C@RoLIcIoUs profile picture


BeAuTy should be YoUr NaMe and i should be YoUr LaDy..

About Me

"ImLuvdBySomHatedByManyEnvyedByMostButWantedByPlenty" -A SuMmEr BaBy -LoYaL -PhOtOgRaPhY -FuLl oF sWeEtNeSs -JoYfUl -lIkEs HiGh HeElS...(because i am short) -ArTs & CrAftS -DaNcInG -CrAnBeRrY & GrEy GoOsE -LaNcOmE JuIcY TuBeS LiPgLoSs -PiLaTeS -TaLkInG oN mY CeLl PhOnE -PiNk -M&M's -FlOwErS -MiLiTaRy -BoXiNg -ChOcOlAtE CoVeReD StRaWbErRiEs -MoToRcYcLeS -UFC~dOn'T hAte CuZ yOu AiN't Me!!~ lol~fRiEnDs & FaMiLy~
.. .. .. ..

My Interests

BeAuTiFuL sIs aNd I - Koji'sPoPsTaRz-LASarah & I-10 yrs. of FrIeNdShIpmy San Diego friends, love em!..& then they were drunk! heheLost...in Newport!!StAnDArD HoTeL..LAMy sIdE KiCk....San Francisco..blowing kisses..PaTrIcIa & I *tAsTe* San JoseTokyo's *hollywood*My Girl & I-Hermosa BeachNeeko & I - Pacific Beach, SD*cRoOks & cAsTlEs* ....My BoY ZaCh-PB bar n grill Jae & I-San Diego

I'd like to meet:

My dAnCe instructor..she's an aMaZinGly talented woman!Dance class..typical Monday!


Sister Tia, Lil' Bro Wilson(U.S. ARMY), Baby Bro Phanark(MARINE CORPS.), Mom & Dad

My Blog

R.I.P. Dara....

Dara, it is sad to know that you're gone/see you go.... but you will truly be missed by the Sim family....my sis and her kids esp. Ashlynn, myself and my brothers.... You're a GREAT guy, very humble.....
Posted by C@RoLIcIoUs on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 06:59:00 PST

My ScAr will be my StAr..

i volunteered the other day at my local hospital and came across a patient whom was seeking treatment for her broken hip. With myself being friendly and all, we conversated and got into how dancing wa...
Posted by C@RoLIcIoUs on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:55:00 PST