Professional Resume :
Employment :
- Sales Executive at Exclusive Alloy Wheels
www . ExclusiveAlloy . com
Jeanette Lee - The Black Widow
Elita Loresca
Personal Hobbies :
Automotive Aftermarket Enthusiast :
- Building & Promoting European Manufactured Project Vehicles
Current Project Vehicle ( s ) :
1 - 2007 BMW 335i 4 Door Sedan (E90)
2 - Coming soon ???
The reasoning behind my vehicle project choice :
When faced with answering such a difficult and challenging question such as this, how does an experienced veteran automotive enthusiast like myself respond when having to finally decide on a project vehicle or possibly 2 to answer the question at hand? Especially if the chosen vehicle platform is quite possibly one of today's most hottest commodity's for bandwagoners and biters? (Basically saying that everyone else and their mama is building the same car in a similar fashion for similar reasons) I just simply build it anyway, because I want to, I need to, I have to, I can afford to and simply because I can! Nuff' said!
www . LegendEntertainment . com
www . LegendEntertainment . com
Thursday March 22nd!
The Boiler Room
@ The Queen Mary !
Click Here To Email Me Your Guest List!!
$5 Before 10:30pm With Online Pass!
Click On Flyer For The Printable Version
My 5 point philosophy of life :
1 . $ . Why ? $ = Happiness . $ = Power .
2 . A girlfriend . Words alone cannot describe the importance of having a significant other in your life . And there is no amount of $ in the world that can replace her value in my life .
3 . Family . Yes , I know that you do not always get along with them and they can piss you off , that ’ s why you move away from them . But when you ain ’ t got no else to turn to , as a last resort , you hope they will be there for you when your friends can ’ t .
4 . Friends . Without friends , you cannot live your life to fullest because they are the ones who bring a lot of excitement into it . Also , they will have your back and see some things going on around us or to us and hopefully they will tell us about it before we get to deep into our own shit .
5 . A Car . Without a car , you cannot go to work to make that $ . Nor can you pick up your girlfriend or take her out because you cannot pick her up and you have no $ to take her out . Your family will finally get off your back because you use the car to go to work to make something of yourself . Your friends will come and go, but your true friends cannot always go out of their way for you so you need to have a car to be able to get around on your own .
Words of wisdom that I live by :
- When you open the doors to work , it is time to work and you leave the outside world outside - When you close the doors at work behind you , you leave all of your work issues at work and enjoy the outside world .
- Living within your means is a life long financial strategy that both the poorest & richest of individuals can live by .
- Live life with no regrets . You have only yourself to blame for not fulfilling your desires or falling short of accomplishing your goals .
- Life IS like a box of chocolates . You never do know what life will give you , & not knowing what will happen sometimes just plain sucks !
- Nice guys do finish last . Life is one big competition , & only do the strong survive .
Top 10 Things Required For A Car Show
1. If it's a concours d'elegance, and you're a spectator, leave your envy at home. Some people have a lot more money than you do and like to show it off. You benefit, and they benefit. Nobody loses.
2. If you're an entrant, leave your arrogance at home. Unless you designed and built your own car, what you're showing is somebody else's creation.
3. If you're a spectator, never be afraid to ask questions. Sooner or later, feigning knowledge you don't have makes you look stupid.
4. If you're an entrant, encourage people to ask questions about your car. No explanatory text placed next to it can convey everything you know about it.
5. Don't try to photograph everything. Some experiences can't be captured in images, and some cars are experiences as well as things. Nobody's ever managed to paint, sculpt or photograph the essence of a Ferrari Berlinetta Lusso. The car is the art, and how it looks, feels, smells and sounds is too subtle to reproduce.
6. Remember that kids need help understanding what their parents are looking at. Letting a kid sit behind the wheel of your '57 Chevy will bring smiles to everyone, and the kid will never forget it.
7. If you're a spectator, and your kid asks a question about a car, don't fake knowledge about it. See No. 3, above.
8. If you're the wife or girlfriend of a car guy and cars bore you, don't torture yourself pretending to care about Holley carbs or Raydot mirrors. Let the boys amuse themselves while you do something else.
9. If you're the wife or girlfriend of a non-car-guy but you're a car gal, be gentle but firm. If he'd rather stay home and watch football while you go to the car show, so be it. Fascination with beautiful, exotic or just plain interesting cars can strike anyone!
10. And finally, the single most important way to enjoy any car show: Wear comfortable shoes.
11 Commandments For Success To Ponder
1. Advisors, family or wives, friends or relatives, or the homies, ignore them on certain matters of your life, they don’t need know what’s always happening with you.
2. Don’t forget to have fun, but don’t be the class clown. Clowns and leaders don’t mix. Clowns can’t run a totally successful lifestyle.
3. A successful person uses his mind more than his muscles. Learn how to anticipate and avoid certain obstacles. Stupid people don’t know how to handle the pressure.
