suhlut F.O. <Rest In Peace Andrew Martinez> profile picture

suhlut F.O. &lt;Rest In Peace Andrew Martinez&gt;

I am here for Friends

About Me

To pick up beautiful myspace boys: Hey... I might not be the cutest one here... but I am the only one talking to you.

Get your own Magic Pick Up Line
D I R T Y♥I S♥I N! ! !


im 24. im not perfect. not even close to it. im annoying. i cant keep friends, whether it is their fault or mine i still dont know. i want to move far away and never come back. no one will miss me anyways. im smart, i just dont show it. im a dork, and will embarass myself just to cheer people up. i think im bi-polar. im lonely. ive never had a boyfriend. well not anything worth talking about. i've kissed many people. most of them the kisses were wasted on. i like to chew on ice. people say it is because its sexual frusteration, that could be it, but i just say it's lack of iron. i go to shows more than i go to school. i talk shit on people that talk shit on me. i dont like confrontations. im laid back to say the least. im not obese nor anorexic. im CHUBBY . im outgoing, outspoken. emotional. i like painting and writing, although i dont do much of it anymore. im extremely sarcastic, and that gets me into trouble. i smoke cowboy killers also known as marlboro reds, or any other cigarettes i can smoke. i will never put my tongue on a glued side of an envelope, ever since george's fiance died by licking wedding invitations, in seinfeld. i hate school and the "education", if you can even call it that, that they give us. i've never done an illegal drug in my life. well to me they should not have been illegal. ha. I drink, preferably on the weekends. until i can't see straight. i'm an amazing drunk. people love me even more so when i am inebriated. stupid drunk people irritate me, especially if i know them. i make people cry. i make people hate me. i make people i like, love me. i love the minimal amount of friends that i do have. ..RDO kid for life.<3 .. 4571 <3YORBA LINDA FOR LIFE<3
I scored a 82% on the "How OC are you?" Quizie!

aim = iwantyoulikeuh // gripitlikeacig // SUHIUT
LJ= iwantyoulikeuh // suhlut

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


...if you'd like to add me, and i have NO idea who you are...check out my real myspace by clicking here and add me there. so if i know you//talk to you add me here. thank you.
circa 1975

MySpace Comments

Myspace Layoutsbooya. gonna edit this but for now. this is good enough.

My Blog

seems like yesterday.

that you were here. laughing with me. talking about stupid highschool boys with me.bear with me here. im sick and can barely concentrate on anything right now. so this is def a's almost 8 year...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 01:40:00 GMT

rest in peace andrew. <3 1983-2009.

i'm already starting to cry again. just writing about this. i remember the first time we met. off freaking FTJ. how old school is that. before friendster, before myspace. when ratecali and face...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 22:20:00 GMT

its never goodbye. its see you later. love you forever andrew.<3

you were an amazing gorgeous person. both inside and out. your smile could light up a room. you were a true friend. and you being taken away from all your friends and family is one of the worst experi...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 01:28:00 GMT

knockin on my door.

i was talking to my mom today and told her how many people i've graduated with have started a family, whether that was getting knocked up accidently or actually getting married and starting a family t...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 14:11:00 GMT

baby time.

MySpace Countdownbooya.
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 23:06:00 GMT

mini update.

so its ridiculous that its two thousand eight already. and already the seventeenth at heres a mini update before i make a huge huge update in a few weeks if i have the time 2007 was a ho...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:42:00 GMT

almost SIX years.

so in little over a week. im going to be "celebrating" for lack of better words.. february 6th....6 years in a row without my best friend. 6 years of not having someone i can tell absolutly everything...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:16:00 GMT