Collecting cars, baseball, my wife Mavis, riding motorcycles, and my friends laugh at me but monopoly is a routine for me. This is where I got my ford GTMy New Ford GT Wanna Race?
Not to sound cocky or arrogant but I have met everyone I have wanted to meet with my show. I would have liked to spend more time with elvis though, he was a very down to earth guy.
I am a die hard fan of Elvis and Johnny Cash, I also enjoy Led Zeplin, and a little Jethro Tull.
I actually don't watch movies that much, but the shawshank redemption is probably one of my top favorites.
24, house, Jamie Kennedy Experiment, and I often watch my Johnny Carson series on dvd.
I have bookshelves upon bookshelves of antique car, truck, and motorcycle books.
Johnny Carson, he paved the way for me. Without Carson I wouldn't be who or where I am today.