4. Know your job cold. Life is not a game without errors. Keep yours to a minimum. Study, study, and study some more.
5. Know your own surroundings and the people that surround you. Who’s aiding you in your progress? Who’s holding you back? When do you lead? When do you follow? Be precise. And get to know your opponent.
6. Be the same guy everyday. In condition, preparing to lead, studying your plan. Others can’t always prepare you for every eventuality. Be able to prepare yourself and remember, impulse decisions usually equal mistakes.
7. Learning to just walk away when there is no other alternative is a good idea. Sticking around too long to wait and see when something is obviously not going to be there is a bad idea. Protect against those and learn to recognize the difference.
8. You must learn to manage your own life. Personality, decision making, movements, changes, proper reads, accurate observations, time management. Time, don’t you ever lose track of the time.
9. Individual success will not always be the only way you’re gonna be judged. Your job will often be having to lead those around you to a successful pathway because the company’s success is how you’re gonna be judged.
10. When all around you is in chaos, you must be the hand that steers the ship. If you have a panic button, so will everyone else. You should not have panic buttons.
11. Don’t be a celebrity person. We don’t need any of those. We need battlefield commanders that are willing to fight it out everyday, every week, and every year, and who can lead their company to the promised land and more success.
Mafia 10 Commandments
1. No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
2. Never look at the wives of friends.
3. Never be seen with cops.
4. Don't go to pubs and clubs.
5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife's about to give birth.
6. Appointments must absolutely be respected.
7. Wives must be treated with respect.
8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.
9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.
10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values.
Keys For Success To Ponder
1. Optimism Think positive.
2. Faith Believe in yourself, God and your country.
3. Faith Believe in yourself, God and your country.
4. Planning Know what's important each day; set your priorities accordingly.
5. Planning Know what's important each day; set your priorities accordingly.
6. Determination Have the courage to stand alone when taking the big risks in life.
7. Vision Think big, dream big, keep success in your mind.
8. Attitude If you think you can't, you're right. Winners have positive attitudes.
9. Goals Set goals. Plan how to achieve them.
10. Perseverance Try and try again until the goal is achieved. Never give up.
11. Knowledge Learn to accept your mistakes, but make them only once.
12. Enthusiasm Choose work you like. Enjoy the challenges.
Top 10 Signs of an Import Model :(Copyright G-Unit 2001)
1 - You have one/all of the following personal .. pages and/or are a registed member of one/all of the following .. communities:
1a - Personal Web Site.
1b - Yahoo club.
1c - page.
1d - page.
1e - page.
2 - You lie about your age.
3 - You lie about the size of your breasts, whether they are fake or real. Especially if they are obviously real and definitely are obviously smaller than claimed!
4 - You were discovered at one of the following places:
4a - At a Club/Party/Bar
4b - A pool hall shooting pool
4c - The strip club that you work at.
4d - Your personal .. page/community website page.
5 - You color coordinate your entire outfit around the color of your thong/g-string.
6 - You have done one of the following things at a car show, were caught on camera/video doing it, and really regret it now til this day:
6a - Participated in the bikini contest.
6b - Participated in a bootie shaking contest.
6c - Flashed the crowd in one of the above contests thinking it would help you win.
6d - Walked around with your thong/g-string hanging out.
6e - You were bold enough to just straight walk around the show in very revealing lingerie.
7 . You know how to dress "hoochie".
8 - You hate being called an "import model".
9 - You always feared that you would get dumped for an import model And when it finally happened:
9a - You decided to either fix up your car and compete.
9b - Or become an import model to get back at your ex.
10 -You were invited to a car show thinking that you were actually going to model, but it turns out that the guy who invited you was actually just using you to front you as his girlfriend.
Top 10 Signs of an Automotive Enthusiast :(Copyright G-Unit 2001)
1 - Your parents regret buying you your car.
2 - Your ex-girlfriend dumped you because you were too involved with your car.
2a - To get back at you, she decided to fix up her car and compete.
2b - Or to really show you up, became an import model.
3 - Your friends and co-workers know a show is coming up soon because you drive your mamas car to work and/or school.
4 - You have been cited for a modified exhaust ticket by one of the following law enforcement agencies:
4a: The local city police.
4b: The local sheriff.
4c: A highway patrol officer.
4d: All of the mentioned law enforcement agencies
5 - You have the following phone numbers stored in your cell phone:
5a - The body shop.
5b - The local performance shop.
5c - The interior shop.
5d - The stereo shop.
5e - The vinyl graphics shop.
6 - You use your financial aid money from school to fix up your car.
7 - Your car spends more time in the shop getting something installed than it does on the street.
8 - One part on your car is AUTHENTIC OEM JDM/DTM.
9 - Your boss has threatened to fire you on many occasions because you put in requests for too many days off during the year to go to shows or to ask to leave early too many times to go to a show.
10 - You didnt know that the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) Show/IAS (International Auto Salon) were industry trade shows and not a sanctioned car show until you actually attended either of those events.