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Think: These words you are now reading, whose are they? Yours or mine? The point of this paragraph is to take charge of the voice in someone else's head. Temporarily, my words have taken possession of the language circuits of your brain. I have become, if only transiently, your inner voice. Doesn't that mean, in a certain sense, that I have become you (or you me)? Written text is a primitive but powerful form of virtual reality. In the beginning was the word and words are only symbols of the true reality. Try to forget all your responsibilities, forget all your needs, all your schedules, you have all the time in the world. Let go of all your concepts. Be Aware and Relax for now.
Most humans call me Paully. I'm like you, flying thru the universe on this rock. I now understand life initially is a bunch of mistakes, that we learn from and teach others. I'm always trying to avoid all evil pleasures, deadly temptations, and bad habits. Isn't easy but I can do it, and have fun. Humans shouldn't be too fucking cool or too dorky, those are concepts for the ego, they should follow the "middle way". (thought: standing in the middle of the see-saw)
Angry or depressed? We can start changing at anytime by focusing on the moment. Try seeking within, the inner child in you, instead of out there, because you are the variable that can change this reality.
I've lived around the world and seen many weird things and people. It amazes me how big the universe is, how small we are, and yet we are an expression of it, just like our thumb is an expression of us.
I believe in patterns, seeing signs/coincidences and maintaining a balance. I have this feeling there is intelligence in nature, even non-living things, so I'm respectful to my enviroment.
Purpose of life? Who said there had to be a purpose? I know its not all just about getting ass or money, is it? So many people are waiting and waiting for judgment day, but I disagree. Life is almost like a dance or a song. The purpose of dancing, isn't to get to the END, it's to enjoy the dance, experience and groove with it, in the moment. Don't get stuck in the past or paralyzed by the future, there's really only now. Dive into the moment and plant some good seeds.
Everyone, always be strong and have patience.
Fear Death, like you feared Birth. You won't even remember it, after your reborn.
I like all music (hard/soft) and love dancing to funky house and exercising to reggae, hiphop, rock, yeah mon.
I also enjoy cooking and eating all kinds of food, east and west. Spicy please!
I love all nature and people, even confused ones. I enjoy doing meditation and yoga too. I'm not here for bootycalls or hooks ups. I'm down with meeting cool people and maybe learn something new.
Greed , Anger , and Ignorance are the 3 Poisons that cause all Suffering
Every problem you've ever had,
can be blamed on the 3 Poisons
Give so you can avoid Greed,
to satisfies all your desires
Let go so you can avoid Anger,
to find peace
Learn so you can avoid Ignorance,
to finally be enlightened
Avoid all extremes
Seek the "Middle Way"
- Stress can turn a good man evil. Pain is contagious.
Purify your mind and do good deeds to find happiness.