My name is A13x on the internet though in real life (if your a close friend you know my full name), I go by Dave or David (though I think that the second sounds childish).I'm a tech geek. I get excited about Random Access Memory and the latest news about Apple or w/e I can find interesting to read in either WIRED,Engadget or slashdot.I game regularly though I don't go for all the little achievements and don't always finish the games I start. I own a Xbox 360 with a 20GB hard drive though I would like to get an elite with 120GB HD since I really do need the space. Since my Macbook isn't made for gaming I've become almost 100% console gamer.I write and maintain a blog called L337 Gamer Review , where I keep my fellow gamers informed about the latest news, review games or just share opinions on the gaming industry.I'm something of a designer and can do some good work with HTML and CSS though I am learning more all the time in hopes of getting ahead and making some money. At the moment I'm working on making some tutorials to help others and trying out dreamweaver. Adobe is by far the best software to use when it comes to design work weather it be photoshop,flash,dreamweaver,illustrater or any other kick ass apps.You can also check out my Youtube channel if you like, DavitofritoLastly for school, I plan on heading to UW-Madison through UW-waukesha this upcoming spring. I hope to attain a bachelors in Computer science and then go on to attain a bachelors in game software development at Guildhall at SMU.
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