In reality is that no one's "right". what matters is what you do with the differences, and what you choose to create from it!Hmmmm, what are my interests...I love to work out... I love to cook...I love being with my family and friends, that always brings a lot of joy to my life...I love horseback riding, and just animals in general if I could I would have a I love to snowboard and ski but mostly snowboarding. I love photo shoots there my favorite, nothing gets better than getting paid good money to satnd around and attempt to be I love singing, dancing and acting, I love hiking and just being one with nature, its natural beauty is one of the best things in life and its free... a lot of people seem to forget that.. I meditate, I always used to just not properly... I actually COMPLETED a transindental meditation course (so I went every day for a week. I love dancing, and singing!!!...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of GOD. Your playing small does not serve the world. href=" V0LmNvbS9hbGJ1bXMvYjU2L2x5bGFsZWkxMjMvP2FjdGlvbj12aWV3JmN1cn JlbnQ9NDBkZjhjNTcucGJ3" target="_blank"
I am an all around down to earth gal. With an outstanding personallity. I keep it staight forward. I am very ambitous. I have very high standards, with lots of goals , and aspirations. I won't stop till things get done and if then I will still help make other peoples dreams come true. I love being excited about what life has to offer.