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Boston Kane

..the dreams of freedoms been there from the beginning, you'll find there within ...

About Me

Born in England, raised in the East-Coast USA, spend my livelihood in the city of London. Future plans T.B.A. I Like to Play Rock N Roll and DJ. That's about it for now. ttylScrolling Marquee Kisses like rose-petals,I'm forever your fluffy kittie-bunnieThe fluffiest kittie-bunnie eva!"Scattered like confetti,Upon the garden-nape of my neck!" ... she says,"...Magik poetry is phonetic alchemy!" I love getting to know youIs like getting to know GodThrough the love you inspire, I feelQuietly growing in strength inside, is real& Now that I know LoveI know that God is Love tooFor it was He who guided you to me& I am able to know HimThrough your company On many parts of the United states’ many seals, are a combination of 13 stars, which in appearence form ’the star of David’(known to be on the flag of the country of Israel - founded in 1948). That ’Star of David’ comes from a much more ancient source - the source of all advanced knowledge throughout human civilization for building - which is the combination factors of the compass & right-angled square for measurements and design. This is ancient-Egypt - even as old as Sumeria. This special ’holding’ of all advancements throughout all historic times of technological ideas, and is usually part of secret societies who keep the advanced knowledge to the few, to control the many who are not so much ignorant, but more or less ’unawakened’ to this ’built-in’ ability to the understandings which have been in our DNA for eons.There’s so much more to it than that, but try and do some research whenever an idea comes up in your is a great video about Star Walking, __*____ _*_*_*_*_ __*_*_*_ _*_*_*_*_ ____*____13 stars - the star of David, is much older than Israel(and the story of King David) itself. As part of the US seal, evident on dollar bills, evident in Washington DC - top pf US capital building, statue of ’Persephone’ the greek goddess of Death and The Underworld, and evident in many of the masonry-buildings & designs not only in America but across the globe too. The streets around the White house, and Congress buildings form and upside down pentagram, and even the roads around the back of the House of Congress evidently form the shape of Molock, their ’owl’ god. Not to mention the PENTAGON(pentagram?)...running the military...hmmmm 13 red stripes on the USA flag ....This language is a sacred geomtrey, so sacred to even possess powers far back and forwards into eternity. Yet somehow it seems that a majority of the powerful few who discover this power use it to such extremes that the power cannot be harnessed or contained successfully, that these powerful people end up hurting more people than they try to help. Whether this is intentional or a mistake via the sheer power -- they’re definitely using it for the wrong reasons. People must understand that if the powers are there, then they can be used to do good, and not bad.Once you obtain this knowledge, it can exposes abilities, existence and reason far beyond anything conceivable to todays standards, even metaphysicallly.Something is going to happen to awake you at some point in your lifeWhen it happens, you will be ready. Just have faith.The Figure of 8 - The Musical Scale of Unity__*__ _*_*_ __*__ _*_*_ __*__="8" ....correct?so after a 'Tone-Tone-Semitone & Tone-Tone-Tone-Semitone' ... the nextsemitone brings you back to the same key, but in the next octave, correct? Thisis the figure of 8 [ tone equals two semitones....], and the figure of infinity - Unity .... the symbol-"8". 'Oct', in Latin base-syllables, mean '8'; hence OCTave....Counting up ('Tone-Tone-Semitone--Tone-Tone-Tone-Semitone'), starting within any point of the figure of 8, and you'll return to exactly the same position, but in the next octave of the same key note either higher or lower.This is known as the musical scale - for it is a figure of '12 semitones' whichleads to the next octave - and so forth. Each note has both a 'sharp' or a'flat' - fitting whithin each note - upon each scale.'Tone-Tone-Semitone-Tone-Tone-Tone-Semitone' .... equals one entire-scale,leading up until you add one more note(a semi-tone), thus leading to thenext octave of the same key and scale.The ear - does not lie.Every 'Note', is a 'Semitone'. The 12th(semitone) brings us back to Unity.12, or 1+2, is 3. In Numerology, '3' is the number of 'the chosen one.'......... The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is meant to be a forbidden fruit - that no man or woman should eat of it, without truly dying. But the Holy Bible is very very old, and is open to much speculation when you take into consideration it may be influenced by much of the ruling class authorities of society throughout history. The reason for re-writing much of what is written in many of the ancient holy scriptures are easily obvious - to control people. This isn't trying to down play what "God" has to say, but much of what is written in The Holy Bible is meant to be interpretated symbolically anyway. That being said, what is the symbolic-reasoning of NOT eating from the Tree of Knowledge?Well, you may see alot of my blogs express that it's important to be an individual and to be a freethinker. That much of what we're brought up to believe are in fact other peoples stories, thoughts and interpretations, and ultimately not our own. Sure, much of what people teach us, may be true. But keeping an open mind, unbiased in any direction, is key to understanding what is really right and wrong in this world and our lives. So understanding that you need to experience things for your self, is an important part to truly understanding life it's self.Again, if you read the blog on 'Symbolic-Reasoning', it would make sense that "God" gives clues and signs so that we ourselves find his hidden messege(s). He never literally 'speaks' to us, because that would be too easy(for him), and for us to see his point.So the reason the Tree of Knowledge is a 'forbidden' grounds is a simple one: To keep us docile and dumb, fertile and open to the manipulation of the ruling authority. It's been put at the beginning of The Holy Bible, so to make it just as believable as 'the creation.' By staying away from the Tree of Knowledge, we need guidance not from "God" but from government.The real truth is, we're born with inner knowledge that government, society and ALL organised religion try to surpress. Without surpressing us, they would have no claim or litigation for they're own existance. So by relating their power to what "God" wants, they now can prevail by obtaining their authority "from 'God'". The US president today stakes his claim for whatever he does, "Because God wants him to." Does he even know God? Which God is he talking about? (....more like Luscifer).In the early parts of The Holy Bible, "God" gives unprecedented authority to certain groups of people and gives them special approval to invade other lands. Today, leaders of country's stake the same claim. But the reason why the Jews were once God's chosen people, is that for a while he guided them. Until one day they stopped listening to "God" and began to live, divided and conquered within their own intuition, rather than "God's" alone. This is why the Jews were disregarded from being God's chosen people, and so all of their future ancestors too.So for today's leaders to say they have approval from "God," is like saying that Hitler's rule, and the entire Holocaust was from "God's" approval too.So the reason why we're not supposed to 'eat' from the Tree of Knowledge is because they want people to believe that be 'ignorance is bliss.' That the ignorance is the very thing which will give us 'freedom'. Yea - right! Ignorance may be bliss, but believing in lies and not the truth, is the very thing that keeps us from the inner truth of individual freedom. The inner truth of our natural individual being. We're taught to feel guilty of even the thought of reaching for that knowledge. It's nothing short of being yet another one of their tricks to keep people in the shackles of fear and uncertainty, weakening their souls and forcing them to beg for control and guidance. In the book "1984", part of the societies' motto is "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is strength."If ''Ignorance is Strength'', then eating from the Tree of Knowledge would only make us weaker - that's what they want you to believe. It goes without saying that "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is strength" of all possibility, are in fact feasible (Check out 'Iron Mountain').Don't hide behind them and think they have all the answers. You contain within you all the answers you'll ever need. If you make something your responsibility you then have the power to change it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In no particular order....) , Henry Rollins, JoMama, Tool, Bill Hicks, Jeff Buckley, Jenna Jameson, Filter, Thom Yorke & Radiohead, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Jim Morrison, Johnny Cash, Primal Scream, The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Alex Jones, Jesus, Barabas, Moses, Leonardo Da Vinci, ... & anyone out there who digs my self. "Everything you can imagine is real." -Picasso



