Dizzy profile picture


Made of 100% pure I Don't Give A Fuck!!!!!!!

About Me

I drive a big 4x4. I have a potty mouth. I like metal played LOUD!

My Interests

Cold beer, red meat, beer, baseball, beer, luscious hooters. Seems like I left something off... oh yeah, hooters & beer.I like playing guitar but I'm terrible at it. I make CC Deville look like Steve Vai, but I'm still better than any of those fags in Fall Out Boy.

Music Video: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER (by Black Label Society)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone

I'd like to meet:

Dime, SRV, Randy Rhoads, Darryl Kile, Owen Hart and chicks with huge knockers.


I enjoy the rock & roll. Black Label Society, Black Label Society, & Black Label Society. I swing from Zakk Wylde's nuts like Tarzan from a vine... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Promo shot for our last album


Tombstone, Lonesome Dove, Dumb & Dumber, Booty Call... you know... the classics. Don't bore me with thought provoking bullshit. I just wanna laugh.


Books, I have heard of these. They are good?


My heros have always been cowboys, ball players, & rockstars who all ended up fat, broke, or dead. I guess that pretty much sums me up.

My Blog

A blog from me, Dizzy

Took Cole to his first Cardinals game last week, we broke the losing streak on yet another memorable seat cushion night. Pretty cool trip altogther, got to the STL about 3:30 and went to the Gateway ...
Posted by Coop on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 07:07:00 PST

More cool summer stuff

Where do I start? I took off last Friday and took my son fishing. I think he got the line twisted up about 20 times, almost hooked my nose and his own ear. When I caught a snake, he decided it was tim...
Posted by Coop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Here's a lovely song about my favorite food.

Lima, lentil, soy, and pinto, Navy, northern, and garbanzo, Kidneys and frijoles negros, I love beans! I love beans, woo woo woo! I love beans, how 'bout you? High in fiber, low in fat. Hey...
Posted by Coop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I guess I'm supposed to update this thing

but I'm really lame & lazy so FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Coop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The masses have spoken...

... and they all say that Dizzy Bon Coverdale needs one of the g'damn myspace things. I'll give it a shot, I guess.
Posted by Coop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST