The name Bosozoku spawns from Japan. Team leader Andy O,
took a road trip in summer of 1983 for a shopping binge
for car parts. HIs relatives started calling him BOSOZOKU
because he was always racing and trying to get more speed.
Although the literal term "violent racing clan" doesn't
describe the real-life characteristics of its members, the
name does hold high value in Japan where the real Bosozoku
are known as a motorcycle gang with rumored ties to the
Yakuza mafia. Regardless, the Bos title traveled over
Pacific waters and into Southern California during the
early '80s, aptly naming and giving a culture to a young
and carefree group of Japanese-American (and other Asian-
American) kids with a passion for racing. And while most
car clubs have come and gone throughout the years,
Bosozoku remains tight knit and strong as a result of
their "keep it in the family" attitude. (superstreet)
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• Bosozoku Homepage New School •
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