Jeff Lebowski, Jesus, anyone who stands up for themself, and takes no sh*t from anyone.

My Blog

The Key to escaping the fear of ego death: complete understanding of a universal consciousness

Posted by Boston Kane on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:26:00 PST

The Tree of Knowledge

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is meant to be a forbidden fruit - that no man or woman should eat of it, without truly dying. But the Holy Bible is very very old, and is open to much speculat...
Posted by Boston Kane on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 05:45:00 PST

Kisses like rose-petals

Kisses like rose petalsKisses like rose-petals,I'm forever your fluffy kittie-bunnieThe fluffiest kittie-bunnie eva!"Scattered like confetti,Upon the garden-nape of my neck!" ... she says,"...Magik po...
Posted by Boston Kane on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:03:00 PST

God is Love, by Cat Catalyst

God is Love I love getting to know youIs like getting to know GodThrough the love you inspire, I feel Quietly growing in strength inside, is real& Now that I know LoveI know that God is Love tooF...
Posted by Boston Kane on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 08:50:00 PST

The number 13

On many parts of the United states’ many seals, are a combination of 13 stars, which in appearence form ’the star of David’(known to be on the flag of the country of Israel - founded...
Posted by Boston Kane on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:21:00 PST

The Figure of 8 - The Musical Scale of Unity

__*___*_*___*___*_*___*__="8"....correct?so after a 'Tone-Tone-Semitone & Tone-Tone-Tone-Semitone' ... the next semitone brings you back to the same key, but in the next octave, correct?  T...
Posted by Boston Kane on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 09:30:00 PST

The United States schooling is a Dead-End Debt-Pit ...

The American Schooling System, Okay, you graduate when you're 17/18.  Every year (at least up until grade 8), you're expected to stand at up the beginning of every day and pledge allegence to the...
Posted by Boston Kane on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:19:00 PST

Finding your 'inner child' & being 'born again'

The essential story of Jesus Christ (which predates 'Jesus' himself by thousands of years), is that we all contain within us the 'being of Christ' and that Jesus the 2nd coming is our own being findin...
Posted by Boston Kane on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:03:00 PST

The Power of The Mind

I believe people like George Orwell(Eric Blair), Nostradamus, and all the contributers to all the Holy Books of The Divine Spirit(BIBLE, KORAN, TORAH, ETC.), should never have written those books. By ...
Posted by Boston Kane on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:41:00 PST

Humble Labour

Sometimes I'm at my computer, sometimes I'm not.  ...I usually leave it on alot. Even though it may use much electricity - electricity is money and money is labour; Work is labour; Work s...
Posted by Boston Kane on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 05:35:00 PST