[ 3V4N ] profile picture

[ 3V4N ]

Return of the Troublemaker Attorney

About Me

.. .. ..Born and raised in Southern California. Good or bad, this place is my home and I have no plans to abandon it as this state changes. I'm told I march to the beat of a different drummer. I'm inclined to agree. I enjoy reading peoples posts and blogs on here. I work as a consumer attorney helping consumers like you. I'm laid back, sharp, intelligent, creative, friendly, silly, open-minded and sensitive to what is going on around me and in this universe. I'm a portrait artist. I haven't worked on anything in quite some time. Other challenges take over. I will hang with anyone that is self aware and not necessarily uber intelligent as long as they are not problematic. The honest and humble are always worth talking with. Some people need to get a sense of humor. :) I'm not into stereotypes of any kind. This is especially true of the male macho ones. That has to go. I push the envelope in subtle ways. I love music. I still have over 2000 CDs from my past during my days working in the music business. I follow the NFL. I am into any new, creative, and different ideas. I will discuss any topic with anyone at any time, so beware. I don't care how forbidden or controversial it is. I am accepting of most people.For the most part, you will have to excuse me while I care too much. Thanks ;)
Within my "view more pictures" is a another bad photograph of a painting I did of the actor from Jesus of Nazereth, the film. Its the same painting that'may' appear as the lead pic on this page. I did it with oils on masonite panel. Its 6 x 4 feet in dimension. This photo of the painting was taken before it was sealed so the surface looks inconsistent. The subject matter is not my thing but a good friend (Robert) asked me to create it and he compensated me for it. But for him that painting wouldn't exist.
Also within my "view more pictures" there are some other bad digital photos I took of a few of my other works (yes I only have bad photographs of my works). In total there is one colored pencil (Ringo), one oil (Jesus), one graphite (DeMaggio) and one pastel (Dylan) posted in my "view more pictures." A face says it all...

My Interests

Music, Drawing, Law, Ideas, fighting "the man," alternative medicine, consumer law, practicing law, rising up against bad leadership in one's daily life, rabble rousing and a television/Internet show I donate my time to at www.myspace.com/theblairingoutshow. Stop by and watch the celebrity rock and red carpet shows under blogs or the main page.
"One-half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it." ~ Sidney Howard
"Information does not kill you." -- Frank Zappa
"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." -- Frank Zappa

'You can't let yourself be pushed around. You can't live in fear. That's no way to live your life.' -- Bernhard Goetz"
He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little." -- Horace
"'The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena--whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions--and spends himself in a worthy cause--who at best if he wins knows the thrills of high achievement--and if he fails at least fails while daring greatly--so that his place will never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.'" -- Theodore Roosevelt

FAVORITE THINGS: Hmmm... I was asked about this so here goes...they would be, blue jeans, chocolate, chocolate cake, cookies, having a clear calendar, old 1930s classic Universal type horror movies, sleeping in, living at night rather than during the day, 24 hour stores and restaurants, cats!, good music, no traffic, my PC, vacations, random trips meeting random people, an intense belly laugh, spring water, soy, parsley, cheeseless pizza, a ticket to a great concert, the magic 8 ball, rainy days in So. Cal., my room, the Internet, great drawings/paintings with great technique, good conversations, the truth, reality, people that can spot B.S., people with no attitude, the humble, survivors of anything bad, those that put forth an effort in life and everything else I mention in this profile.

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to meet:Intelligent people, quality over quantity. People with some open-mindedness. Decisive people that don't play games ("Don't make me come after you."). People that walk their talk. People that put forth an effort in life. If you are insecure, then please move along. Those people seriously complicate and disrupt reality. :) People with substance to back up their image. Silly doesn't hurt either. Quote: "I don't ask twice." A little harsh reality never hurt anyone, right? :) Streetsmarts goes further than booksmarts. People that look beyond the apparent and obvious. People that presume facts based on little information-those are dangerous people. ** There was a time when myspace.com was a friendly place. In the summer of 2004 it seemed everyone would add you as a friend regardless of sending them an email first. This place was like Haight/Ashbury in the late 1960s. Friendliness abounded. Now its changed and its not healthy. People hide their profile, deny adds, and have mammoth attitudes for little reason. Myspace is regularly maligned in the media. The heyday here is gone but I appreciate the friends I have met and made. :)


Rock, Folk, Punk, Post-Punk, "Metal," Prog. Rock, New Wave, Old Wave, some Classical, some Jazz etc. I have broad tastes. I don't see the strict boundaries in musical sounds that were so strongly advocated. Most country and rap/hip-hop is out. There are exceptions however. Check out the songs on my page's playlist. I like busy drummers, melodic guitarists, and bassists that play with treblely bass tones. Duran Duran, Rush, The Clash, King Crimson, The Human League, Black Sabbath, Jim Croce, The White Stripes and Motorhead...Now there is a concert line-up! Bring it on . . .


