Heavy Metal vomit partys, beer, herb, shooting pool, shooting hoops, painting, carpentry, drawing, picking locks, working on cars, tearing up literature like Moliere's, mom's turkey pot-pies, hanging out, anarchy, causing a rukus, setting things on fire, pissing off my dad and mom (when that bee-otch is even around), watching Monty Python, cruising around this useless town with its useless people engaging in useless pursuits. Obviously, YOUR interests are of NO INTEREST to me. Just look away and begone, thank you, before you expend another calorie thinking about me.
Hot impregnatable prom queens, cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, the alienated, the disenfranchised and anyone else who hates me for no legitimate reason and has no clue who I am or what I'm about, or how I even got here. Someone I can mock and resent for having the world handed to them on a silver platter while I am forced to exist with vermin and eat dirt on a daily basis. Generally all around positive and happy people that undoubtedly contort their body to reach for the stars!! Get a clue. Where is Larry Flynt when you need him?..
Cream, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Cheap Trick, Metallica (R.I.P. Cliff Burton), Judas Priest, Maiden, Sabbath, The Clash, Hendrix, Motorhead, Sex Pistols, Guns 'N' Roses, Tenacious D, NIN, Dead Kennedys, Slayer!, AC/DC, Black Flag etc. If it doesn't ROCK, it isn't music.
..Decline of the Western Civilization I & II; Another State of Mind; Good Fellas; And Justice for All; Taxi Driver; Excorcist; The Omen; Omega Man; Logans Run; Network; Falling Down; Walking Tall (the original); The Zapruder footage; A Clockwork Orange; Up in Smoke; Cheech and Chong's next movie; Adams Family to name a few
Any program where I don't have to see pathetic, wealthy, snot-nosed, arrogant, dweebish, perfect looking fools advancing and enjoying life while I legongolate in Illinois...[if !IE] ..[endif]
I like to tear up books, especially literature. Moliere's writings have got to go. I don't read unless its the face of a concert ticket, a construction work order, or legal tender. Oprah's book club isn't my thing and it shouldn't be yours. Why people waste their time reading garbage like the Da Vinci Code or Angela's frickin' Ashes puzzles me to no end. Is that cardboard "self-improvement" or just being socially hip? I have no part of it. Instead you load up, ya party.
Hendrix, Lemmy, Carl, James Dean, Patty Hearst, Clapton, Bruce Dickinson, Jack Black, Fur, Elvis, Jeff Spicoli, Wolverine, Jordan D., Axl Rose, Asia DeVinyl, Reznor, Greg Harris (A.E.C.), Kurt Cobain, ♥Meganator♥, Scott Weiland, that radical Texas artist, Salem, Howard Stern, Tony "Raft Boy" Smith aka Gowachin, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, James Hetfield, Cliff Burton, Geoff Tate, Klaus Meine, D.L.R., Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy Page, Eddie Veder, and most notably Larry Flynt. Hefner is a fool. Mr. DICK "role model" Vernon can die a thousand deaths. Anyone who breaks the law.