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Yu Ooka

About Me

YU OOKA--- Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, & Classical Guitar Yu Ooka was born in Osaka, Japan.
At the age of 13, his inspiration to play the guitar was by listening to Masayoshi Yamazaki, re-nown musician in Japan. He purchased his first acoustic guitar and this was the beginning of his venture into music world. He listened to the Beatles, Billy Joel and the Beach Boys who were some of his influences, than started experimenting with ‘Hard Rock’, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Led Zepellin & many other musicians which led him to buy his first electric guitar.Yu studied at a Music School in Kobe so he was exposed to various kinds of music. He realized there was an admiration and deep connection with Jazz & Blues, so he focused in educating himself with the history and the understanding of this ‘soulful music’. He has performed at many venues in Japan, including, the Blue Note Osaka, Jazz Festivals, Weddings, Hotel Parties, Clubs and Restaurants. He started teaching guitar at the age of 20 and always enjoyed seeing his younger students play in hopes that his influence will allow them to be open and accepting towards music.In 2006, Yu decided to move to Los Angeles so he could learn more about the American music the Culture. He met many local musicians, started hanging out and playing his guitar at local live clubs. Soon after, a friend introduced him to Legendary Jazz Pianist “Billy Mitchell” which led him to perform with the ‘Billy Mitchell Group’ along with many other 'Amazing' musicians. Yu is being exposed to many experienced artists and realized that within each song there is a natural 'groove' and within the ‘groove’, there is ‘communication’ amongst the musicians and their music. He continues to perform at and enjoys the energy.In 2007, “A.P.B”, was formed and Yu is the lead guitarist. The music is a mixed variety of genres including: Country, Pop, Ambient and Classical. “A.P.B.” has won the ‘Best Performance’ prize at Hori Production Audition in the United States. He is also the band music arranger for “Minyo Station”, a Fusion Japanese Folk Music group, which was formed by members who wanted to share Minyo in a fusion style, combining traditional instruments with Guitar, Bass, Drums, Conga, Harmonica & etc. His natural ability in creating sounds that enhance each traditional song is unique. His arrangements are inspiring with different styles, such as, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Swing & etc. With the creativity of Yu & his fellow band mates, Minyo Station is continuously moving forward with much energy & spirit!Within the past years, he has performed at many Jazz & Cultural Festivals, Music Theatres, Hotel Parties, Restaurants, Cafés, and Clubs. His performances were played on TV, Radio, and currently has several articles in Magazines & Newspapers.
本名:大岡 遊(オオオカ ユウ)
13歳の時に、ラジオで山崎まさよしを聞き アコースティックギターを始める。
その後、ビートルズ、ビーチボーイズ、ビリ ージョエル等の洋楽にはまり、そして徐々に 、ブルースを聞くようになる。
15歳、高校にあがり、貯金したお金をはた き、エレキギターを手にすると同時に、今度 はDeep Purple、Led Zeppellin、AC/DC等のロックへと魂を奪われ、激㠁—い音楽に飲み込まれていく。
その後、メタリカの一歩手前で、自分にはハ ードロックが向いていない事に気づき、Fusion 、Jazzを聞くようになる。
後々、神戸の音楽学校へ進み、Jazzã‚’ä¸­å¿ƒã«å‹ ‰å¼·ã€‚在籍時、旧大阪ブルーノートに出演。
卒業後、ギター講師、結婚式,ãƒ›ãƒ†ãƒ«ã§ã®æ¼”å¥ ç­‰ã®å‚ã‚‰ã€äº¬é˜ªç¥žã®ãƒ¬ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ©ãƒ³ã€ã‚«ãƒ•ã‚§ã€ãƒ ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ハウス、ジャズフェスティバルを中心だ«è‡ªå·±ã®ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰â€œè¶Šå‰çµ„”にてライブを行い〠å¥½è©•ã‚’得る。
そして2006年、高校時代からの目標であ った、渡米を果たす。
渡米後はダウンタウン等での活動、周りの人 達の手助けをきっかけに、様々なミュージシ ャンと演奏を重ねる。
その中でも特に、 ピアニスト:ビリーミッチェル、ボーカリス ト:バーバラモリソン、スティービーワンダ ーのツアーミュージシャン達等、伝説のファ ンクバンド“WAR”等で活躍するハーモニカ奏 者テツヤナカムラ氏, チックコリアエレクトリックバンドのエリッ クマリエンサル等、LAきってのベテランミュ㠃¼ã‚¸ã‚·ãƒ£ãƒ³é”との演奏をする機会を得るよう㠁«ãªã‚Šã€ã‚¢ãƒ¡ãƒªã‚«éŸ³æ¥½ã®ç´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—さを知る。
そういった活動と平行して、凄腕プロデュー サー“Neil氏”がまとめ上げるバンド“A.P.B.†ã§ã¯ã€ï¼’008年3月に行われたホリプロ゠ªãƒ¼ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ã«ã¦æœ€å„ªç§€ãƒ‘フォーマンス賞゠’受賞。
そして、民謡を基盤としながらも、ロック、 ジャズ、ラテン等のテイストをミックスした 、佐藤松豊会とのコラボバンド“Minyo Station”では常に実験的な音楽を行い、数々だ®Festivalに出演し、日本人のみならず、様々な 人種の人にも好評を得ている。
My performances & recordings include:
●Performed in Blue Note Osaka in Japan
●5th annual Fourth of July Jazz Festival
●Restaurant Spaghettini(is well-known at a radio station94.7"The Wave")
●Pasadena TV show"Jazz Zone"
● Summer Jazz Festival in Hollywood Park Casino 2007
●Summer Jazz Festival in Hollywood Park Casino 2008
●Pasadena Art & Community Gold Crown Award party
●Unity Festival 2007(Performed as a guitarist with a traditional Japanese "MINYO"group)
●Taiwanese Festival 2008
●Cherry Blossom Festival 2008 in San Francisco
●Cherry Blossom Festival Southern California 2008
●Crystal Park Hotel Casino-Fund Raiser for Comptons Conservatory
●Marriot Hotel, Crown Plaza Hotel and some local LA hotels...
●27th annual Asian American Expo 2008
●"Northwest Passage"An evening of music, performance and video commemorates seven years of Armory programs etc...
●Performing Arts Center in Redondo Beach “Opening Act Of Japanese Singer AI”
●Parents Day annual 13th Festival @Japan American theatre
●Sozenji Temple Summer Obon Festival
●Live at Leivitt Pavilion in Memorial Park Pasadena
●Performance Nisei Week Coronation Ball 2008 @Japan American Theatre
Also, recorded several insert songs for ABC channnel,
I've had great opportunities during the past couple of years and have been blessed to play with Amazing musicians:
Billy Mitchell, Kenny Elliot, Quentin Dennard, John Heard,Weeping Willow Tetsuya,One of the greatest jazz singers, Barbara Morrison.... Munyungo Jackson....Eric Marienthal... ......
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My Interests


Member Since: 09/02/2008
Band Website: ..
Sounds Like: BillyMitchell Presents
Minority Report at TV Show
Playing Solo with Eric Marienthal and Billy Mitchell Group MINYO STATION
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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