Top Movies are: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Star Wars; Rainman; Sling Blade; Breakfast Club; Office Space; American Beauty; 3:10 to Yuma; Napoleon Dynamite; This is Spinal Tap; all X-men films; Logan's Run; Boogie Nights; Omegaman; Another State of Mind (S.D.); Harold and Maude; The Mayor of The Sunset Strip (Rodney on the ROQ); and more I can't think of at the moment.

"What Star Wars Character Are You?" Darth Vader
Your anger at the world has made you become one of the most feared beings in the galaxy.

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com


Eh, T.V. is too mainstream, I watch what captures my interest, from Beavis and Butthead to Conspiracy theory documentaries. Donald Trump? I'll meet you in the 'bored' room. :) He's a bonafide "tripper." Life can pass you by if all you do is watch T.V. Its a last resort to pass the time. Ali G./Sacha Cohen is the worlds greatest comedian.


Sure, yeah, right, "books." I went to Superfluous University and studied "Art." Ha Ha, look at me ma, I can draw! LOL. I have a real cool minor in Sociology (special aye?) I then went to Irrelevant School of Law. Who reads in a place like that? :/ I do mostly Internet reading.


I, I will be king, And you, You will be queen, Though nothing, will Drive them away, We can beat them, Just for one day, We can be Heroes, Just for one day . . . And you, You can be mean, And I, I'll drink all the time, 'Cause we're lovers And that is a fact, Yes we're lovers And that is that . . . Though nothing, Will keep us together, We could steal time, Just for one day, We can be Heroes, For ever and ever, What d'you say. . . I, I wish you could swim, Like the dolphins, Like dolphins can swim, Though nothing, Will keep us together, We can beat them, For ever and ever, Oh we can be Heroes, Just for one day . . . I, I will be king, And you, You will be queen, Though nothing, Will drive them away, We can be Heroes, Just for one day, We can be us, Just for one day . . . I, I can remember, Standing, By the wall, And the guns, Shot above our heads, And we kissed, As though nothing could fall, And the shame, Was on the other side, Oh we can beat them, For ever and ever, Then we can be Heroes Just for one day . . . We can be Heroes We can be Heroes We can be Heroes Just for one day We can be Heroes We're nothing And nothing will help us Maybe we're lying Then you better not stay But we could be safer Just for one day. . .(They asked for "Heroes") . . .
OK, maybe some people that made real life sacrifices for what they believed in and were ahead of their time. I don't have any "heroes" but I wish I did. The passengers and crew of Flight 93 would have to be everyones heroes, right?Do "Super" Heroes count?

My Blog

I want you to go in that bag, and find my wallet

I'm sure you remember the line by Samuel L. Jackson's character, Jules Winnfield, uttered in the 1994 film, "Pulp Fiction?" I guess not ... I do however. Why?I do not know. It went something like t...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:29:00 PST

John Lennon was overly optimistic

Below is a passage from John Lennon's "Instant Karama." "Instant karmas gonna get youGonna look you right in the faceBetter get yourself together darlinJoin the human raceHow in the world you gonna se...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:30:00 PST

Pretty Vacant 2007

There is NO excuse for this . . .this is not accetable... That is why punk rock exists, because someone has to call it like they see it... with NO excuses... Thank you Mr. Lydon . . ...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 02:56:00 PST

All through your life...I, Me, Mine

"...No one's frightened of playing it, Everyone's saying it, Flowing more freely than wine, All through your life, I Me Mine...." ~ George Harrison A group of friends that perform a song abou...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST


"I remember coaching on the practice field and really never wanting to disappoint [Bill Walsh]. His point always was that if you don't strive for perfection, you don't have a chance."   NFL coach...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:15:00 PST

In the Supreme Court of California, Monday, January 29, 2007, 3:00 P.M.

Tell me why, I don't like mondays....this last one was unlike any I will experience again in my existence.  I argued a civil case in the California Supreme Court this last monday.  The court...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 07:29:00 PST

Superbowl XLI should be forgotten

Rex Grossman, his defensive players should not talk to him for 4 months.  The Bears will be back NEXT year, without a doubt....
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 07:15:00 PST

"Riddle me this BATMAN!"

You scored as Batman, the Dark Knight. As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 07:55:00 PST

The Twilight Zone's Rod Serling's: Check out the hook...

We were all there.  We all saw and heard what this media "performer" did some 15 years ago.  Those who did not remember it as it unfolded in time certainly learned of it in the years to come...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:36:00 PST

Active X worm was here

I got hit with the ACTIVE X worm virus.  I fixed it.  I had to delete some comments and redo parts of my profiles.  I found these clear gif images showing up underneath all my friends' ...
Posted by [ 3V4N ] on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 03:04:00 PST