I like time travel. Thinking with the mind. Positive Thought Projections. Creating Harmonius Complexity Models. Public Access TV. Public Speaking. Dance. Mathematics. The Internet and its potential.
I would like to meet anyone!! I am always interested in people's perspectives. That's why I have come back. I talk with everyone and help bring all things together.
John Lennon has some amazing ideas. He was also instrumental in the paving of the way for our coming. The Divine Music, of course! Yello makes some incredible sounds. The Dukes of Dixiland has some amazing sounds, most noteably the Tuba.
I have really been enjoying the movies I have seen on Google Video. There is such a wide variety. Right now I am watching the Srilanka News. Its not in English but looks interesting. I once watched the Elegant Universe on PBS.org. Amazing movie. You almost have all the details figured out!! I watched a video of a giraffe today. They are amazing.
TV!! The Colors Project of course on MNN in New York City.
The Holographic Universe, Odd Eye See
John Lennon, David Peel, Ram Das, Carlos Orta, Dot Matrix, Fierce Grape