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About Me

MINYO * 民謡 * 日本民謡は代々人から人へ受け継がれてきた 音楽。日本は海と山に囲まれた自然豊かな国 であることから、漁場や農業での作業歌が日 本民謡の中心となっている。いわば生活の声 として生まれ伝承されてきた音楽であり、多 くの唄の中に豊作や豊漁を願う歌詞が折り込 まれ、四季折々の節日、新築や婚礼等の祝儀 の唄や祈りの唄など、南から北へと細長い日 本国土のそれぞれの土地の豊かな地方性や風 土の様子が表現されている. 日本民謡とは先祖代々歌うことを通じて伝え られてきた民族の“心”であるといえるであ ろう。

MATSUTOYO KAI Est. 1966 * まつとよ会は1966年佐藤松豊(さとうまつと゠ˆï¼‰Sensei によりに北加(北カリフォルニア)にて創立 。日本の歴史をともなう貴重な“美”を途絶 えることなく人々に伝えることを主目的とし 、40年間日本民謡の普及に努め続け現在にい㠁Ÿã‚‹ã€‚å—åŠ ï¼ˆå—ã‚«ãƒªãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒ‹ã‚¢ï¼‰ã«æ‹ ç‚¹ã‚’ç§»å ‹•ã—てからもアメリカ全土に視点をあて続け㠀å‡ºå¼µç¨½å¤ã‚’å«ã‚€æ•™æŽˆæ´»å‹•ã‚„æ¼”å¥ãªã©ã‚’ç¹°ã‚Šè ¿”す毎日。MINYO STATION Est. 2008 * 民謡のStation 構成されたニュー民謡バンド。佐藤松豊氏の 「日本民謡を世界中の広い世代の人々に楽し んでもらいながらそれを伝えていきたい!」 という思いと指導のもとに、まつとよ会の生 徒とその仲間たちにより2008年1月に創 立された新しい形の民謡楽団。伝統的な日本 音階に基づいた民謡の形式に洋風音楽のアレ ンジをのせ、日本人以外の人々や日本の若い 世代にも“うける”音楽を創作中。現在はロ サンゼルスを中心にイベントやお祭り、パー ティーなどで演奏活動を繰り広げ人気上昇中 。日本音楽のすばらしい“美”と“心”を世 界、また日本の人々に伝え残すきっかけとな れるよう日々まい進中。

MINYO- Folk songs point to the musical singing passed down for many generations as universal songs. While Japan had been a maritime country, it was also an agricultural country centered on rice farming. In Japan , work songs have been the mainstream of folk songs. Their lyrics often started with a prayer for a good harvest and prosperity. Folk songs have breathed in the lives of people in a free environment, with no need for special protection for a long time. Even in a narrow country such as Japan , from ancient times people have passed on many songs that were cherished in their local land and climate. The prayers of a true heart and old emotions have thus survived. Folk songs are a form of "encyclopedia" for understanding Japan , and one can think that singing folk songs contributes to bringing up Japanese people from childhood. MATSUTOYO KAI Est. 1966 * Matsutoyo Kai was established in Northern California by Matsutoyo Sato in 1966. She continues to dedicate her self to Minyo in hopes to share this Japanese Art to others. During the past 40-years, she has expanded her teachings to Southern California where she currently resides and continuously travels to teach with spirit and the ambition to keep this rare Art of Japanese History alive.MATSUTOYO SATO- Instructor of MatsutoyoKai - Matsutoyo Sato started learning European music at the age of 6 then at the age of 16 she was exposed to Minyo, Shigin & the Biwa. At the age of 20, she was encouraged by her previous instructors to dedicate her skills under Madame Matsuko Sato, who is the Iemoto-Grand Master of Sato Ryu in Tokyo, Japan, as a live in student for 5-years. During this time, she was able to embrace a variety of traditional music, such as, Minbu, Nagauta, Hauta, and Zoku Kyoku. Her passion and determination to learn music during the 5-years gave her opportunities to perform on Local TV, National TV, Radio, and various stage performances through out Japan. Age 25, she was asked to teach Minyo in San Francisco, Ca where her classes spread all over Northern Cali, and with in the 10-years she was teaching over 150 students and had many performances; sharing her passion with others. Age 35, she moved to Los Angeles to expand her hopes in grasping hearts in this Japanese art and taught in many cities, such as, San Diego, Orange County, South Bay, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, & etc. Her skills in the art has given her many opportunities as a performer and did recordings in her 40’s for movies like, Gypsy Rosely Show & Karate Kid II, and as well, commercials. She’s also performed in Nevada, Hawaii, & Utah. Matsutoyo Sato has established many relationships with wonderful people in the States and MatsutoyoKai has been able to perform for over 40-years in the US with spirit and the ambition to keep this rare Art of Japanese History alive.MINYO STATION Est. 2008 - 風 の 行 方 ‘The Direction of the Wind’ - ‘The Direction of the Wind’ Indicates the New Sound of Fusion Minyo- Japanese Folk Music- that is Created by the New Generation. Like, the Sound has been Blown from the East to the Rest, Instead of West! These members also carry the passion towards Music and we were given the opportunity by Matsutoyo Sato to share Minyo in a different style while keeping the traditional sounds.With the guidance of Matstuoyo Sensei and her students, we were able to form this band and perform in Los Angeles. It has become our mission, as many respected Minyo Groups in the United States, to embrace Minyo and to continuously move forward so we can learn more about Japan, the Daily Lives of People in the past, and the Beauty of Japan.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/29/2008
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Type of Label: None

My Blog

Yosakoi Naruko Odori ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:20:00 PST

Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

Minyo song "Yosakoi Naruko" Matsutoyo Kai 5-11-08 ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:24:00 PST

Minyo song "Kagoshima Ohara Bushi" Matsutoyo Kai 5-11-08 ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:14:00 PST

MStation | YosakoiNaruko | JudoChop12@2ndStJazz ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

MKai&MStation | NagasakiBuraBuraBushi | NewYearsFest@2ndStJazz ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 04:15:00 PST

MKai&MStation | YosakoiNaruko | NewYearsFest@WellerCourt ...
Posted by MATSUTOYO KAI on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST