All training courses are currently carried out by the founder of this organisation, Chief Instructor Master Chiu, although there will be guest instructors available at the various retreats.
Master Chiu is an accomplished martial arts expert, with over 30 years experience as a practitioner and 20 years as an instructor in both internal and external arts.
He teaches the module "Philosophy of Oriental Medicine" at Brighton University for the FDSC degree in Complementary Health Care, plus is a teacher of Tai Chi at Sussex Downs Adult Education College and also at Seaford Head Adult Education College.
He is currently undertaking a research degree in Multidisciplinary Health Studies specialising in complementary and alternative medicine, plus establishing an extensive network of masters within the disciplines of Kung Fu and Chi Kung in China through a cultural exchange project.
YOU! If interested in becoming a Chi Master apprentice or just to find out more about our training, ebooks and distance learning programmes, fill in your details below. Don't worry, we won't bug you constantly!
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It's a well known fact that George Lucas based the 'force' on ancient Oriental teachings.
His Jedi are futuristic Shaolin Monks who fight only in self-defence, meditate, maintain healthy lifestyles and practise their art daily.
The idea of the force is taken directly from Chi Kung. Chi is an energy present in everything and can be manipulated and controlled. How do you think martial artists are able to perform such amazing feats?!
Chi-Master covers all aspects of Chi-Kung training, focusing strongly on exercises that promote health maintenance.
Anyone can participate in these exercises, any gender or age. The exercises for health Chi Kung are very gentle, flowing movements that do not put strain on the body (although for those of you wishing to learn martial Chi Kung, this is on the syllabus too!!)
What Is Chi
What Chi Is
Organic Robots
Chi Around The World
Things That Can Deplete Chi