I love music ! I enjoy playing many styles of music and guitar. I like all styles and believe that every style has something to offer. I want to hear every band or musician that I can. The main thing is that I dont limit myself.
Here is my disclaimer :::
This is a place where I can get feedback on what music skills and what areas of my guitar and music I need to work on. I want to find out what people want to hear with guitar and music. I want people to tell me if they like or hate my music, plus it is just cool to log onto the internet and hear your own tunes. I will always be playing guitar and music, you just cant quit something like music. I record random songs and ideas and my recordings are so different from one another, so you wont know what i will do next !! Im not trying to prove something by having this site. I do not think of myself as a virtuoso. Im just trying to get my name out there. Most of the songs you hear on this site are just demos of songs that maybe later down the road I could do a full version of with some better recording equipment. I do the best I can with the equipment that is available to me. I am always looking for other musicians to jam with.so with that said, Listen to my tunes and tell me what you think about each song. Leave Comments. Ive got many songs already recorded and I am always working on new recordings, but myspace only allows 3 or 4 songs on the site at once. When listening to the songs,it is best if you have on headphones so that you will get the full experience because I record alot in stereo, but a good pair of speakers will do just fine.THANK YOU ALL !!!Thank You All !!!
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