The band recorded an album, "The Sun and the Moon" and an EP, "Alive; not Dead", which included a cover of Alice Cooper's 'Elected,' a song which the Chameleons sometimes covered during their live shows.
The setup of the band, two ex-Chameleons playing with two guitarists, begged comparison to the Chameleons, though the band tried to develop its own sound. The Sun & The Moon broke up in April 1989.
Associated bands and projects
Music for Aborigines were Andy Clegg, Andy Whitaker, Colin Smith & Dave Booth with some help from John Lever. They released a self-titled EP in 1987 containing "Sitting On A Biscuit", "Faith", and "Ragbone Man" (Spartan 12SP 148).
Weaveworld - After the Sun and the Moon broke up, the two Andy's and John Lever recruited Aky(Radiorii) on guitar with Andy Whitaker taking over bass and vocals. They released an EP, 'Davy Jones'.
Mark Burgess and the Sons of God - In 1993, Mark Burgess finally released his long awaited solo album, "Zima Junction". Many of the songs were recorded two years previous, and one song in particular, 'You Only Live Twice,' had been released on a compilation. The album was released under the group name, Mark Burgess and the Sons of God. The album was mostly Mark, though he did recruit a few friends to help him out, even allowing a couple of songs by friend Bryan Glancy to show up on the album. In the summer of 1994, Mark embarked on a tour of the US after playing warm-up gigs in England with a group which retained the Sons of God name.
Occasionally David is Mark Burgess, Yves Altana, Neil Thin (real name Neil Dwerryhouse) and John Lever. The touring Sons of God included Karen Leatham on bass. Whereas the Sons of God was pretty much a solo outing, Occasionally David is the active name of a band that Mark chose to be involved with. "Zima Junction" can be seen as a transitional period for Mark, a movement from the tumultuous break-up of the Chameleons and the subsequent break-up of the Sun and the Moon, to the start of a new band.
Note 1: Occasionally David was name Mark had originally chosen for The Chameleons but Dave Fielding had thought the name was already in use by another band.
Note 2: It is actually Neil 'Thin' and not 'Finn' as is printed on both Sons of God live CDs.
Andy Whitaker and Andy Clegg are still gigging together regularly.
Andy Clegg is also a member of Kizilok .
Andy Clegg is also producing material under the name Tiny Scientist .
Andy Whitaker can currently be seen playing his semi regular role of PC Mike Swirling in Emmerdale under his Equity name of Andy Moore.
Andy Whitaker and Andy Clegg, along with Colin Smith also produce The "Midlife Dementia" Show . A radio show comprising great music, silly banter and comedy sketches. Listen, subscribe or download at
About this myspace page.
Created with love by Suzy Mills. Someone had to do it.
Maintained by Mark Burgess, Andy Whitaker, Andy Clegg and Suzy.
For more information and news about The Sun and The Moon and all bands related, please visit the site created by Antonio Toledo