* Miss JLO * profile picture

* Miss JLO *

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

* ~WeLL, letS juSt saY "I'm pRetTy cuTe & niCe ( hE!hE!) juSt kiDDIn...DanG...doNt take eveRythiNG to tha foREhEAD = )...but, yEah I Love to dAncE, paRty, go oUT & hAve FuN and geT DruNk w/ my friEndZ & juSt DanCe, daNce, DanCE, daNCE, and DANCE...I just bASiCaLLy like hanGin out w/ my GUrlZ and hAvIN a GooD TimE... ~ ........
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My Interests

"Bar 330 Happy Hour" ......Hotties havin' FUN! .. Build A Bear!! .. * ~HaNging out...PaRTay....Get DrUNk...HaNG oUt w/ my GiRLZ & mY LoVelY Bf... anD I eNjoY dAnCiNG & geTTin Drunk @ tha sAme tIME...and mY otheR favOrite thing to dO is to SHOPPING...I SHOP tooooo muCh...aNd I just CanT stOp!!! ( PleaSe sOmebody PleasE help meE...STOP) I shoP uNtil I dRop...LOL!... ~ *

I'd like to meet:

~ Hello everyone! I just want to start out by saying Thanks for stopping by my page and showing ME some LUV...It doesnt matter who i know, as long as everyone is cool. I"m COOL if your KOOL!Reality you just got to learn to LUV one another! Sorry if I dont respond to emails or comment. I've been so busy you guys, so don't think I'm ignoring you guys! I have so much to do and plus my computer finally works. :) Thank goodness! So, please be calm and don't hurt yourself and GO CRAZY! LOL...just kidding! So, anyways enough of that I just want to end it by saying K.I.T and Muahzzz...~


* I LOve HIp Hop *


* ~I Like to wAtch anyThinG that eNterTaIns me... LiKe ComEdies, sCary MoVies, RoManCe etc....BuT...that moVie "Th@ FoCKer" was sOOOO friGGIn [email protected] loVe waTcHIn His MoviEs...*He ROCK*...U heaR me *BEn STiLLeR*...LOL ~ *


* ~I waTch anYthinG thaT enterTaiNs mEe...such as ThE 70's shoW, MTV, BET, ReAL WOrLd, RoOm RaiDErs, TRL, Punk'D, JaCkaSS, BoiLinG PointS, Pimp My RiDe, MusIc Awards, and etC... ~ *


* ~I doNt reallY liKe tO rEaD BooKs...It just all dePends on thA booK Im reaDiNg...I enjOy reading maGaZine morE...Tha magazIne thaT enTertains meE woulD be BLEnder, StuFF, CosMo giRL, SeventeEn, Ym, ImPoRt TuNer, RoLLiNg StONe, Maxim anD many mOrE!!! ~ *


* ~...GoD is My hErO...and hE will alWays be In mY Heart...~* God Bless us all~

My Blog

I was sooo f**ked up ...

okay....this what happened on Saturday night of April 3rd...My friend had a going away kick back...well when me and my boy showed up...everyone was just chillen, drinken, and some was dancing....My bo...
Posted by * Miss JLO * on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST