The Southwest Youth Collaborative (SWYC) is a community-based network of youth and community development organizations working together in five diverse neighborhoods on the southwest side of Chicago. Our mission is to work with youth between the ages of 5 and 19 from diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds to unleash their potential to become successful and actively contributing members of society.
To this end, our programs work to build self-esteem, personal and social growth, cooperation, leadership, cross-cultural understanding, and community awareness among our youth. At the same time, our organizing efforts work to build youth and community involvement in decision-making processes affecting children, youth, and families.
WEBSITE: www.swyc.org
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/swyouthcollaborative
Project YES: Educational Services
Generation Y: Youth Organizing
University of Hip Hop: Arts & Culture
Urban Options: Workforce Development
Technology Undivided: Tech Training & Service
Southwest Athletic Club: Sports & Health
Greater Lawn Community Youth Network: Multicultural After School Program