez Tape Worm 1987/ Not Us 1987/ Burnt Offering 1987/ The Plague 1987/ Aftermath 1987/ Out Cast 1987/ M.O.S.H 1987/ Syndrome 1987/ General Patton & His Privates 1988/ General B 1988/ Sudden Stop 1988/ Cianide 1988/ Mortar 1988/ Arise 1988/ Splattered Animal 1988/ God Acre 1988/ Bhang Revival 1988/ Zoetrope 1988/ Barbies Army 1988/ Syrinx 1988/ Sex Kittens 1988/ Shades of grey 1988/ Insane War Tomatoes 1988/ Corporal Punishment 1988/ Wrath Child America 1988/ Decrept Youth 1988/ Billingsgate 1988/ Funeral Nation 1989/ Johnny Vomit 1989/ Chainsaw Johnny 1989/ Only The Strong a.k.a Even Score 1989/ Intoxication 1989/ Demonted Ted 1989/ Insolvence Resect 1989/ Infernal Hierarchy 1989/ X-Factor 1989/ Apocalypse Hoboken 1989/ Gear 1989/ Sludge Worth 1989/ Kill Born 1989/ Spare Change a.k.a Misanthropic 1989/ Cranial Structer 1990/ Beer Nuts 1990/ Misery 1990/ C.P.A 1990/ Insult To Injury a.k.a Audacity 1991/ Mob Action 1991/ Dogod 1992/ Corpse Vomit 1992/ Rat Bastards a.k.a Flying Bottles 1992/ Abby Normal 1992/ 15 Month Pregnancy 1993/.......... Original Chicago Punk & Hard-Core Clubs (1977-1993): La Mere Vipere (burnt down may 5th 1977)/ O'banions 1978/ Gaspars 1978/Mother's 1978/ Neo 1979/ Misfits Club 1979/ Lucky Numbers a.k.a Club 950 1980/ Tut's 1980/Oz 1980/ Exit 1981/ Cubby Bear 1982/Metro a.k.a. cabrete Metro 1982/ Dirty Nelly's/ Medusas/ The Vic/ Riviera/ The Palace/ Club Dreamers/ Beat Kitchen/ Hell House/ The Warehouse/ Future Shock/ Avalon/ Traxx/ Smiler Coogans/Floches/ Thirty Whale/ Crawl Space/ McGregors/ Aragon Ballroom/Circuts/Lounge Axe/............... Original Record Stores that sold punk & Hard-Core (1976-1993): Sound System 1976/ Wax Trax 1980/ Kruisin' Music/ DR. Wax/ 2nd Hand Tunes/ Shake,Rattle,Rock/ Reckless/ Record Exchange/........Radio Stations: WZDR/ARGO H.S./Z-ROCK/WHBK/REBEL RADIO.........IF YOU HAVE MORE INFO E-MAIL, LOOKING FOR FOOTAGE OR PHOTO'S FROM BANDS FROM 1984-1994 ALSO BAND MEMBERS FOR INTERVIEW FOR MOVIE ABOUT CHICAGO HARDCORE......PLEASE MESSAGE ME THANKS
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