MINYO STATION * The Direction of the Wind * Progressive Folk Music
"The Direction of the Wind" indicates the New Sound of Minyo-Japanese Folk Music. Led by Yu Ooka 'music arranger/guitarist' & Marisa Kosugi 'Vocals', Minyo Station moves toward a New Sound of Folk Music created by a Newer Generation. Like the wind; the Sound of Minyo is being Blown from the East to the West.
Minyo Station offers its unique sound and sharing Minyo in a different style, while keeping the traditional sounds. The unity of the music from each member is under one sound.
Our mission is to embrace Minyo and to continuously move forward, sharing our music so that we can all learn more about Culture, the Tradition & Daily Lives of its Ancestors, and its Beauty.
Thank you everyone for your support!
MinyoStationAdvisor: MatsutoyoSato of MatsutoyoKai est. 1966
YOSAKOI NARUKO ODORI * Minyo Station * Matsutoyo Kai * Band: Yu Ooka * Nori Iji * Tetsuya Nakamura