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iwant YOU likeuh

About Me

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To pick up beautiful myspace boys: Hey... I might not be the cutest one here... but I am the only one talking to you.

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D I R T Y♥I S♥I N! ! ! I NEED A FUCKING H A I R C U T ! ! !



im 22. im not perfect. not even close to it. im annoying. i cant keep friends, whether it is their fault or mine i still dont know. i want to move far away and never come back. no one will miss me anyways. im smart, i just dont show it. im a dork, and will embarass myself just to cheer people up. i think im bi-polar. im lonely. ive never had a boyfriend. i've kissed many people. most of them the kisses were wasted on. i like to chew on ice. people say it is because its sexual frusteration, that could be it, but i just say it's lack of iron. i go to shows more than i go to school. i talk shit on people that talk shit on me. i dont like confrontations. im laid back to say the least. im not obese nor anorexic. im CHUBBY . im outgoing, outspoken. emotional. i like painting and writing, although i dont do much of it anymore. im extremely sarcastic, and that gets me into trouble. i smoke marlboro reds, or any other cigarettes i can smoke. i will never put my tongue on a glued side of an envelope, ever since george's fiance died by licking wedding invitations, in seinfeld. i hate school and the "education", if you can even call it that, that they give us. i've never done an illegal drug in my life. i dont drink alcohol. if i do, its not enough to get drunk. drunk people irritate me, especially if i know them. i make people cry. i make people hate me. i make people i like, love me. i love the minimal amount of friends that i do have. i plan on moving soon. i applied to UAF and got in. and NO it is not the fucking air force, its university of alaska fairbanks. dont tell me i'm crazy, i will sock you in the face. RDO kid for life. 4571
I scored a 82%
on the "How OC are you?" Quizie!

aim = iwantyoulikeuh // gripitlikeacig // SUHIUT
LJ= iwantyoulikeuh // suhlut

My Interests

i like taking random road trips, to no final destination. i like blasting music and singing at the top of my lungs when im driving at an excessive speed. i like to go to shows and sometimes if im so excited i forget to turn off the headlights and dont realize it until i go back to my vehicle in hopes that the engine will start and the battery isnt dead. i love cuddling. random kisses. meaningful kisses. holding hands. ass grabbing. warm hugs. deep phone conversations really late at night/early in the morning.
A L C O H O L ! ! !

I'd like to meet:

hot people, that dont know theyre hot. smart people. people that arent fake. someone who i can cuddle with while watching any movie especially scary ones. someone who can cuddle just to cuddle. someone who likes affection. someone who would hold my hand and give me little kisses in public. someone who actually cares and gives a damn. i'd like to meet you. someone i can laugh my ass off with. someone with an amazing personality. someone with a great smile and amazing teeth. someone who can make me smile. someone with ambition, a reason to live. someone who loves life. someone who likes to go out and have fun.

p/s- guys who dont hurt me, guys who dont play mind games, guys who like me for me, and guys who dont care what their friends think. oh wait there are no such guys. R E A L people ..not just bands.


::my favorite people::
[x] joey
[x] michele//god
[x] joshy
[x] erika
[x] lisa
[x] sean
[x] jackattack
[x] james
[x] madison
[x] christina
[x] twiggy
[x] ashguz
[x] kk
[x] d
[x] chris
[x] jeneva
[x] jenni rae
[x] jessi
[x] ty
[x] kim
[x] sean
[x] scott
[x] matt
[x] john
[x] megNA
[x] jeneva
[x] chay
[x] mike
[x] danielle
[x] nick
[x] heather
--i know im missing people, but im tired.

B E M Y P E N G U I N! ! !

♥ zephyr ♥ boys ♥


i like hardcore music. way to be different eh? yes well whatever. um. yes. i also like some emo, when in the right mood for it. mostly i just want to scream, therefore hardcore is in order. i like soundtracks to certain movies too. i cant devulge the main movie, because its not mainstream enough for you people, and i want to keep it as underground as possible.
Head Automatica | "Beating Heart Baby"


i like ones about music, drugs, sex, hate, and fiction. boondock saints, requiem for a dream, goonies, lost boys, the crow, donnie darko, harry potter, american beauty, hackers, detroit rock city, clockwork orange, pirates of the caribbean, and more.


i hate the television. but when i do watch it, im usually watching family guy, the simpsons, spongebob squarepants, disney channel movies. southpark. rich girls. the ashlee simpson show. adult swim! chapelle's show. the OC. Laguna Beach. NUMB3RS . Law&Order.


the ones that stimulate my brain are the ones about sex, drugs + music.


brian slade. eric draven. my real hot friends...

My Blog


HI MOM! hope you're having a great day. this brings a whollllleeeeeee new meaning to stalking. SRSLY!jk. :Dhaha love you madre....
Posted by suhlut. on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 03:55:00 PST

in the past

so if you look back at may of 2005. i posted a blog with this same survey in it, it was filled out when i was 16. i want to see how much the answers change...from six years going by. hah.   Basic...
Posted by suhlut. on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:42:00 PST

happy birthday

happy birthday to the best friend that is no longer here today you're now 24 years old. this is the 7th birthday of yours that i havent celebrated with you. i miss you more than words can describe.i o...
Posted by suhlut. on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:44:00 PST

almost SIX years...

so in little over a week. im going to be "celebrating" for lack of better words.. february 6th....6 years in a row without my best friend. 6 years of not having someone i can tell absolutly everything...
Posted by suhlut. on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 01:58:00 PST


FUCK being sick. FUCK taking 80 bajillion pills a day. FUCK no one caring. FUCK work. FUCK school. FUCK everyone. FUCK california. FUCK guys.   all fucking lame.   i wish i was how i used t...
Posted by suhlut. on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:03:00 PST

ahh shiittt niggg.

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:suhlut. only the lucky know my real name.Birthday:3x30x85Birthplace:yorba lindaCurrent Location:coronaEye Color:hazel//greenHair Color:blackHeight:5'5"-5'6"Righ...
Posted by suhlut. on Fri, 12 May 2006 11:57:00 PST

giving in...

im giving up.     on everyone.   and everything.   im just over it. all.
Posted by suhlut. on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 01:01:00 PST

some updates && shiiit if you care...

so im 21 now. woo. doesnt even phase me much, im usually too busy to go out and drink. its lame. plus i dont live on my own, so its not as fun as it could be. i have a "boyfriend-thing." ((joey)) ...
Posted by suhlut. on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 01:21:00 PST

REALLY fucking awesome guys do exist. well at least one. ha.

so today wasnt so eventful. but whatev.i've decided to write a blog about how they are actually decent people in this world. so i had my art class tonight. started at 6pm. i was there early, and wante...
Posted by suhlut. on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:13:00 PST

love me like i'll love you.

BOYFRIEND APPLICATION. ENQUIRE BELOW.   Name:Birthdate:Height:Eye Colour:Hair Colour:Place of Birth:Dress Style:Pant Size:Number of Piercings:Number of Tattoos:Occupation:*Favorites*Favorite Col...
Posted by suhlut. on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 03:52:00 PST